Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 11:04:58 UTCComment #5440
Looking pretty nice, but is that terrain in the front of the screenie done with the old triangle method? Looks rather pointy - use displacement maps and make it look more smoothed-out? (or it already is and the screenie doesn't show it...?)
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 14:41:30 UTCComment #5443
also orphious (cant remember how to spell) is right about you being a good mapper so change the car road type thing to steps like he suggested on snarkpit
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 16:32:56 UTCComment #5448
it's Orpheus, and yes, I'll change that thing to stairs. The terrain is doen by using displacement surfaces, but its temporary. I need more triangles in it
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-06 21:05:29 UTCComment #5520
Those surfaces are made by displacement surfaces, if that's what you mean. That involves toying with vertexes. The wooden structures were also made by vertex manipulation.