Broken RMF (fy_spikes)

Counter-Strike CS
Broken RMF (fy_spikes) by whatever215
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-09 13:54:03 UTC • Problems • Counter-Strike
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Broken RMF (fy_spikes)
whatever215 whatever215
19 years ago2005-04-09 13:54:03 UTC
19 years ago2005-04-09 17:23:02 UTC
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i made a nice, spiky terrain with nemesis terrain generator. i exported it in .rmf format, opened it in hammer 3.4, added some entities (the problem really has nothing to do with entities, i think). i then compiled it with hammer. what i got is @#$%(&. i also found that when i saved the map in .map, all the 'triangles' (what i made with terrain gen) were given the aaa texture, and they were all just... have a look yourself. compare the rmf and the .map.
What's the problem?


Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 15:03:06 UTC Comment #6699
eeeek! there is more polygons in that small space than half of the entire HL1 game! I don't know what exactly your problem is besides the aaa texture, so I am guessing it is compile time or an error. Trust me on this, the terrain you generated in that map is actually real easy to make, it's just a bunch of spikes around a small path.

Take a look in 3d mode and fly around. You'll notice that the intire map is divided into many small triangles, and the spikes on top of those. The compile has to render each and everyone as a seperate brush, and since they are conncected split them up and the brushes that they split up need to be splitted, then light has to bounce everywhere on the map. It probably doesnt work becuase it's just an insane map. Don't use generators. Period.

Since I am feeling generous, I'll try to make a copy of this map but with realistic properties.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 16:23:03 UTC Comment #6700
ok here it is. obviously this isnt hardly usable but it gives you the general idea of how to make a map look like yours but still be able to work. make an outline of flat brushes that follow the edges of the "path". once you have the main area mapped out, start adding spikes to the walls. Try to make the spikes cover the walls enough so they look like your map enough, completely cover the walls, and have variences in height. (i didn't do that)

eventually you will have a map that looks sort of like yours, but slightly less visually appealing and it runs. you will also be able to make it 10 times bigger.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 16:41:19 UTC Comment #6701
dude, did you make those with hammer? nice... ALTHOUGH!!! - did you check the .map? the same problem this time. i won't even try to compile it... maybe i should stick to simple designs. so many of my ideads cannot be realized. how unfortunate.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 16:41:38 UTC Comment #6702
oh, yeah, and thanks for the help.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 18:28:33 UTC Comment #6705
thanks! yes i made those with hammer.
open my or your rmf. copy everything. make a new map and paste everything into that map. when you export to a .map file, the crap should be gone. this worked for me. i bet most of your ideas could be made, it's just that there are few mappers who can make their ideas without some loss in appearance/size.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-10 02:22:15 UTC Comment #6707
i did just like you said. i copied YOUR map into a new one, saved in .map. it's fine now, no aaa brushes. but compiling takes forever. it slows down drastically on HLVIS/LeafTHread. i am gonna scale down the map, i.e. the walls and 'ceiling' and see if it will compile faster this time.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-10 10:54:38 UTC Comment #6720
when you run the map, don't select expert. Then go down to where it says HLVIS and check fast, It won't even do leafthread, which takes the longest of all the stages.

did you make a skybox around the map or make it connected to the bottoms of the ground?
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-14 21:47:06 UTC Comment #6781
and another thing, never, ever use a terain generator, they don't work for HL, you get to many brushes

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