Commented 20 years ago2004-03-16 20:40:23 UTCComment #1275
try this: make a big block over half ur map. if it fixes the leaks, make the block smaller and try again. keep rying until the block is covering a small area of leaks, and then track them down.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 21:15:18 UTCComment #10400
I think this is supposed to be labeled "tfc_fallen" not "ctf" lol.
Well, I did not find the leak, but this .rmf contains some very complex, interesting architecture. I think this sort of architecture can cause "leaks" when there really aren't any. J.C mentioned having a similar problem with de_raid, which I think he eventually fixed by enclosing the supposed "leaks" with clip brushes.
Anyway looks excellent, especially the mine shafts and the waterfall/stream.
Get this to work so we might bask in all it's mapping glory
Commented 7 years ago2017-12-17 09:48:14 UTCComment #21133
Find your own leaks! Seems like a nice little map if you ever did finish this. Not sure about that underground passage though. Seems a weird spot for a detour.
Well, I did not find the leak, but this .rmf contains some very complex, interesting architecture. I think this sort of architecture can cause "leaks" when there really aren't any. J.C mentioned having a similar problem with de_raid, which I think he eventually fixed by enclosing the supposed "leaks" with clip brushes.
Anyway looks excellent, especially the mine shafts and the waterfall/stream.
Get this to work so we might bask in all it's mapping glory
PM me if i shall point them out like Tlax, or i can seal the leaks, then give the rmf. to you...