This map is to be the first of hopefully many 'puzzle maps,' as they seem to be quite successful. Each 'room' will contain about 6 challenges, as does this one. I hope everyone enjoys it!!
Please PM me with any ideas for later puzzles, I am hoping for about 6-10 maps in all, and don't want to run out of good ideas! You will of course earn you name in the readme and credits.
Thanks for looking / downloading / complaining,
@strider: cheers! I just put a clip brush over them!
the lasers are just stupid though. make them hurt.
The spinny-thingies were great.. so difficult until you figure out a tactic.
Hammers were.. meh.. nothing new.. and the ice was annoying because it took so long to be eaten.
The second 'puzzle' was cool
The third 'puzzle' was boring
The 4th 'puzzle' was cool.
The 5th 'puzzle' was stupid
The 6th 'puzzle' sucked.
It was to high..
Meh, I rarely play half-life and If I do, I don't do jumping courses ^^
AOE 3 ftw..
On the "Leap of Faith" I actually thought I had to jump all that distance. =D
Puzzle1 wasn't hard, took me bout 3respawns to get it right.
Puzzle2 was the hardest. although you could easily cheat it, by jumping on the metal support for the hammers, or by walking on the very edge of the catwalk. I didn't manage to do it in any other way.. Took me bout 6-8 respawns.
Puzzle3 was really easy. Took me only 1 respawn
Puzzle4 was ok, took me bout 3 respawns to do it right.
The lazer puzzle could have been quite hard, imo. But the lazers didn't hurt me, so it was useless.
And the leap of faith was really an interesting idea.
Great work! I'm lookin forward to more arenas!
Puzzle 1: Hard at first, but easy when you know how to do it
Puzzle 2: You can skip it in about three different ways, but again easy when you know how
Puzzle 3: My personal favourite, although it can be done in under 5 seconds... (or be completely) skipped
Puzzle 4: Made me feel ill, and why bother putting invisible pillars in the middle?
'Puzzle' 5: Pointless... Next
Puzzle 6: Idea good, done badly, doesn't work like the movie.
Overall some good and bad ideas. Try using a clip brush more on railings cause i could skip puzzles 2,3,4 by jumping them. I can complete the game in under 30 seconds this way... can anyone beat that?
Lighting (-/+) The lighting was fine. It wasn;t bad and it wasn't excellent.. I didn't notice it which is probably a good thing. It means it isn't too dark, it isn't too bright and its definately not bright pink iwth yellow spots. It suited the factory/mechanical theme that your map eminates.
Architecture (+) The architecture was a little bit blocky but for the most-part was good. it could have used some pipes or something scaling the wall just for a background thing to make the map feel like it has a purpose other than squishing you but yeah.. t'was fine.
Layout (+) The layout suited the style of map. Small path/corridoor into wide space with traps.. its the style for a trap map and you pulled it off well.
Gameplay (+) I want to give this 2 pluses but honestly, i think you could have done better with some of the traps... and most of them were very fun, don't get me wrong.. it WAS a fun map but also, some of them were really really frustrating. The very first one with the crates in the water. I think it should have been left until near the end as its one of the hardest and the barnacle on ice one should have a lower roof as its boring waiting to die ^_^ so, those points let it down a bit.
Overall (+) Overall, it's very fun, and i don't know if you were influenced by it or not, but i saw a few Indiana Jones references
Good work. Make the sequel!
- Texturing was bland...really bland. You only used few textures and you usally used only texture one per wall.
- Lightning was boring. You only used one kind of lightning all the way
Room 1:
+ Gameplay was quite fun. I liked jumping from each crate to crate while avoiding the water that makes you sufficate if you touch them.(at list change that damage type :P)
Room 2:
- Gameplay was horrible!!! I thought I needed to run and stop at some suffisticated times. But there is a time when all the hammer raise then you can run through it all.(if you jump at the end)
Room 3:
+ The game play was neat! I really liked trying to slide in a way the barrnicles wont eat me and then I'll bump in the rail and slide backwards. Reminds me of poll.
Room 4:
- It made me dizzy. couldn't concitrate...WHICH WASN'T FUN!!!
Room 5:
- The gameplay was boring! The lazers didn't hurt me so I just passed it.
Room 6:
- It was also boring. I just jumped forward two times and thats all!
The first one took me the longest. I recognized the pattern fairly quickly, but kept over/under jumping. This one took me like 15 minutes and was beautifully done imo. Did you have a method to create a navigable route, or did you use trial and error? I can't think of any way to improve this one except maybe space the boxes farther apart perhaps, and widen the start portal--Unless you did that purposely to encourage the wrong path.
The second seemed the hardest at first, but turned out to be the second easiest. Well, easiest if walking on the edge of the hammers was the primary solution. Was it possible to walk through the middle and not get pwned?
The third was nice and simualted ice pretty well. Funny too if you hit the railing you'd bounce into those damn monsters. This trap took me the second longest to complete.
The fourth made me almost puke, but was pretty easy. Which wasn't a bad thing imo. If you make them too hard, most people will noclip. I just jumped from the first to the 3rd merry-go-round, vomited, and jumped on the ledge
The fifth was arguably too easy, but a nice way to end it imo. End it on a light note, and who really cares, because your resident evil laser beams pwned all.
5 stars for gameplay/trap contstruction. I didn't really notice anything else.
Great Job, and another smart, inventive map by alexb911! The readme was most funny btw too
quote: The first 'puzzle' SUCKED! I had to noclip ffs..
I guess it sucked because you're a fucking moron, tool. 3 stars my fucking ass... 3 stars for your mom, maybe.
1: It was easy, but I found it a bit hard to jump off of the last box.
2: This one was hard at first, but after a couple tries I managed to get it.
3: Nice
4: By far the hardest, I kept getting to the second and then falling off.. I got stuck in the centre several times also.
5: Nice laser beams... but they didn't hurt the player :/
6: I still don't know how the hell i'm supposed to complete this.
This gets a 4 from me.
5*.. kurz & knapp
Thanks for clarifying that for everyone.