
Half-Life: Deathmatch HLDM
dm_poisongarden by Rimrook
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-31 09:46:06 UTC • Completed • Half-Life: Deathmatch
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Rimrook Rimrook
Half-Life: Deathmatch
19 years ago2006-01-31 09:46:06 UTC
5 years ago2019-09-09 20:34:36 UTC
4.82 (17)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (1.98mb)

UPDATE 9/9/2019:
• Thank Alberto309 for having all of the original files so this could be reuploaded in full!
• Poison and Healing zones are back in, it was the version he had.
UPDATE: The map was previously hosted at but the site went down. So I fixed it up a bit and reuploaded it.

Removed poison, no one liked them.
Removed healing zones, people liked them too much
Damage in the egon pool is survivable
No models, sprites, or too much extra downloading
Re-Vis'd it so lower r_speeds
More even and better lighting

After so much time, effort, and development, it finally made it to the map vault! This map isn't an easy map to run around on, and some of the items are difficult to obtain. Every source file and resource is included in one file right here.



Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 10:32:15 UTC Comment #10748
the pinnacle of mapping-moment has arrived...
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 10:39:58 UTC Comment #10749

<hits download button several times more than neccisary>
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 10:40:47 UTC Comment #10750
<P.S> Great host :) 300kbps constant
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 10:54:51 UTC Comment #10751
im on a piddly 2.3kbps.
Cant wait - is this your entry for Muzzle's compo?
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 11:08:30 UTC Comment #10752


The moment i spawned i knew i was going to enjoy the map, simply by looking at the uber-cool textures, and the great, interesting archiecture!
The textures were AWSOME, and they suited the theme sooo well!
The sprites were great, i mean REALLY great..
The gameplay looked in some places like it would be awsome, but in others, like it wouldn't be so good.. the long tunnel which goes round the map doesn't provide any cover and you could get raped with shotgun from behind.. also, dont try to use the RPG in confined areas :)

The layout is great, nothing too difficult to figure out, but it still managed to feel like one of your maps rimrook.. doesn;t seem to have and end and that idicates that it will flow beautifully...

Now onto the little details... The room above the RPG is... for lack of better wording - SEX.. like really.. really.. really... sex...
As is the part of the tunnel that sticks out from the main structure, giving thep layer a strange nausiating feeling, and i was rather paranoid at that point, having only just spawned from falling after trying to get the RPG :P

The egon room is unbelivable.. absolutely indescribable (so i took a screenshot :) ) it is just.. well.. rimrook-style goodness...

The healing rings are awsome.. i wanna know how you made them . was it decals?


The RPG floor is.. cool, yet frustrating.. i thought i had finally got over, (having just grabbed the RPG) little did i know that the floor surrounding the raised RPG platform was also breakable.. wheeeee. splunch! (splunch is a great word)

The poison was an interesting take on a DM match... it should make gameplay interesting, with players running to healing rings after getting poisoned, hoping against hope that they wont die after heroicly going for the stronger weapons.

There were a few things i didn't like however.

First, was the ambient light.. in the first room i spawned in, there is a hole in the roof, showing off the sky.. however, there is ambient lights shining down which is far too bright...

Second, was the yellow trim along a panel type thing which travvelled along above the tunnel in one section.. it was just plain yellow...

Well, i think thats it. Once again, awsome map rimrook..

(and another of your maps that i'm gonnah ave to pay child support to :P )
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 11:12:21 UTC Comment #10753

thats the screenshot of the Egon room btw.. its poison in that pool, an evil nemises for those wishing to grab the egon.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 12:15:32 UTC Comment #10754
the long tunnel which goes round the map doesn't provide any cover and you could get raped with shotgun from behind...
Oh yeah, let me mention that I got chased by snarks a full lap around the map through this tunnel during testing. :D
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 12:23:05 UTC Comment #10755
HAH! fun ^^
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:17:34 UTC Comment #10756
everything i want to say has been said. so Im just gonna quote hunter ;)


The moment i spawned i knew i was going to enjoy the map, simply by looking at the uber-cool textures, and the great, interesting archiecture!
The textures were AWSOME, and they suited the theme sooo well!
The sprites were great, i mean REALLY great..
The gameplay looked in some places like it would be awsome, but in others, like it wouldn't be so good.. the long tunnel which goes round the map doesn't provide any cover and you could get raped with shotgun from behind.. also, dont try to use the RPG in confined areas :)

The layout is great, nothing too difficult to figure out, but it still managed to feel like one of your maps rimrook.. doesn;t seem to have and end and that idicates that it will flow beautifully...

Now onto the little details... The room above the RPG is... for lack of better wording - SEX.. like really.. really.. really... sex...
As is the part of the tunnel that sticks out from the main structure, giving thep layer a strange nausiating feeling, and i was rather paranoid at that point, having only just spawned from falling after trying to get the RPG :P

The egon room is unbelivable.. absolutely indescribable (so i took a screenshot :) ) it is just.. well.. rimrook-style goodness...

The healing rings are awsome.. i wanna know how you made them . was it decals?


The RPG floor is.. cool, yet frustrating.. i thought i had finally got over, (having just grabbed the RPG) little did i know that the floor surrounding the raised RPG platform was also breakable.. wheeeee. splunch! (splunch is a great word)

The poison was an interesting take on a DM match... it should make gameplay interesting, with players running to healing rings after getting poisoned, hoping against hope that they wont die after heroicly going for the stronger weapons.

There were a few things i didn't like however.

First, was the ambient light.. in the first room i spawned in, there is a hole in the roof, showing off the sky.. however, there is ambient lights shining down which is far too bright...

Second, was the yellow trim along a panel type thing which travvelled along above the tunnel in one section.. it was just plain yellow...

Well, i think thats it. Once again, awsome map rimrook..
- hope you dont mind hunter!

btw the word for this is omfgtaculous. officialy.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:40:55 UTC Comment #10757
This site has some very competive mappers!
??Are you trying to atract attention or something??

And @Rimrook,map rocks as usual
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:53:42 UTC Comment #10759
High r_speeds are bad. This map caps at 900 wpoly and can be run in software mode if you hate laggy hardware acceleration.

About weapons, I figured since a player drops their weapons when fragged, it's not bad to have less weapons. Also, ever think that 1 person will get the egon, then that will get passed on several times. I think it fits the map's hardships. People should be thinking. "This sucks, I love this map!" Since people are becoming bored with even more senseless running around and killboxes.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 18:20:47 UTC Comment #10762
Amazing map, even more than i expected form the screenshots. A welldeserved 5 stars, I'd like to dicuss a possibility of csdm with this map with you over a PM conversation.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 18:28:32 UTC Comment #10763
OH MY GOSH <looks at screenshots in amazement> ...........
haven't even downloaded it yet and I already know it's going to be amazing! :)
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 20:15:19 UTC Comment #10765
Very nice. Great texturing an use of sprites, as others have mentioned. To me this map proved to be Rimrook style but different your other maps, for the good and for the bad (less bad than good of course): this time custom textures are even better than before, and brushwork is much more tidy than in your first maps (I'm remembering the doors in castle rimrook). The poison theme makes the map unique, yet sometimes frustrating. That was the intention of the map so it's not a negative comment.
However, it didnt feel as epic and awe inspiring as the reflecting room in "Castle Rimrook", "Rimrook Resort" or "Pristine Beach" (my favourite of the lot). I understand these maps were larger and had high r_speeds, but maybe that was part of their charm.
Great map anyway. In HLDM terminology, this would be "datacore" while the other maps are more "crossfire".
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-01 02:50:49 UTC Comment #10766
That is some awesome mapping.

heh when you shoot the plants on the walls blood comes out...
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-01 03:05:33 UTC Comment #10767

poison to safepoints give us expert fraggers an extra challenge rather then just shooting peeps its gonna change the way you play player will have to play more strategically!( get this guy then got to safehealth point ,then go in tunnel see two peeps in poison and your at 80hp- do you goto safe point? slightly engage? or go full out and go for the 2 frags and make it back in time to heal.
This level was cool it serves its purpose i loved the elevator that was a really intuitive way of doing things reminded me of the bad guys base in titan a.e or tron lol will be playing this on the server soon !
Now is it just me or did you place a power pack in the level? If not we will strip mod it and put one in!!!!! 5 stars deffinately with room to spare this is'nt a map that just makes 5 this is a well done map 5+
Way to go Rimrook

now are you going to enter this in competition?
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-01 18:20:04 UTC Comment #10770
It's brilliant, as everyone has said.

However, in my own personal taste, this is not your best ever work, Rimrook.

But still completely deserving of 5 stars.
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 09:49:52 UTC Comment #10773
Humiliating that one of my own maps killed me so many times during beta testing. It's perfect if you ask me.

I know i can't satisfy EVERYONE's taste in style and appearance. But dang, this IS my best map to my current standards. It performs awsomely AND it looks bitchin' sweet. two things that seem to conflict eachother all of the time for HL1. ciao
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 12:30:31 UTC Comment #10774
Available Again In: 24 days
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 13:47:10 UTC Comment #10777
I thought it was GREAT!!

It will defenitly add this yo my HLDM server.

Very masterfully done.

The only thing that I did not like was all the trigger hurts and I could not see a jump pack.

However all in all it was avery good map!!!!!!

Keep up the good work Rimrook!!!!
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 15:41:38 UTC Comment #10779
Link is fucked up, so I had to download it from muzz's server.
Everything basicly has been said, so i'll keep it short:

The map looked awesome. Yet, I wasn't 'loving it' like hunter and others..
I got frustrated a lot in this map, unlike kasperg, it anoyed the crap out of me. The poision is just plain nasty. How can I ever get those weapons in the poision areas? I figured out you could heal at those pillar thingies but still, I died to fastly in the poison.

It rather pissed me off and I stopped playing the map.
Maybe it's just me, but I hated the gameplay.
What can I say? I love brainless shooting wich you mostly do in hl maps.

Maybe you made a 'readme' file in the download wich explained the gameplay in details but like I said. Downloaded from server.

Still, 4 stars.
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 17:37:21 UTC Comment #10781
Rimrook please reupload it somewhere! :)
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-03 11:46:47 UTC Comment #10791
Bandwidth limit exceeded. Get better hosts :x .
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-03 15:24:53 UTC Comment #10792
I agree with FresheD. The poison is actually a pain in the butt during gameplay, the damage that it causes is just way too high. And even if you can escape from a poison cloud, you'll die, because it "keeps on burning" after you've touched it.

Don't get me wrong, the map itself HAWT! :)
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-03 19:31:15 UTC Comment #10793
Linky fixxy
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-04 07:59:20 UTC Comment #10795
told you,that fileupyours would cause trouble :P
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-04 15:23:53 UTC Comment #10797
Whoa, the screenie makes me dizzy--PWN!

At the beginning, I would like to say thank you for including the source files! Did you use Textlights at all? You left out the dm_poisongarden.rad if you did :)

+Poison sprites look great!
+Excellent Idea with the rotating glyph-thinies
+Weapons platform/glyphs pwn!
+Excellent effect with the obeleisk glow textured down the stairs--exquisite!
+Main circurar room looks amazing!
+Nice Ambients
+Interesting, original layout

-some stuck points in the tunnel--inside part of the turns therein
-neat stuff in the poison areas, but you don't have much time to appreciate them while you're dying :P

I'm still not sure how I feel 'bout the poison concept. I mean it's definitely original, and cool, but you might consider perhaps lessening the damage or changing it around a bit--godmode turn on!

That nonwithstanding, this is 5-star work all the way in terms of just about every category.

Another superb uber-quality map from Rimrook!

5 Stars
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-04 20:04:58 UTC Comment #10800
ZOMG! Its beautiful!

This map kicks ass!
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-05 02:59:49 UTC Comment #10806
just a question - how come no-one winges about the screenie? It shows nothing of the map, but when i do some similiar its 'oh fuck, no ones gonna download without a screenie!, screenies are really important"???? HUH?

nice map though
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-05 06:51:03 UTC Comment #10807
lol cause everyone knows Rimrooks maps are gonna be good.
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-06 14:10:43 UTC Comment #10817
Because I released a dozen screens in the forums. Follow this link and see for yourself. :D
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-09 08:00:21 UTC Comment #10837
If i would judge by the looks it would be a 5*

But when i played it with more people i found out that the map was nothing but good looks. Gameplay isn?t interesting and were ever you go you get hurt, or you get more HP. So it?s VERY easy to get confused, "is someone shooting at me or am i just losing HP?!"

If i only would rate gameplay it would be a 1 or 2 but it?s so damn good looking so it?s a 3 from me.
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-12 09:56:49 UTC Comment #10850
instead of making people download poison garden lite i they want better gameplay, can you not reduce the poison hurt in this one so that people can have good gameplay AND sexeh looks?
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-14 16:52:41 UTC Comment #10853
Face it, the gameplay in the map isn?t fun, getting hurt or not...

But it do look sexy... by looks it?s one of the best i've seen, but i wouldn't play it more than that one time i tryed it at school with some friends...
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 10:30:45 UTC Comment #11684
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-20 16:36:24 UTC Comment #11960
This pwns any graffix ive seen in my life. You deserve a medal. :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-14 19:25:24 UTC Comment #12236
i agree too much hurt...kewl map-looks like you put a lot of time into it.
Commented 18 years ago2007-02-03 22:55:07 UTC Comment #14142
What I Like best is the unique things to look at.
The Glyphs are very neet.
Commented 15 years ago2010-02-27 14:19:14 UTC Comment #17884
Excellent. I'd love to try it in multiplayer (as in, with more than 1 player :P ).
Commented 13 years ago2011-11-17 11:15:10 UTC Comment #19544
The download is broken. You can find it here:

Edit: Thanks for fixing it
Commented 2 years ago2022-06-28 16:09:29 UTC Comment #104594
The "sound" folder was misnamed (it was named "sounds") and the game couldn't find the sound file so I took the liberty of fixing that in the download
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 19:25:51 UTC Comment #105237
This does not look like a goldsrc map...

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