This is an example of the type of twisted pillar that was seen in de_arkanos, a map by Skaarj. It was discussed in the forums a lot, and finally I found out how to make it, using lots of vertex manipulation.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-29 02:46:00 UTCComment #12406
Very cool method!
At first I was perplexed how you did it, but as soon as I got the first set of piece done, it was copy/paste, put it into position, and finally rotate the outer vertices 15?, and simply repeat.
Then when one "blade" is done, simply copy, paste, and rotate 90? for each remaining side.
Very nice work, and the finished product is very clean.
This gives me some ideas mwhahahaha! <rowleybob twiddles fingers like Mr. Burns. :P>
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-30 04:27:54 UTCComment #12415
Yes, of course I looked at it. I was the first to download! Your method was nearly the same as mine, except I made one piller side at a time, then copied it and rotate it 4 times. And mine ended up looking too long and thin, too... Okay, you win, but I still submitted before you, haw-haw!
At first I was perplexed how you did it, but as soon as I got the first set of piece done, it was copy/paste, put it into position, and finally rotate the outer vertices 15?, and simply repeat.
Then when one "blade" is done, simply copy, paste, and rotate 90? for each remaining side.
Very nice work, and the finished product is very clean.
This gives me some ideas mwhahahaha! <rowleybob twiddles fingers like Mr. Burns. :P>
Maybe we should have some mini brushing competitions more often!