
Day of Defeat DOD
dod_siwa by replica
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-10 00:54:03 UTC • Completed • Day of Defeat
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replica replica
Day of Defeat
18 years ago2006-12-10 00:54:03 UTC
18 years ago2006-12-10 00:54:03 UTC
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I made this desert map for dod 1.3 to hopefully add to its lacking amount of competitive maps even though i doubt it plays well at all. This is also my first ever completed map(not exactly finished but im putting it in the completed maps section because this is the only copy ill be posting). it has roof problems because of the way i skied it. id like to know what you think and give me some suggestions(and i dont really care what you rate it because i already know how bad it is).


Commented 18 years ago2006-12-10 02:52:08 UTC Comment #13647
Some great looking stuff, but not without problems.

Before I say anything I would recommend ditching filefront for some better hosting--unless you like annoying people. Filefront fucking sucks with their fucking forced adverts :| /rant

+Superb architecture.
+Interesting layout
+good lighting.
=mostly good texturing
-unrealistic clipped barriers
--disappearing faces everywhere on the map

The texuring is great mostly, but some on the temple/pyramid and the other parts looks too generic and plain imo. I would recommend finding somebody who is really good at texturing--that's not mee--, and ask them for advice maybe.

Are there any sounds in the map, even wind? Add some sounds! :) I just got done playing the They Hunger mod, and you should see how astonishingly well they utilize ambience to add realism in that mod!!

At the allies spawn where your walking up the sand dune, there is nothing blocking your path, but yet you cant proceed. I would try to think of a more realistic way of blocking the player, like with barbed wire, debris, etc.

However, the worst problem of the map is all the disappearing faces, pretty much all over the map. Either you've nulled things you think the player can't see, or the brushes are borked. You definitely have to fix this imo.

Anyway, all said, it's really solid work. I hope you finish it :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-12 03:11:34 UTC Comment #13665
thanks for the analysis. all very good points. i know what you mean when you say the texturing on some of the buildings is plain/bland. ill have to work in some other textures. about the ambience, id add ambience and env_sounds but i made this map for the competitive community in dod(whats left of it) and people usually just use stopsound in console and env_sounds can get annoying. i may fix the clip barrier and add something that would actually block you like in the axis spawn with the tank/sandbags. the dissapearing faces is a real nasty issue id like to fix. id have to rearrange the sky brushes and its gonna be a pain. thanks again for the review, greatly appreciated.

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