Santa's Revenge (SP Mod)

Half-Life HL
Santa's Revenge (SP Mod) by hlife_hotdog
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 22:33:32 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Santa's Revenge (SP Mod)
hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog
Mod files
18 years ago2006-12-21 22:33:32 UTC
13 years ago2011-03-02 14:27:40 UTC
4.60 (5)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (Hosted Externally)

Here it is! Santa's Revenge is FINISHED! I was pushing to make it by christmas but I managed it. Here's the short story:
Have you got a grudge against Santa?
Let me guess he didn't give you what you wanted for Christmas? Get your own back in Santa's Revenge!

Santa has gone insane!

That's right, He's no longer putting lumps of coal in all the children's stockings. He is taking vengeance on all the naughty, ungrateful children by capturing and killing them. Without the kindness of their leader to pacify them, his elves are killing on
sight! Grab your Xmas Treebar and your Gattlin' Cannon and get out there to save the children and STOP that Santa.

This Single Player mod contains five maps, new weapons, textures and models. There is no Multiplayer,
but using Spirit of Half-Life, there are surprises around every corner. In your quest to stop Santa, you will
face his small army of elves, dwarves and magical snowmen as you progress through Santa's workshop.

This download is 20 mb and contains an install program that will install Santa's Revenge to your computer.
Please read the information and license agreements before installing Santa's Revenge. If you need help or
any useful tips for when you get stuck then email me at - I'll send you the tip sheet.

Please, please, please make a comment on my mod. I put a great deal of work into this thing and I would really appreciate you feedback. Thanks


Commented 18 years ago2006-12-21 22:39:07 UTC Comment #13777
You scared me into thinking you were going to have the player be Santa for a second there. Downloading right now.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-22 00:42:56 UTC Comment #13778
would this work with half-life:source ??
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-22 01:13:27 UTC Comment #13779
Of course not. Half-Life: Source uses the Source engine...
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-22 03:38:45 UTC Comment #13781
Interesting concept...but I did have some problems with it.

First, I don't think you gave the player enough ammo to start with. Of course, it could just be the fact that I suck.

Second, the models. They were kind of blocky, and plus, what was up with the vikings and the anime characters? They didn't quite fit with the Christmas-gone-horribly-wrong theme, and neither did Freeman and his orange hazard suit. The evil snowmen were a nice touch, but it takes forever to kill them, and it would've been better if they bled white blood instead of alien yellow.

Third, it may just be my crappy computer, but you were averaging 9000 epolys in some places, which led to a considerable slowdown.

Yeah, so good concept, but still some problems.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-22 12:04:39 UTC Comment #13791
Yay, an xmas mod! ^^
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-23 09:48:24 UTC Comment #13798
Sorry to all for any bugs but I'll answer a few of your questions here. I know it's slow but I have a problem with VIS. Most of the time I have to run VIS on '-fast' cause it will sit there for hours and hours and hours getting nowhere. Something happened to the assassin model elf, it is just a copy of the grunt model but something went wrong, I don't know what. I am new to using Spirit, so it could have been better I admit but for now I am learning to use it. I needed kid models and that was all I could get within my time frame and they're DWARVES not vikings.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-23 14:10:11 UTC Comment #13800
First of all - this really brought the christmas spirit to the ole' HL.
As for the review:

+ Architecture. It was quite clean and overall realistic. Almost every area from the bumpy snow at the surface to the caves and the reindeer room was realistic and quite interesting. On the other hand - the corridors in the underground area were really dull and blocky. Some sticking out trims, or even pipes would've been great. Anyways - the overall architecture was really great.

+ Texturing. I liked the custom textures and the lil' details, like chains on the locked doors, or the names of each reindeer in their liftoff room. The cave/other areas were also interesting and not very repeating.

+ Atmosphere. From the music to the christmas lights and snow - it really felt like it was white xmas. While almost all of your rooms had great ambience, the lighting was quite repeating and boring. The yellow vs. white theme is really a bit too dull. The only area, where the lighting was great was the surface. It really felt like a snowstorm.

+ Custom content. The gifts replacing ammo and other items and new weapons were great, although I didn't like having the HEV suit displayed as clips of ammo. You could have just removed the HEV startup sentences from the sentences.txt to avoid the sounds and placed the HEV suit right at the player.
The santa, elves and dwarves models were great, although I really agree with Boxtop on those anime children models. They just didn't fit.
I also loved the snowman zombies and the way they die. They really added a lot, although you could have replaced the default zombie sounds with something different.
The game crashed 3 times, while playing too. You should sort that out.

+ Enemy/ammo placement. I think you've balanced it quite well. The gameplay was decently heavy on hard, but I've managed most of the areas without quickloading more than twice.

Overall - a great christmas mod. It lacked stability, but I must say, that the experience was rather pleasing. The ending was also awesome.
Great work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-23 21:21:28 UTC Comment #13804
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-23 21:40:26 UTC Comment #13805
This mod was made with Spirit of Half-Life so any crashes would have to be taken up with Laurie Cheers. I was also squished for time to get this up before christmas so I only had three weeks to make this mod so I will admit, if I had more time, I could have done better. Again, I apologise for the third level being slow, I usually can't run VIS on normal because it just doesn't compile, so the last three levels were compiled on the '-fast' setting. Sorry about that. There was also a new grenade model that I made myself. I am not much of a model maker but I can animate models really well. Thanks for all your comments, I appreciate the feedback :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-24 10:55:56 UTC Comment #13811
Ah I forgot about that grenade model, I'll quickly edit my review and mention it.
Commented 18 years ago2007-01-11 23:43:07 UTC Comment #13975
I finally got this to work by taking unloading the pak file into my spirit folder--I couldn't get the minimod format to work.

The first chapter is extraordinarily good, and you pulled off the Christmas theme awsomely!!1

+great cutscene
+Nice general mapping
+Player/weapon model repalacements lol!!!
+fun gameplay
+good sounds and intro music
+spawning elves zomg!!!11

At the end of the second chapter in the stables, I couldn't figure out how to proceed after killing all the elves down there, please pm to advise.

Anyway, 5 stars for a superbly-themed and FUN Christmas map!!!
Commented 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:48:32 UTC Comment #15638
It crashed everytime at the beginning intro, I couldn't find any solutions. I even looked into the folder too see if I could find the map names, thus skipping the part with the error. Other than that the splash background made me chuckle, and the ingame models are well suited, 4 Stars from me. Good job!
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-30 18:31:06 UTC Comment #17101
Please somebody upload this mod to rapidshare,or another mirror,because i cant download from filefront,and send me link of the file to my e-mail
Commented 12 years ago2013-02-03 01:41:28 UTC Comment #20242

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