Dynamic Light

Half-Life HL
Dynamic Light by Windawz
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-17 19:34:49 UTC • Examples • Half-Life
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Dynamic Light
Windawz Windawz
7 years ago2017-05-17 19:34:49 UTC
7 years ago2017-05-17 20:33:43 UTC

You can make almost any brush-based or point-based entity emit dynamic light by turning off Smart Edit and adding a parameter "effects" with the value of 8 or 4.


Commented 7 years ago2017-05-18 19:32:07 UTC Comment #20990
god damned hl is full of secrets
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-18 23:37:59 UTC Comment #20991

Yeah. Found this at some russian site. If I would know if I'm allowed to post here links to other web-sites I would credit it.
What's interesting is that the features like dynamic lighting, dynamic shadows and a lot of other cool stuff are the remains of the Alpha version of Half-Life.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-19 17:52:54 UTC Comment #20992
Dynamic lights are a remnant of quake but its quite used like for explosions, rpg, flashlight. But i guess having too many of these dynlights is going to choke even a modern cpu
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-19 18:08:20 UTC Comment #20993

But HL Alpha had all this as well. If you want to see more stuff like that I can give you a link on that site. It's in russian but I can try to translate it for you. You can also find there some interesting info about info_node. It appears that there are different types for info_node, even some for the stukabat.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-21 13:31:27 UTC Comment #20997
Nice little find, first time i am seeing this. I am thinking of a day/night cycle trickery when i'll actually fire up gs again. What about the dynamic shadows? Better yet, where'd you get this from?
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-21 15:55:20 UTC Comment #20998

Where did I get this? Here you go: http://ralertmod.narod.ru
I hope you know russian well. Though I can help you with translating it.
Dynamic Shadows is something GS can't handle. Though, HL Alpha had dynamic shadows from monsters.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-28 23:48:01 UTC Comment #20999

Though, is it just me or the light flickers?
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-29 04:08:05 UTC Comment #21001
It does, but dude... It's DYNAMIC! There are so many usages for it, even though it flickers. You can use it to make a swinging lightbulb for example. You just need a proper entity setup. Func_pendulum won't work though, for many reasons.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-03 09:44:09 UTC Comment #21002
I'm an amx pawn scripter and can do it another way, giving an entity flashlight and customizing some of its properties xd. Though, this is impressive, thanks for sharing.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-03 10:06:10 UTC Comment #21003

You should also thank the guys from this site: ralertmod.narod.ru.
I shared it with you all here because it looks like that site is dead, but who knows...
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-12 21:02:11 UTC Comment #21004
HL probably has a whole lot more of things left unexplored and hidden away.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-13 16:28:48 UTC Comment #101981
Whats smart edit?
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-13 23:47:03 UTC Comment #101982

In Hammer-like editors (Hammer, Sledge, Jackhammer aka J.A.C.K., etc.), SmartEdit is a feature that replaces internal keyvalue names with more readable and comprehensible ones if there are any listed in the loaded fgd file. It also enables dropdown lists or color pickers on some keyvalues so you don't have to set the values by hand. But it's fgd-dependent too.

The point in turning SmartEdit off is that with it turned on you can't add custom keyvalues and can only edit the ones predefined in the fgd file. The "effects" key isn't listed in most fgds (or likely none at all), so you either have to add it by hand with SmartEdit off or add the key to your fgd file, making it appear in the entity's properties as you want it to with SmartEdit enabled.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-15 10:13:29 UTC Comment #101986

Thank you for explaining. I am using Quake Army Knife for mapping. I guess I just need to add effects at specific.
How to increase brightness radius of this entity? I tried almost every parameter. Only speed is working.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-15 17:28:12 UTC Comment #101987

You probably can. It's a hacky setup and the keyvalue is used for some other internal purpose by the game most likely. You can experiment and try changing the value of the key to some other numbers. I recall that you can also get the yellow particles appear around the entity (usually you see them if a monster is stuck) or get a huge version of the dlight instead. Also you can get combinations of these effects, but I don't remember the exact values. I remember though that they loop at some point, so entering some huge number could give you the same result as entering something very small.

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