Opposing Force grunts for Blue Shift and Half-Life
Made by Overfloater/DoomMusic
This is a model pack that replaces the original Half-Life grunt models and their voice lines with the ones from Opposing Force. For installation, just extract the contents of the "install" folder into your Half-Life/bshift or Half-Life/valve folder. For installing the custom sounds, you need to do the following:
- For the original Half-Life, open up the "sentences_add_halflife.txt" file, navigate to Half-Life/valve/sound and in the sentences.txt, delete everything starting with the prefix "HG_" until the line "//narrative". Then you'll want to copy the contents of the "sentences_add" file in place of what you just deleted.
- For Blue Shift or other mods, you'll want to do the same, except with the "sentences_add_other.txt".
This pack includes some sentences spliced together so that the grunts in Half-Life refer to Gordon, instead of just speaking regular OpFor grunt lines, thus the two files for sentences. Death sounds and pain sounds are also replaced with the lines from OpFor.
I've included the decompiled model and the source files for anyone who wants to make their own edits.
- The models are entirely free of any kind of UV shifting, unlike most packs you find online. This was ensured by the use of my custom model compiler, which is available on GameBanana as "DoomMusic's Studiomdl".
- All textures have been resized to power of two resolutions, in order to avoid GoldSrc mutilating texture quality when it would resize the textures itself to power of two resolutions. This should provide better texture quality ingame.
--Credits list--
Model edits and sound splicing:
Original models and animations:
Hope you enjoy this model pack.
Don't worry I'll credit you