Made by Adriano Siciliano (P R I N C E) in 2022 , over 2 days.
Suitable for 2 to 4 players
This is my first time using a mapping tool , i was inspired by the map evil_noob to take a sp map and turn it into a deadmatch one .
The execution is messy at some spots ,do to the inaccuracies of winbsp and by my lack of knowledge of how to correct them (thats why i blocked the path to the exit , i couldnt fix the transparent brushes).If you want to take a shot at them i left the .jmf in the extra folder
However i belive i did a good job at placing spawns , weapons , items etc.The Sachels are easy (and fun!) to use due to the height difference. I also added extra ladders and made the bridge and boxes not breakable for better gameplay flow
Works well with Jumbot.
PD:The last screenshot (the one with the 357.revolver) shows the final lighting.