An intertwined network of vent passages leads you into an enormous warehouse. Thick concrete walls, stale air and immense darkness - not a welcoming environment. The soft, deep pounding sounds beyond the metal hull remind you that you shouldn't spend much time here. The calamity is approaching.
One map, 15-20 minutes of gameplay. If you feel like you got stuck, look around. There are autosaves, but I recommend to save often.
Play on medium or hard(the latter is more fun).
The map looks best on the default gamma(2.2). It is also big, and the average wpoly is 3500.
It plays music at certain moments, so turn it on.
Contains custom models and sounds.
Big thanks to the QR's Board of Directors for the initial appraisal.
Texturing — 5
Ambience — 8
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 10
It's a fun ride, and a wonderful first release. Give it a shot.
QR Board of Directors approval status: Verified
It's so full of action and fun ideas. There's always stuff to explore and multiple paths.
A must play!