Competition: Laser Fun

Competition Status: Closed View Results
Open Date
21 years ago2003-04-05 00:00:00 UTC
Close Date
21 years ago2003-04-19 23:59:59 UTC
Full Map
Allowed Engines
Judging Type
Judged (all engines combined)

User posted image
Here's an entity-specific contest that could prove quite exciting.
You're to design something, anything at all, that involves
lasers (using env_laser or env_beam entities). The machine you
encounter at the beginning of HL comes to mind. But don't
limit yourself to big spinning gadgets. It can be a gun, a security
system, a teleporter, some kind of power system. Anything. You
can 'script' it so it does a sequence of events when triggered.
You can use other entities to add sound, light, sprites, gibs, etc. Of course the more exciting and original your 'thing' is, the better your chance of winning.


Another bunch of creative entries. The three maps demonstrate the laser entity in completely different and original ways, and since the RMFs have all been provided, you should be able to get something extra out of the maps as well. Download them all now!
1st Place - SlayerA
LDSF, in case you're wondering, stands for Laser Deployed Security Force. Naturally. And it's great. Pick up some ammo and wonder out into the hanger-type room and, whoa, what was that?! A few seconds later you're shooting frantically and running for the health charger.

Who would have thought to use lasers like that? The great original idea is helped by its cool execution. And of course the lasers look good too. Download this map and have a go!

Oh, and open the RMF up in Hammer as well. 'Nuff said.
2nd Place - LightForce
That's Odd
Whoa! Run this map and see if you can count the lasers! It all looks great and there's even an amusing scripted story behind it (which will explain where the title comes from). And check out those rats!

There's a huge load of entities behind this map. Need a real example to help you with scripted sequences or sentences, multimanagers or func_trains?... you'll find them all here.
3rd Place - Andy
Random Betrayal
Another strange one! Impressive stuff, but there's even more going on behind the scenes. Open up the RMF in Hammer and you'll get a great example of how to create a randomiser in-game using lasers. Those exploding sprites you see aren't the same every time!


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