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Judging is complete and here are the results for the Make Black Mesa Come Alive Competition that recently closed!

Congratulation to the winners, and thank you to all entrants! Some great maps were created for this competition! Go play 'em!

See the full results here.
User posted image
First Place: First Day at Black Mesa by EljanoCZE

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_Vissova_9 hours ago2024-12-03 22:47:45 UTC 2 replies
There is some complex texturing in some of my maps, so that could be why decals appear in weird places? The above example map doesn't have any edited texture transforms though so it doesn't explain de...
purblepale1 day ago2024-12-03 00:44:26 UTC 0 replies
Hope making only one didn't completely kill my motivation, here ya go!; :D
The only thing I could think of as to why is because I'm using hardlinks (using Link Shell Extension) to make it seem like the contents of a common folder are in another place. And yes, I've explicitl...
FreeSlave2 days ago2024-12-01 13:20:37 UTC 52 replies
Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed in the next version.

This is the consequence of switching to Visuals that allow for render parameters customization. I didn't properly define the default Visual...
Meerjel012 days ago2024-12-01 13:04:09 UTC 64 replies
The fox head in the videos looks square. It's a Foxbox.

Poll See all

Posted 3 months ago2024-08-09 05:53:18 UTC • Voting closed • 10 comments
What is your favourite official Half-Life game/expansion?

(If you actually want to vote for Decay or Lost Coast, I've decided they don't count. Let me know about how upset you are in the comments!)
  • Half-Life: 39% (29 votes)
  • Half-Life 2: 20% (15 votes)
  • Opposing Force: 17% (13 votes)
  • HL2 Episode 2: 11% (8 votes)
  • Blue Shift: 8% (6 votes)
  • HL2 Episode 1: 3% (2 votes)
  • Alyx: 3% (2 votes)