Spearhead is a singleplayer level, but since it's an unfinished version, you can only get to the entrance of the storage facility. Tell me what you think of it, if you have any suggestions, if you've found a bug (when I tested it, it ran great with no errors), etc. Note: Spearhead is supposed to be hard, so if you find that it's easy, please tell me.

Anyway, I'm currently working on the second level, though I may need to go back to the first and fix a weird problem with an env_sound I was having. What happens is that it seems to follow you around, which is really awkward because it's set as water. Oh well, I'll fix it somehow.
As for a storyline, hmmmmmmm. . . I may just make it a long mod. . .
In the meantime, you can always get it from the rain tutorial.
Try removing unused WADs from the options before you compile. I get have that problem all the time... from not removing ricochet.wad before I map a regular map.
"if you have a map file it works better."
No, it doesn't. MAP files lose all their groupings, RMF is better... but a BSP is all you should publish unless you want people looking behind the scenes.
"how could you put them all into one file?"
Check out "Setting up a Mod" in the tuts section.
+funny that the door flops down on the grunts!
-add an autosave!
+liked the individual ammo crates with all the well, ammo
-camera holdtime is to long as i'm getting pwned and can't do anything useful while the camera is showing!
-end is abrupt an anti-climatic, no real story which would have been nice as well!