Dying at Sea

Half-Life HL
Dying at Sea by 2muchvideogames
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-17 04:09:50 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Dying at Sea
2muchvideogames 2muchvideogames
15 years ago2009-12-17 04:09:50 UTC
15 years ago2010-01-26 06:02:31 UTC
3.50 (4)
full star full star full star half star empty star Download

For those cool people who still play Half-Life ONE, I have here a short single-player mission where you are given objectives to complete and enemies to deplete. The setting is on a ship in the ocean (rather unconventional for Half-Life maps. Most take place in a lab or a warehouse...you know.) And there is a bit of stealth involved, (not the impossibly difficult stealth sequence from The Gate, no this one is fairly reasonable.)


Commented 15 years ago2009-12-17 22:08:08 UTC Comment #4407
Pretty good for your 3rd map.
*Sequences for the grunts were used well, like the guy that falls off the boat when you kill him, and the patrols, ect. I especially liked the guy working on the crack in the wall.
*Props were used well, and they're not usually used in vanila HL.
*The lighting was pretty moody and nice, too.
Now, a minuses
*With the loud AR and pistol, it didn't feel very stealthy to run around the level.
*It was kinda a drag to not be able to pick up the rocket launcher.
*No autosaves! With a level like this, I can't stress autosaves enough!

Good setting and whatnot, but I'd work on brushwork a bit. It wasn't bad, but kind of plain. I look forward to you getting better, your maps are good for a beginner. Try to work on your skills in textures and whatnot, at the very least it would be nice to have some custom signs in your levels.

Keep at it!
Commented 15 years ago2009-12-20 17:12:55 UTC Comment #4381
I agree with JeffMOD here. I would like to add the follow though:
  • Try using texture lights, they light up your map much more realistic way.
  • The wooden crates annoyed me. Noone enjoys whacking a crate for like 10 seconds only to find out there's nothing in it. Crates should be destroyed in 1 or 2 crowbar hits.
  • I suggest compiling with HLFIX. Take the wooden chair in the control cabin for example: it looks weird. HLFIX fixes that.
  • Is there an ending? After clearing that room with the unusable rocket launcher, i was looking all over the place for an exit. Make it clear to the player when he's finish the map by using a game_text entity and/or a trigger_end_section.
Still, good job, and keep mapping!
Commented 15 years ago2010-01-03 19:18:13 UTC Comment #4329
Feedback received. I really appreciate that which others can see what I see not. I'm glad the sequences are working nicely (they were responsible for the crashes experienced in earlier stages of development..)

Unfortunately I have no ability to chug out custom content, including silenced weapon models, sounds, textures or even better architecture (remember I'm your low-level WON Software buddy.)

ON A SIDE NOTE: The outdoor crates are purely for ambience/cover and have nothing in them. But the crates indoors can have stuff and should be destroyed 'in one or 2 crowbar hits'. And also there is an endsection; it is triggered when you have completed all four objectives listed in the readme. (Wow, my first time using multisource) I'm not sure of the text limit on game_text so I didn't use it. Once again, thanks for them feedback and especially them encouragements!
Commented 15 years ago2010-02-06 13:46:20 UTC Comment #17944
+Nice old-school architecture
+nice use of func_tank but kind of useless (the machine gun)
+RPG grunt

-I danced in front of the scripted_grunts, they did nothing.
-I need some armor to kill all of those grunts.
-Rooms can use some detail.
-A bit hard perhaps, I didnt see any health chargers, maybe I missed it.

But very good for a 3rd map. If it is your 3rd map.
Commented 15 years ago2010-02-08 21:44:58 UTC Comment #17896
sajo: which grunt(s) did you dance in front of? I find that there is a dilemma between using script sequences and path corners, there are problems with both setups..

btw there is a health charger, in the bathroom.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-25 17:19:34 UTC Comment #18566
I find that often times I'm spotted right as the map loads and then I get all the grunts outside attacking me at once.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-27 21:15:55 UTC Comment #18574
reely? I don't think I've ever seen that happen before. what can I say about them scripted_sequences.
Commented 7 years ago2018-03-17 23:00:18 UTC Comment #21317
Some truly awesome scripting, too bad HL doesn't integrate it too well with AI.

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