
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 13:47:51 UTC in vault item: Tracktrain Comment #1416
its very fun to ride that train! shame that i'm playing only cs, but i can imagine how fun it would be shooting at the zombies from it :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 13:14:01 UTC in vault item: de_sahara Comment #1415
Very nice.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 13:13:29 UTC in vault item: de_rocket Comment #1414
Very nice looking...but stay on the site.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 12:44:26 UTC in vault item: The Office (No, the Dorm!) Comment #1413
essential: He uploaded it so I could download it, cause his mail wasnt working.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 12:39:23 UTC in vault item: The Office (No, the Dorm!) Comment #1412
yeah, right, 1 room and coridor. very interesting. besides coridor is too long, to create rotating door read tutorials (using origin)
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 11:28:56 UTC in vault item: Breakaway State Comment #1411
slipi got skillz
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 11:04:07 UTC in vault item: de_rocket Comment #1410
Your maps look good though...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 11:03:53 UTC in vault item: de_rocket Comment #1409
j00 r teh join-submit-leave guy
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 09:06:58 UTC in vault item: Breakaway State Comment #1408
Points taken, expect a number of waypoints along the main routes and a flashy 'ESCAPE' sign of some kind near the elevator.

But as for the ambience, there is already wind, triggered wren/ak47 and a couple looping machinery sounds. The reason you might have missed those is probably because all of them are configured very subtly (low volume).

Thanks for the input.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 08:24:30 UTC in vault item: Breakaway State Comment #1407
map is very detailed, nice textures, original idea (as_map). can't say anyything about gameplay (tested it alone), but there isn't too many alternative ways (like in cs_barcelona :), but i was looking 4 vip escape zone over 10 min (there could be a sign "EXIT" or "ESCAPE" near elevator). also there could be ambience sounds to make perfect atmosphere. 5 stars
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 06:27:28 UTC in vault item: Breakaway State Comment #1406
Sorry for the double-post, any way to remove it?
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 06:24:57 UTC in vault item: Breakaway State Comment #1405
Btw, if by chance any modelers with some spare time to burn will read this; get in touch if you are interested in collaborating on this baby. The level desperately needs props to set the mood right.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 05:09:04 UTC in vault item: The Barcelona Gig [w/ source] Comment #1403
Incase someone still hasn't found it; you can get the BSP from
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-25 23:40:19 UTC in vault item: Test Room Comment #1402
Barney can't climb the step into the hallway. Make the floor of the hall level with the floor of the room. Or make a ramp leading up to the hall.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-25 18:48:25 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1401
The screenshot serves a different purpose here - its the valve intro - the screenshot reminds you of that
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-25 17:47:17 UTC in vault item: Breakfree Comment #1400
Looks cool!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-25 16:43:27 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1399
did you actualy downloaded it watermelon??? it was never used this intro, kol should use a other screenshot
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-24 12:07:22 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1398
yeah i know, everyone said it was 4 star, i think someone rated ti 4 times, becasue it was four times rated, then one xtra download and 4 tra ratings. i think im gonna put the rating systme off until there is somethign better. just tell me what you think:P
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-24 10:56:15 UTC in vault item: fy_dustarena Comment #1397
...and it sucked, right?
Just joking :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-24 06:19:08 UTC in vault item: Hotel_unfinished Comment #1396
So what should i do to fix the wad problem? Is any1 else having a problem running the map?
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-24 06:05:01 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1395
This rating system is screwed. This map has dropped to a 3 star rating even though everyone here has said '4 Stars'. Come on my first map got 3 stars and it was no where near the quality of this one!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 14:33:49 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1394
I made a CS map at night. Look at that for reference. Search for cs_thugstreet.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 14:24:22 UTC in vault item: fy_dustarena Comment #1393
QUOTE FROM JAX: first akways has to be a fy... UNQUOTE

My first and only CS map was a CS_
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 14:04:52 UTC in vault item: Timefall (SP Mod) Comment #1392
Very nicely made but I found it kinda irritating after awhile. Jump on a tiny thin brush, jump up on the next, slip down, get stuck where four brushes meet. Quickload.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 13:56:23 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1391
Well, the cameras work on standard HL; probably just me forgetting my use key binding on Steam.

Front doors: let them start to open, then run against the steel frame. The glass will lag behind an inch or two.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 12:31:34 UTC in vault item: fy_dustarena Comment #1390
im getting headaches from your mail, man...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 07:02:30 UTC in vault item: fy_dustarena Comment #1389
Looks alright from the screenie, don't have cs though sorry!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 06:32:16 UTC in vault item: Hotel_unfinished Comment #1388
ok, here goes...
Good Stuff:
+Lovely Trees, Plants and ladder in elevator
+Nice texturing
+Good layout so far
+Nice SWAT van
+Loved how you built everything by solids and kept the r_speeds low

Bad Stuff:
-Glass too hard to break
-WADINCLUDE the WADS! i got annoyed having to move cs_dust,cs_assault,torntextures,de_aztec and cstrike.wad to my valve folder! (and i dont even think u used all those textures...)
-Some bad lighting
-How are people sposed to get into the counter area without jumping over the desk?

It will be a very fun map when finished if you keep up the high standard of build-everything-by-solids-ness (those trees look real nice and r_speeds are low :)) but bloody wadinclude the textures or use only the wads u use textures from...

Good Job
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 05:30:49 UTC in vault item: fy_dustarena Comment #1387
first always has to be a fy_....
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 23:18:26 UTC in vault item: Ka_KnifeWorld Comment #1386
i love knifing ;) if anyone ever wants to oneVSone ill be glad to
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 12:48:57 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1385
where do all those ratings came from, one extra downlaod and for ratings?? lol
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 12:46:04 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1384
strange the cmares gave probs, i tested them all repeatedly, you have ot pres e once, it will stay in the camera for a few seconds.
adn 7th, your sure you tryed all the panels for the camera?
and can you explain simeler how you destroyed the front door
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 05:20:28 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1383
Not many people like cs around here. If my cs was working I'd try it. Sorry!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 05:15:02 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1382
"Um, Anthony, texture work is always an issue. That's one reason people complain about noob maps...bad texturing...but still, I like this map a lot. 4 stars."

I meant thats its only in some places, and is quite minor. Yes Seventh I got that too with the lift. Pepper, you need to be able to go in the lift at the end of the lobby and go to the roof! That'd be gr8
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 03:54:51 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1381
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 03:33:29 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1380
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 02:58:50 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1379
lol... my first clue was the part that says "Downloads: 2"
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 02:29:28 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1378
how do u know how many people dled it?
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 02:28:57 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1377
just asking..
can the CS team take legal action agaisnt me for using the cs_ part in the map name?
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 02:27:46 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1376
im trying to make the level at nite time
and ok i will take out some boxes. ill add more natural obstacles
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 02:26:45 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1375
woopss spaz attack
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 02:26:32 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1374
u guys r idiots, try the map before u judge it. Im looking for feedback not ratings from people too lazy to even try it. Atlease boogie tried it u imbosiles
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 01:45:33 UTC in vault item: jax_aim Comment #1373
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:30:56 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1372
got stuck in teh cameras repeatedly...

i tried it in software mode as well as opengl and it lagged up repeatedly in software..

not enough weapons man!!!

nice detail i guess, but i don't see what the big fuss is abotu this map, its not near as involving as even the standard HL deathmatch maps
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:15:48 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1371
6 votes and 1 download (my download in fact)

Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:11:03 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1370
take out like fifty boxes and add a sky texture

do you realize how annoying all those boxed are just with 8 players??????? lol

but what do i know, according to thje critics of my map i dont' know anything about map making
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:07:55 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1369
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:06:16 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1368
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:04:09 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1367
did YOU vote that 1 star >:|
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:00:30 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #1365
lol shutup, some dude gave it 1 star