The Lobby v2

Half-Life: Deathmatch HLDM
The Lobby v2 by pepper
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 19:32:22 UTC • Completed • Half-Life: Deathmatch
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The Lobby v2
pepper pepper
Half-Life: Deathmatch
20 years ago2004-03-20 19:32:22 UTC
20 years ago2004-03-21 04:37:08 UTC
3.67 (3)
full star full star full star full star empty star Download

the next version of the lobby, for amax 10 persons deathmatch, serval weapons everywhere and a smedium outdoor area.
i might make it bigger someday.
it is the seuqel to the populair lobby.
there is a room wiht 5 screens, 3 of them are cameras, the will show the battlefield.
dont fall into the water ore you wont get out:)
i need commments nad to know what you think about it

compile time 10-15 minutes wiht batch compiler

put the pepper.wad in your valve folder
put the lobbyv2.bsp into your valve/maps folder
run the map by multiplayer lan game create game and select the map lobbyv2


Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 20:25:18 UTC Comment #1342
Your WAAAYYY into the matrix man.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 20:51:35 UTC Comment #1343
I downloaded first! Cant wait to try it!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 23:28:28 UTC Comment #1345
no offence but I dont see how this is the sequel lol, its nothing like the other lobby in my opion :P
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 01:31:05 UTC Comment #1346
Nice work Pepper! Here is the breakdown:

  • Great rebuilding of the Lobby scene in Matrix!
  • Fun to play
  • Camera's
  • New textures (I've never seen that water texture before)
  • Nice work with the generator and the train
  • Architexture]
  • Some bad texture work (not really an issue)
  • If you look through the fence on either side of the door leading into the lobby, you can see through the fence into the lobby somehow. Weird
  • LOL the table is too high, make it lower to be more realistic
I give it a 4. Well done!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 04:22:34 UTC Comment #1347
thanks, that are the thigns i looked over. and yes i know about the bug wiht the fence, very strange.
the connection wiht the first map is that it is totaly build on it, only some small things have been changed in the lobby itself.
and the water texture i created myself.
what about the mirrord door?? and the walkway wich connect the camera room wiht the power generator.
i might make the train useble, as a transport to a other part.
tell me where the texture work is and i might be able to fix it

il go fix the bugs when there are more commments, so i know if anyone else has found a bug
thans a lot everyone
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 04:37:51 UTC Comment #1348
i chnaged the picture, now you should see the relation to lobby
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 05:23:55 UTC Comment #1349
Um, Anthony, texture work is always an issue. That's one reason people complain about noob maps...bad texturing...but still, I like this map a lot. 4 stars.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:13:44 UTC Comment #1356
no offence but I dont see how this is the sequel lol, its nothing like the other lobby in my opion :P

He made the first lobby, I think hes the one to decide wether its a sequel or not.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:43:01 UTC Comment #1358
erm, its the same lobby wiht a few little changes,he shoudl look good, it has become much better, i mihgt make bot waypoints so you can play it wiht bots to, ore download jumobt, that one learnes on your movement
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 17:16:09 UTC Comment #1360
Dodgy lift. You jump down onto the rail and it goes crazy. I tore apart the front doors by jamming the metal rim :) and a little metal door somewhere leading into the lobby needs a lip. Very nice architecture. Texturing's good. 4/5.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 17:16:29 UTC Comment #1361
Oh, btw, the cameras didn't work for me.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 00:30:56 UTC Comment #1372
got stuck in teh cameras repeatedly...

i tried it in software mode as well as opengl and it lagged up repeatedly in software..

not enough weapons man!!!

nice detail i guess, but i don't see what the big fuss is abotu this map, its not near as involving as even the standard HL deathmatch maps
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 05:15:02 UTC Comment #1382
"Um, Anthony, texture work is always an issue. That's one reason people complain about noob maps...bad texturing...but still, I like this map a lot. 4 stars."

I meant thats its only in some places, and is quite minor. Yes Seventh I got that too with the lift. Pepper, you need to be able to go in the lift at the end of the lobby and go to the roof! That'd be gr8
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 12:46:04 UTC Comment #1384
strange the cmares gave probs, i tested them all repeatedly, you have ot pres e once, it will stay in the camera for a few seconds.
adn 7th, your sure you tryed all the panels for the camera?
and can you explain simeler how you destroyed the front door
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-22 12:48:57 UTC Comment #1385
where do all those ratings came from, one extra downlaod and for ratings?? lol
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 13:56:23 UTC Comment #1391
Well, the cameras work on standard HL; probably just me forgetting my use key binding on Steam.

Front doors: let them start to open, then run against the steel frame. The glass will lag behind an inch or two.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-24 06:05:01 UTC Comment #1395
This rating system is screwed. This map has dropped to a 3 star rating even though everyone here has said '4 Stars'. Come on my first map got 3 stars and it was no where near the quality of this one!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-24 12:07:22 UTC Comment #1398
yeah i know, everyone said it was 4 star, i think someone rated ti 4 times, becasue it was four times rated, then one xtra download and 4 tra ratings. i think im gonna put the rating systme off until there is somethign better. just tell me what you think:P
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 20:01:45 UTC Comment #10369
Nice work pepper! I could go through and list the little flaws, but since this map is almost 2 years old, I'll assume your "above them" now:

So, things I really liked:

+reflective floor was oustanding!
+red lighing in the train area and that area in general were fabulous
+"bridge" was really nice
+loved the little red room with the env beams
+I liked that you could avoid the train by crouching, and still get zapped by the "rail" lol
+nice, different custom water texture.

Nice work!
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-09 06:12:33 UTC Comment #21251
Not too bad. Strange to see an expansion to an already existing DM map. But not bad at all. Feels less polished than the original. Somewhat literally.

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