
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-30 05:31:08 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43622
Don't stress yourself Urby. Sometimes life has the nicest surprises waiting for you around the corner :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-30 05:29:12 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60961
Grats Jeff. You are not expected to feel different now. You will in a few days.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-30 02:22:36 UTC in journal: #7861 Comment #55339
Me too, i'm a roller coaster junkie. i would ride the same one all day long if they would let me, just to get that feeling when your stomach drops on a big hill, and you involuntarily scream all the way down like a small child :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-30 02:05:12 UTC in journal: #7861 Comment #55337
i fucking love theme parks. we've got a few big ones up on the gold coast. been up there twice in the past 6 months.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 19:50:49 UTC in journal: #7861 Comment #55340
"So yeah, had a fun time. Got soaked wet on the water rides. What kind of experiences have you guys had?"

I think 2 summers ago I went on the local river(that was big at the time and very fast) on a tractor camera(you know, not the actual tire, but the inside). In a section of the river with big, splashing waves, I fell off.
The river basically shaved my ass with its stones.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 19:43:40 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60956
Grats, dude. And don't worry about losing touch with your mates - facebook makes it damn near impossible.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 19:00:28 UTC in journal: #7861 Comment #55341
Skals is one big kitty, afraid of Roller coaster :D
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 18:31:25 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60960
Never 100%, but 90% is ok eh? :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 17:58:39 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60963
When i got 100% wasted for the first time, and i hope for the last time (since i never drank any alcohol since that accident) i fell out of the terrace into a bush, rolled down the little hill in the back yard, puked 4 times, got back up, puked 10 more times, sat down and drank some water.

Never again.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 17:01:06 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60958
UrbY: LAWL yer kidding?! was it a summer party too? :P

I think i actually passed out in the bathroom with the door locked, until i finally woke up in my own piss/shit/vomit, stumbled outside puked more, and went to bed on my friend's neighbors backyard(i remember none of this except waking up on the grass) =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 15:58:43 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60962
Wait, what? Friends...? Study?!

User posted image
Congratulations :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 14:03:17 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60955
Who told you about that!?

Edit: Nevermind. Just remembered that I puked on the neighbor's lawn and passed out in the bathroom.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 13:33:43 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60957
happy grads sir!

if you invite me to your party i promise i won't puke in your bathroom and pass out on your neighbors lawn ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-29 12:06:08 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60959
Yeah, for me the last baccalaureate tests will be next week. I'm quite scared frankly, because they're the most difficult.

Nice for you!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 20:44:45 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43618
@Scotch: Hopefully something in the same field. I do enjoy the job. What I dislike was the traveling and the bullshit that the company I worked for shoveled on a daily... nay, fucking hourly, basis.

As fun as it would be to work in the games industry, it's certainly not a secure career. My MD used to work for Sony/Psygnosis, pretty high up too, but he got cut along with a whole other bunch of guys when the axe fell.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 20:38:50 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43616
Not feeling motivated to work for a company that kind of stabbed you in the back isn't so bad. Sorry it had to happen to you.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 20:09:41 UTC in vault item: cs_concert Comment #20033
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 19:22:06 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43620
That's why I switched to Source. I'll have three years in uni now, during which I'll get to learn source and anything new they release (hoping for hl3 with new engine :D) and for some of my Uni projects I'll make Source maps too, and I'll gain experience that way.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 15:56:49 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43619
There's Bruce, doling out quality advice.

I'm sure it's been asked, but what work do you reckon you'll land after this? (Who with, etc.) I believe you've mentioned phone calls and interviews.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 15:53:06 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43623
Source has many great tutorials! And it's only a plane/boat ride away! Come to fabulous America, where Poverty is on the rise and less jobs than fingers on your hands!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 14:15:37 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43617
They want professional experience and I've never used Source. That and the whole North Atlanic Ocean thing.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 13:39:04 UTC in journal: #7859 Comment #43621
Why don't you work as a level designer? Valve is one the bullshittiest and easiest to join companies in this stupid world.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 10:58:20 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55914
If I were to ever get a wireless something-or-other it would be headphones. I've lost count of how many headphones I've accidentally destroyed over the years by pulling the wires out, usually by standing up without realising they're tangled up in something.
And I've always wanted a few flight-sim games an a joystick to go with them.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 10:16:35 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60952
Joe: The intention was that it would appear that the force of the holster/reholster animations is making the stock flip. I had thought about making it happen with a hand, but that's too complex for my current skill level.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 06:06:33 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55919
Awesome gear bro! Looks really good.I used ALOT of logitec Controllers for gaming, like the Logitech Wingman Force Feedback joystick:


But now I'm using Saitek for my gaming, I've got the keyboard with lights, and the force feedback joystick, just waiting to get the Rat 7 Wireless mouse :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-28 01:18:20 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60949
Looks great jeff, downloading! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 21:20:43 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60954

but some crits on the new anims is that i think a hand should be opening it and closing it and vice versa. it just looks kinda weird with it opening and closing by itself. good work otherwise
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 21:11:01 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60948
Why thank you.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 14:15:13 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60951
Screenshots can be found here, as well as some shots of other models
If it's still unavailable later, I'll have to reupload it, I guess. But I'll give it some time in case filefront is just being slow and crappy.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 13:43:33 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60953
Unavailable. :(
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 13:36:51 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60950
No I don't, give me a screenshot.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 12:42:10 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Customising the HUD colour Comment #100674
Wait nevermind. I totally overlooked it. I'm just unable to open it. (vc++ 2008)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 12:38:18 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Customising the HUD colour Comment #100673
Er, there's no "cl_util" file anywhere in the SDK.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 07:16:22 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55912
Logitech stuff is just lovely.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-27 06:41:39 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55915
Oooooh, shiney keyboard! Mine is all dusty and full of food left overs.
My mouse is da shit dough son! I got da G500 up in dis bitch.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-26 22:44:53 UTC in vault item: de_dreamer Comment #10169
Thx guys :)

I wanted to make the bar (the fabulous '50) have a song play in it, but every time I compiled it the song just didn't start - there are 5 ambient generics for the atmosphere sound and only the center one works, also the sixth AG in the bar doesn't start and I cant figure out why (or maybe it's got to do something with my cs)...
I made a few tracks but I haven't uploaded them yet cause they are not finished, but I'll finish them soon :]

For the carve - This is the first map in witch I used carve and I used it on the windows and the hallways for the buildings in the center. The way I used it is when I carved out all that, I textured it all with null texture and later on I textured only the visible sides and always b4 carving I made a square so that when I carved the cracks would be smallest possible, and also I'm not fond of carve tool, but it spared me a lot of time (still I wont be using it any time soon cause the results aren't as good as I thought they would be).

Now for the FPS - When I finished the map the w_poly count was about 6000 (that ain't good) but later on with a lot of work I managed to get it to 4000 (still not good), and finally Shash7 made a few changes and it is now at 2500 max (better but not perfect).
I have an integrated GC and my fps (in d3d mod bcuz I can't go to openGl) is about 40-50 but I noticed that sometimes the map starts lagging too much and I just reload it and it is fine.

I hope you have fun playing on this map, I really gave it my best and I consider it my best map to date.

Also - The soundtrack's will be uploaded on the Gamebanana (this maps page), and if anyone know's how to fix the ambient generic's not starting, please tell me, I tried everything I know of.

So thx again for your feedback, and Goodl Luck and Have Fun! ^.^
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-26 11:53:00 UTC in vault item: de_dreamer Comment #12431
Nice map! Although I had some problems trying it. I was lagging and fps-dropping a whole lot in the map. I checked the console and it was spamming the message "non-sprite set to glow". I quess this could be it.

The map look fantastic for the most but you seem to have used the carve / cut function to make round wholes in some walls. For me this rarely work so I never use it and for you it left some glitchy looking walls with cracks and stuff. This also lowers the performance of the map.

I couldn't stand the lag so I don't think I saw the whole map but what I saw was pretty damn good, I like the mood and atmosphere :).
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-26 05:42:22 UTC in journal: #7857 Comment #53678
"Just got back from a great wee" Good for you!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-26 01:36:13 UTC in vault item: de_dreamer Comment #11898
This is a really neat map.

"Melancholy Street" has a really neat feel and look to it, but why not add some music to subtle background ambience that's already there? Also here, the subtle texture lighting and subtle changes to the architecture are really neat =)

Some stuff is a little blocky and/or weirdly textured in the map like that spiral staircase, and there are a few visual errors, but no big deal.

Some real nice detail work in here, like the distressing with cracks and broken bits and some very neat effects like the texture-bright signs.

Some brave brushwork in here too like the domes and tho ther are some brushwork/texturing errors they still look pretty cool.

Neat map! this would be a fine addition to the cs server, maybe PM Daubster and ask if he'll put the map up ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-25 22:30:32 UTC in journal: #7857 Comment #53680
Thats cool >_>
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 13:32:24 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55913
Logitech rocks. The MX518 is the AK-47 of gaming mice. I love mine striker. Someone suggested I upgrade to a G500 or something, and I said I would- in fifteen years when this one finally breaks.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 12:42:26 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55916
The Mouse was $39. Size-wise, it fits my hand perfectly... LOVE IT. Has a really nice heft to it as well and like i said, is very accurate; playing games now is like a new experience compared to my old mouse, seriously.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 12:13:07 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55917
Super nice! How much did the mouse cost? What is the size of the mouse relative to your palm and, does it feel comfortable?
I have a Logitech MX518 since 2009, but it is a bit too big for my hand. The fact that I've been using it for 3 years despite my little struggle demonstrates that it's still a good mouse. I got very used to the 2 back and forward buttons on the side!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 09:24:16 UTC in journal: #7857 Comment #53679
ha pretty cool, i never heard of this before =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 08:41:40 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55918
Cool! Thats some sweet gear right there. And its cordless :o
If i went to buy something new that would be the mouse, since my keyboard is a gift from the heavens. Fujitsu-Siemens KBPC SX USB Best keyboard i ever bought.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 07:01:08 UTC in journal: #7852 Comment #58080
that's what she said.

i love me some pickled herrings NOM NOM NOM, PLUS, i think they are very good for you.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 01:57:07 UTC in journal: #7853 Comment #43600
General motto of life, that. ^
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-24 01:54:43 UTC in journal: #7853 Comment #43593
You'll be fine because you're not in america.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-23 21:09:11 UTC in vault item: de_soup Comment #12434
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-23 14:11:31 UTC in journal: #7853 Comment #43601
That totally blows!!!! :(:(
Just don't give up, you got the skills.