
Commented 19 years ago2005-02-23 14:34:54 UTC in vault item: dm_higherground Comment #6099
In terms of just the layout like you said, I really dont like it. Its way to small and seems just like an Overdeathmatch level. But then again some people like small maps like these that are just like KILL KILL KILL KILL, oh and KILL SOME MORE. I am not one of those people, id prefer something with atmosphere and reasoning behind it, and not die the second I respawn 20 times in a row. But id bet when your done with this it will show up on a server before my map canyon oasis, or rabid's petrol level (which is very badass) ever does. Its just the way of the world :P Good luck with the killing.
Commented 19 years ago2005-02-19 19:24:33 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #6071
Wow, cool map and I hope I can see it on some servers soon. A few things though that I thought were f'ed up. Some of the spawn points are way out in the middle of nowhere on land where, if there is no vehicile nearby, it is pretty much impossible to make it to one without getting killed by pirahna bastards. Also in some of the dry land parts that are jutting up from the water dont look smooth. you should smooth some of those jagged edges down. Um on the switches to play music, you need it to stopsound first and then play the music for that button, other wise if you hit more then one button you have songs playing over one another, creating a giant clusterfuck of lag. Other then that, bad ass map.