
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-06 05:28:50 UTC in vault item: zm_trainfix (Zombie Mod) Comment #17418
It's for CS but also a zombie type of mod ? -> confused.

Also, while checking the pictures I'd say it definately needs to be more dark... what kind of a zombie roams outdoors in daylight anyways, add some horror into it.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-04 17:58:49 UTC in journal: #5720 Comment #59235
The sea is a pendulum, or atleast is marked as move with with the pendulum currently in the map. Making the sea move doesn't make the ship rock however, it would just make the sea more realistic, which it already is.

I've managed to make the ship move as realistic as I can get it to. Most if not all the brushes are also moving as intended. THe remaining problem are models, which for some odd reason, are black, non texturized in the game. It may be a side effect of using the wrong entity for them, will test that soon.

I did have to remove the ladders that lead to the masts, perhaps I will redo that part later on when other aspects of the ship are working as intended, the ladders did not quite work with the current pendulum effect, they were invisible, I could see the AAAtrigger texture ingame and climb them at the same time.
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-04 04:33:03 UTC in journal: #5720 Comment #59234
It somewhat works now, I just need to make multiple func_pendulums instead of one. Or tie the entire ship into one pendulum, that however would prevent me from adding doors and other gadgets.

You could walk in the ship fine btw ;) and you definately notice the rocking. Due to there being only one pendulum and the origin of it was located at the helm, every other model and ladder / separate func_wall entity was not synchronize with the hull, meaning they all lived their own lives. What I need to do now is to make more pendulums, most likely from invisible brushes and place them in the map in various places where I noticed a huge difference.
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-03 17:12:52 UTC in journal: #5720 Comment #59233
The holy freaking cowshit failed as expected. The rotation caused errors with coplanar faces / outside world brushes. To fix this I just rotated it back to what it used to be. This however will make me go back to the drawing board entity wise as it will now only rock towards one direction instead of both.

Its compiling as I write this...

If someone has any ideas on how to make an object rotate on the X axis about 10 to 15 degrees to both of its sides and keep on repeating that cycle forever, would be a BIG help. SInce I cant rotate the ship without breaking it.

And I just noticed that the compile is over, with the compilator not showing a single error I'm begining to doubt the lighting, most likely fullbright or something... oh well, off we go to see the holy freaking cowshit in game.
Commented 15 years ago2009-03-29 16:42:07 UTC in journal: #5700 Comment #50327
crowbar + gnome = bad idea :P
Commented 15 years ago2009-03-26 15:34:16 UTC in journal: #5692 Comment #59217
Happy B-Day :)
Commented 15 years ago2009-03-23 17:19:31 UTC in journal: #5689 Comment #59222
Having some problems with compiling that cannon, most likely I missed some key factors out and its gone haywire. Both utility tool and milkshape crash when I try to compile it. If any more experienced modelers could help out a bit would help alot!