
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-01 12:02:54 UTC in journal: #7452 Comment #57789
Swedish Bitter, he probably means "Gammel Dansk". A whole group of Swedish mountain hikers I knew say/said it was "Daily Danish drink" but was adopted by the Swedes. Traditionally you take a shot of it each morning to keep colds at bay and give you the entusiasm for the 8-12 hours hike to the next camp, the taste does grow on you after about 3 shots and becomes quite pleasant. If you are in the North of Sweden during the mosquito season it is a life saver, as you no longer care if you are being eaten alive. About 1/2 a bottle will give you the mother of all hangovers.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-13 23:08:08 UTC in vault item: The Great Leap Comment #18630
Good work on the tutorial, had trigger_push not working in my test map until, I saw this. Depth of texture brush/aaatrigger was too shallow and Push was below 1,000 YouTube has a few vid's but they don't highlight those two as potential pitfalls when using the trigger_push entity. Iris looks good but I am up against the "source" / Goldsource engines limitations and have to delete an existing texture if I want to add anything. (No errors or Warnings but map kicks you to desktop during loading.)