
Commented 3 years ago2021-01-23 22:19:18 UTC in vault item: ka_turtlehouse Comment #103204
Overall the mapping ability displayed with the odd architecture is amazing. This has so many cool little touches here and there that I'm left wondering whether or not I'm playing goldsrc. There's few little secrets in the house too ;)
The surroundings are a little bare and don't fit the amazing structure of the house. Maybe a garage, driveway, yard, lawn mower, trees etc, etc, could help? The sad thing about spawning outside with knives is it makes the house a feel like a prop rather than a cool battle ground. Maybe that was the intention? There's not much flow and it feels like there's no reason to go inside. I think a battle in the house would do more justice to the hard work that went into making it.
I liked the ac that floats you to side entrances/windows. This was a cool idea. I think there should be an entrance on the roof. There's not much reason to go up there now. Plus once the house has be taken by a team. It can be a tough fight for the invaders. A roof entrance might help? ;)
Also for anyone who wonders about optimizing I check and the highest the wpolys got was 2600. That was outside looking up at the house. The ground and other surfaces are busted up into jagged geometry from the structures base, plus other surfaces are like that in the house. Your Epoly count is 1960 so some geometry could be transferred to that or the 1 unit null method works too.
Keep at it. Hopefully this review doesn't make you mad or quit. You have an instantly recognizable mapping style. I would love to see future endeavors.
Commented 3 years ago2021-01-23 21:24:26 UTC in vault item: fy_dome Comment #103203
This is a fun map! Super chaotic and superb mapping! I think the spawns are too close though. If I play this with a full server half the team dies.