
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 08:12:46 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101205
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-11 19:07:59 UTC in journal: #8891 Comment #53015
This is great!
Commented 7 years ago2017-01-19 08:26:34 UTC in journal: #8774 Comment #67967
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-12 10:18:48 UTC in journal: #8731 Comment #48426
Have a good trip. Walk over here for the best views of the city.
Commented 10 years ago2014-05-01 21:05:02 UTC in journal: #8369 Comment #40364
I've had atleast one computer with a built in little speaker in the case solely designed for motherboard messages. It was a connector that went into a socket next to where the LEDs go.
Commented 10 years ago2014-04-23 13:17:34 UTC in journal: #8366 Comment #45937
Striker; you do yourself. You declare how much you have earned to the government and pay appropriate taxes. If you don't and they find out you get in trouble with the law (tm)

Tax planning is hard when you don't have a steady income. I always put away enough money to cover breaking a tax bracket, just in case.
Commented 10 years ago2014-04-09 18:51:05 UTC in journal: #8360 Comment #58385
Metro apps on normal desktop is really nice. Honestly, though, after using Metro start for a while I really don't miss the start menu. The new menu is just.. faster to use. A quick press of the window key brings me an icon for every app I want to find without me having to go trough menus. I can also throw a quick glance at my emails. I really don't understand the hate.
Commented 10 years ago2014-04-08 03:41:34 UTC in journal: #8360 Comment #58384
It does in Windows 8.1 too, and it's probably the problem. Right click -> Default -> Fonts. Also, Windows 8.1 is great.
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-20 20:42:17 UTC in journal: #8337 Comment #58372
I love city builders! Is it resource Intensive? Looks like a lot of fun
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-19 18:13:26 UTC in journal: #8143 Comment #50429
Oh, if only I could create heartfelt beauitful music in C++....

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Commented 11 years ago2013-02-24 13:19:04 UTC in journal: #8122 Comment #38644
woah, what happened?
Commented 11 years ago2012-12-03 21:31:30 UTC in journal: #8042 Comment #59906
I have vague memories of this..
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 13:47:29 UTC in journal: #7967 Comment #43724
"403 Forbidden" Haha. Oops.
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-19 14:15:06 UTC in journal: #7690 Comment #43382
You're pregnant.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-12 19:01:49 UTC in journal: #7616 Comment #66520
Dubiously sourced article on conspiracy-nut website? Sounds legit!
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-29 21:37:13 UTC in journal: #7540 Comment #66499
"Also, I know of at least one country that has recently passed a law that legally prosecutes anybody buying foreign currency because it's considered an act of terrorism against the state."

Commented 12 years ago2011-12-10 00:10:03 UTC in journal: #7502 Comment #50773
Scotland, you are offically awesome!
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-09 17:54:25 UTC in journal: #7502 Comment #50772
It's officially called bawbag? Haha.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-28 18:50:58 UTC in journal: #7452 Comment #57787
What is Swedish Bitter? I am Swedish, and I have know idea what you mean :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-23 00:40:30 UTC in journal: #7446 Comment #66479
(.. and yeah, copypaste)
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-23 00:38:17 UTC in journal: #7446 Comment #66478
Well, it's really a combination of two things. It's part respiratory biology and part of it is physics, or thermodynamics. One of the main functions of the nose is to warm and humidify the air that we breathe so that when it reaches your lungs, it's nice and conditioned. And in order to do this, the nose has to add some moisture to it. When it's very cold out, the air is usually dry as well, and the nose is really working overtime to add some fluid. And there are reflexes that are in place that allow the nose to increase its fluid production. If it really makes a lot of fluid, then it starts to run out of the end of your nose.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-22 13:23:32 UTC in journal: #7446 Comment #66477
Bus drivers are often a quite evil breed.

A couple of 12-something year olds tried to rob me once, it was the weirdest experience of my life.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-19 08:53:58 UTC in journal: #7406 Comment #53219
Happy 18! Get wasted! :D
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-19 08:53:58 UTC in journal: #7406 Comment #53218
Happy 18! Get wasted! :D
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-10 18:00:35 UTC in journal: #7353 Comment #55269
Depends on where in Sweden you live ofcourse. From my town it's like 500 km to Puttgarden, you can make the trip there and back in a day. Considering the alcohol tax in Sweden you make up the gas money 4 times over, if you're a couple of people.
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-10 17:42:24 UTC in journal: #7353 Comment #55268

Well, Madcow, there's always the very best solution to that problem; have friend who is 20, go to Germany, fill car with practically free alcohol (by Swedish standards), go home, enjoy. :)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-15 09:51:53 UTC in journal: #7321 Comment #62229
I found 2pac.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-05-16 16:21:25 UTC in journal: #7217 Comment #57551
Well, yeah, it even says so in the description.

"About four hours into the Potato Gun shoot we decided to use a locally loaded version of the web page to enable more precise synchronization with the potato gun. We finally got the shot we were hoping for after 51 takes."
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-12 15:56:52 UTC in journal: #7213 Comment #62211
Overanalyzing every social situation is not viable in the long run. Just do it, she won't kill you :) In fact, use it as a conversation starter; make a friend.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-10 11:50:11 UTC in journal: #7208 Comment #52217
Helvete, snuten.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-04 21:01:56 UTC in journal: #7198 Comment #57533
User posted image
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-04 20:53:07 UTC in journal: #7198 Comment #57532
Exactly. It's based on the false assumption that the square will become a perfect circle, which it won't.

Pi is, however, pretty much calculated in almost the same way, using diamond shapes.
User posted image
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-26 15:48:55 UTC in journal: #7184 Comment #60802
File size is not irrelevant. I browse a lot using my phone, which is on a limited (and often slow) data connection, for exemple.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-15 09:27:40 UTC in journal: #7164 Comment #57430
15 year olds on the roads... It's a wonder there's still some of you left :P
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 19:34:30 UTC in journal: #7155 Comment #66452
Flea markets are the shit! If you master the art of haggling, you've got a goldmine ^^

Nice finds.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-05 20:09:02 UTC in journal: #7145 Comment #57403
"In sweden pretty much all white people have blue eyes." Really? Most white people I know have either green-ish or brown-ish eyes. I'd say ~20% blue eyes applies rather well here too.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-24 11:17:58 UTC in journal: #7124 Comment #66974
"this question should reflect what will happen if twhl ever becomes a huge community"

Something actually happens? Oh no.

Hello, ThatGuy. Get that map up. ^^
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-16 21:19:19 UTC in journal: #6986 Comment #57230
A simple podcast could be kind of fun! Pretty easy to produce as well, bring in a couple of guys on skype or whatever, have some topics lined up - talk about a few maps, some mapping techniques, whatever - hit record, done.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-14 15:14:42 UTC in journal: #6983 Comment #62095
" Never read any documented cases of gender confusion at birth? The parents raise a little boy as a little girl. They realize their mistake eventually, or the kid does when he reaches the age where it is explained that men and women have different genitalia. Do you know what happens when the mistake is realized? Much more often than not, the boy chooses to continue living as a girl, because that's who he(she) is.

That is gender identity."
I have in fact not seen any such cases. I'll be VERY suprised if you can find plenty documented evidence of boys being accidentaly raised as girls, since the sex of a child is not hard to determine, to put it mildly. A quick googling revealed one case, where a boy accidently lost his penis during a circumsition (ow). He was raised as a girl and was never told he had been a boy, he did not fit in, changed his sex back as soon as he could, got married and children but eventually killed himself. Source If you have any other cases that show the contrary, I'd love to see them.

However, yes, "gender confusion" is indeed a tricky "condition" (if I may call it that), and I agree that what forms our gender identity is still vert unknown to us, but I think that completely ruling out the genetical and biological aspects of the sex is, to be a frank, a little bit ridicolous.

"... confused me a bit. Do you think it is determined by your preference, or at birth? Pick one."
Both; I think it's decided by preference, but that the preference itself is decided, atleast in part, by biological and genetical factors.

"I'll fully admit to enjoying debate. If you do not enjoy it, I'd be happy to stop." Oh, but I always do :)
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-14 09:57:57 UTC in journal: #6983 Comment #62094
"Also, I just realized you called something I said ridiculous and then repeated it nearly word for word three sentences later. You seem to understand it just fine."
How could I possibly understand it? It sounded like some ridicoulus semantics-based argument.

"and Chicken, I guess to sum it up: Everyone on earth is bisexual, they just have sex with who they want. Some want men, some want women. Your own gender is entirely irrelevant." Again with the semantics. So you're saying that everyone is bisexual because they could have sex with anyone, not because they do? Your sexual orientation is, naturally, decided by who you want to have sex with.

So your point is that sexuality is a social construct, I take it? (You really should have made more sense in your first post) It is not an entirely new point of view, but I do not agree, and there are tons of studies that indicate the genetical and biological aspects of sexuality. However, yes, the origins of sexuality is a videly debated area, stop presenting it like some big, unpleasant, secret. It's not.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-14 00:16:44 UTC in journal: #6983 Comment #62093
Blitzkrieg, that is one of the most ridicoulus things I have ever heard.

"Gay and straight are just words in a language invented by humans." What does that even mean? Ofcourse gay and straight are just words, but they are words describing actual things, as all other words.

How did you learn this "secret of life"? Do tell.