
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-02 20:38:53 UTC in journal: #7492 Comment #62292
wtf. My holidays don't start until december 23rd and I only get til tue 3rd
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-28 20:41:54 UTC in journal: #7488 Comment #57797
Ha, you think you guys have it bad?
User posted image
All I can say is thank fuck for Karen Gillan for improving the worlds' view of Scotland.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-28 02:43:10 UTC in journal: #7486 Comment #55848
Opera occasionally does stupid shit, but they tend to fix it fairly quickly.
The latest update is fucking perfect and totally restored my faith. I was very close to switching to Chrome as my primary browser.

Want to see what Firefox will be like in a year's time? Use Opera.

Also Opera had live page development tools long before Firefox, Urby. Inspect specific elements to see how things were done, view/edit Source on the fly, validate code and open your page in any other installed browser all through one context-menu? Lovely.

I use Firefox all the time because it's what's installed on the college computers, and it's just so clunky by comparison, not to mention a total resource hog.

Opera's also without question the best Android browser I've used, and I tried loads.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-26 18:24:50 UTC in vault item: c31_captainterror Comment #19592
Really, really creative use of the texture set. Awe inspiring mapping and I love to see people push the GS engine right to its very limits.

Of all the entries I've seen so far, this one feels the most unique.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-11-21 00:22:12 UTC in journal: #7480 Comment #45397
Asked to be camera op on a documentary about pet cemeteries. Can't say no because I need the money. FML.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-17 21:20:09 UTC in journal: #7480 Comment #45396
It's not even remotely offensive, don't worry Striker.

Cheers for the support, folks. Just a bit crazy coming to terms with it because I literally don't have memories from before I had the cats. They've always been there.

Bawwwww and all that, but this is pretty hard.

Luke nailed it, though - 19 is a heck of a good age for a cat and I know she had a good life and was loved :>
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-10 15:12:48 UTC in journal: #7470 Comment #45382
but I think at the time I was concerned my ribs were going to get crushed because she just kinda lunged into the photo.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-10 00:15:43 UTC in journal: #7470 Comment #45381
with good reason!
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-09 20:38:48 UTC in journal: #7470 Comment #45380
Because I am secretly a furry and I love it.

(Some, part or all of the above sentence may be false)
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-04 19:34:43 UTC in journal: #7461 Comment #50751
I won't need to. Glasgow Parkour use rottenrow as their meeting base every week. You won't be able to avoid them :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-03 21:40:10 UTC in journal: #7461 Comment #50750
you realise that if you go to strathclyde you're gunna have to take up parkour, right? Rottenrow is right in the middle of your campus.
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-03 20:59:15 UTC in journal: #7461 Comment #50749
strathclyde? god damnit that's my turf.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-03 19:11:59 UTC in journal: #7461 Comment #50748
Bro hug.
Don't worry about your school tests too much. Highers count for fuck all in the real world; take that from a fellow Scot. You only need them to get into uni if that's what you want to do, and even then you only need 3 Bs for most courses.

Chin up :)
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-01 10:26:09 UTC in journal: #7457 Comment #45371
They get about 20 entries for each of the big competitions where there's a PC prize. The silly ones like the Top Draw competition shown above, they stockpile entries and use them over the months. I submitted that like 5 months ago and just assumed it hadn't won.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 22:37:46 UTC in journal: #7458 Comment #66670
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 18:14:23 UTC in journal: #7457 Comment #45370
Make a 3D model then :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 16:53:15 UTC in journal: #7457 Comment #45369
Why don't you, Habboi?

Seriously. The competitions are easy as piss. This month's involves making some sort of Soviet-style propaganda such as a poster or a film in honour of Red Orchestra 2. Do that and you get a PC worth £1000
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 01:14:25 UTC in journal: #7453 Comment #45350
You're American, so with your diet it's certainly possible.

Hiiyooo ;)
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-28 15:15:45 UTC in journal: #7453 Comment #45349
I wrote my MP, but he's SNP and the SNP are the idiots who want Scotland to be made independent from the UK. Facepalm.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-27 04:39:40 UTC in journal: #7449 Comment #60905
happy bday dude
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-26 22:52:31 UTC in journal: #7451 Comment #43210
I don't like the subtle racial undertones of this.

Also get a new mic, you casual fucking headset peasant.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-25 09:07:23 UTC in journal: #7448 Comment #55839
the original series was awful for the most part, and not just because it hasn't aged well. People forget that it was cancelled after like 3 seasons, and i really think the only reason it's remembered so fondly is because it paved the way for tng. A couple of the original movies are okay, though.

Soup, give voyager another chance. Compared to ds9 it's a masterpiece. Has some of the best time travel episodes on tv, as well as the best Borg episodes of any star trek. Also the hirogen are badass and are in fact where i got the name The Hunter from.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-25 06:52:28 UTC in journal: #7448 Comment #55838
I'm amazed it lasted four seasons. I certainly didn't. Gave up about half way through season 1. You totally hit the nail on the head when you said you just don't care about the crew.

I'm not a big treckie, though. I only watched Voyager all the way from start to finish, although I watched a few seasons of TNG and DS9.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-24 22:08:04 UTC in journal: #7447 Comment #51396
The end of the episode seriously shocked me. Sat there for like five minutes with this face D:

Amazing series.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-21 13:48:15 UTC in journal: #7445 Comment #57778
There are massive political and diplomatic differences between states and countries in a union, potatis.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-20 22:34:53 UTC in journal: #7445 Comment #57777
The EU is absolutely not a country. It's a union of Countries in the European continent.
Texas and Berlin are states. Germany, like the USA is split into states.
A province is an area of land within a country which is - or has history of being - in separate control than the governing body of the country itself.
England is a country in the UK - a collection of four countries under the leadership of one governing body and (supposedly) the crown.

Brendan: Bollocks is a glorious word. Use it more! It has Anglo-saxon origin, so it's more English and German than Scottish and Irish, although it's widely used throughout the UK.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-20 20:05:40 UTC in journal: #7445 Comment #57776
A lot of that is confusing "English" with "American".

In English, eggplants are aubergines. Burgers made from beef are called Beefburgers.
English muffins are only referred to as English Muffins in places outside the UK.
Parkway is also an American term. I've never even heard it before.
Pop and Mom are also American.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-20 00:34:59 UTC in journal: #7444 Comment #45332
Man Halloween is the best club night of the year, guaranteed.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-19 22:33:55 UTC in journal: #7444 Comment #45331
If we meet each other at any of these parties, you do realise I'd have to shoot ya, right?
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-18 11:03:39 UTC in journal: #7441 Comment #43194
you're such a milf
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-17 23:26:11 UTC in journal: #7440 Comment #51384
Heh, fair shout 38_98.

Because I live in a society with extreme sectarianism (Glasgow has some pretty heavy history with Protestants and Catholics - anyone from Ireland will know what I'm talking about because their history is very similar) I see the absolute worst that allegiance to Christianity has to offer. Either visiting a friend in hospital who was stabbed with a broken bottle in the crowd of an old-firm (catholic vs protestant, basically) football game or seeing mosques get vandalised and burned because they believe in something different. Ach, it just makes me not give a fuck about the scandals of the church, because I see it on a daily basis.

This is upsetting, but informative. A documentary from about 7 years ago regarding old-firm violence. Football games used by christians as an excuse to brutally injure or murder other christians, because half are protestant and half are catholic.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-17 23:05:46 UTC in journal: #7440 Comment #51383
The doc airs tonight at 9pm BST if anyone's interested. Dunno if the iPlayer works for you internationals.

Surely this is no worse than catholic priests sexually assaulting little boys, the picketing of soldier's funerals or the evangelical indoctrination of children too young to know better at Jesus camps, though?
I find myself unable to be surprised by the incredibly disgusting acts committed in the name of God anymore.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-13 18:10:52 UTC in journal: #7437 Comment #50713
"I'm not sure you entirely realize it but UK isn't the entire world."
Instant Mix is Scottish (or at least lives in Scotland, don't know your origins, bruv). Scotland = UK. UK Drinking laws apply.

I seriously don't understand how you can be missing how much of a twat you're being here, Crollo. However, because I'm aware I'm just exacerbating the situation by feeding an oblivious troll I'll stop going on about it. Sorry for shitting on a serious journal, Mr. Good Map.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-13 17:00:26 UTC in journal: #7437 Comment #50712
Even if he was 16, who the fuck doesn't drink when they're 16? In the UK, at least. You have to be 18 to buy alcohol, but you can drink it indoors at 16.

Regarding this:
"How many of you are even old enough to drink, because if any underage were allowed to drink it's no wonder shit like this happens in the first place."
I knew you were a tool, Crollo, but fucking seriously? What were you thinking? Show some fucking respect and try to imagine how Instant Mix feels right now. This is one person's idiotic fucking move and you're what? Trying to make him question whether he should have stopped it happening somehow?
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-13 14:17:38 UTC in journal: #7437 Comment #50711
yeah, happened to a really good mate of mine. It's really difficult to know what to say to them, but it's really important you help him/her through this.

My mate pressed charges but they never stuck so it got even harder for her.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-06 04:54:59 UTC in journal: #7428 Comment #43175
potatis beat me to it. Pop all the keys out with a small screwdriver first - just make sure you put them back in the right places when it's clean!
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: Interception Comment #32815
Architecture — 8
Texturing — 9
Ambience — 8
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 8.5

Video review

Bottom Line

A bit unoriginal. That's a two-edged sword, though, because that does mean that it's very, very faithful to the actual game. It would feel very at home as part of Portal 2. Well worth playing.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-26 19:15:55 UTC in journal: #7419 Comment #49305
Happy bday, dude!

Lots of birthdays around 9 months after New Years? I can't possibly think why :]
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-26 11:07:21 UTC in journal: #7418 Comment #48176
Damn impressive time for a run with hills.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-22 04:44:25 UTC in journal: #7408 Comment #46834
Outside of wedlock, Brendan? Oh no, what would God think?!
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-20 18:40:46 UTC in journal: #7408 Comment #46833
Mass Effect 1 would be basically flawless if it wasn't for the driving sections.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-20 18:09:37 UTC in journal: #7408 Comment #46832
Is it bad that I let Ashley die purely because she's a religious idiot?
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-19 20:12:31 UTC in journal: #7405 Comment #45313
it's still the 19th September in Scotland, you weren't late :3
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-19 18:15:54 UTC in journal: #7405 Comment #45312
Satchmo gave me the gift of motor axons :')

Thanks everyone :)
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-19 05:12:01 UTC in journal: #7405 Comment #45311
I've always had my age on my bio :P