Commented 13 years ago2011-07-11 18:29:51 UTC
in journal: Nintendo 64Comment #59132
The sellers have received positive feedback from hundreds of users, and no negative. The descriptions for the items stated clearly what's original and what's not (the "Controller Pak" clone is the only thing not approved by Nintendo). If the sellers were ripping people off, you'd expect negative feedback.
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-11 06:14:17 UTC
in journal: Nintendo 64Comment #59130
I have GoldenEye and Mario Kart, both are good games. I've played a lot of Smash Bros. on my computer using an emulator (where I annoy my sister by spamming Pikachu's thunder attack), so I'll definitely hunt that down. I have a friend that's a Conker's Bad Fur Day fan. Unfortunately it's expensive, but I might get it when my economy brightens.
They traded N64 games for PS2 games?! Wow, that's... sad.
I have a trigger_auto which triggers the multi_manager "mm". "mm" triggers this: "exp_relay" after 0.01s "mm" after 0.8s <- It triggers itself, creating an endless loop
"exp_relay" is a trigger_relay which targets "" (nothing)
The trigger_relay "onoff" targets the trigger_changetarget "on" (There are two with this same name)
"on"#1 changes "exp_relay"'s target to "exp", which is a func_explosive used to demonstrate the effect of this system. "on"#2 changes "onoff"'s target to "off", so the next time "onoff" is triggered, instead of triggering "on" it'll trigger "off".
"off"#1 changes "exp_relay"'s target to "" (nothing). "off"#2 changes "onoff"'s target to "on", so the next time "onoff" is triggered, instead of triggering "off" it'll trigger "on".
The func_button targets "onoff".
I'm sure there's a way to have the multi_manager only loop when needed, but this is the simplest system I could think of. And simplicity often means less bugs.
I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU EVER LOVED ME!They traded N64 games for PS2 games?! Wow, that's... sad.
"exp_relay" after 0.01s
"mm" after 0.8s <- It triggers itself, creating an endless loop
"exp_relay" is a trigger_relay which targets "" (nothing)
The trigger_relay "onoff" targets the trigger_changetarget "on" (There are two with this same name)
"on"#1 changes "exp_relay"'s target to "exp", which is a func_explosive used to demonstrate the effect of this system.
"on"#2 changes "onoff"'s target to "off", so the next time "onoff" is triggered, instead of triggering "on" it'll trigger "off".
"off"#1 changes "exp_relay"'s target to "" (nothing).
"off"#2 changes "onoff"'s target to "on", so the next time "onoff" is triggered, instead of triggering "off" it'll trigger "on".
The func_button targets "onoff".
I'm sure there's a way to have the multi_manager only loop when needed, but this is the simplest system I could think of. And simplicity often means less bugs.
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