
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-14 16:26:03 UTC in journal: #5 Comment #33531
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-14 16:25:48 UTC in journal: #4 Comment #33454
That's what she said, "that's what she said".
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-14 16:25:02 UTC in journal: #3 Comment #33365
I bet this person will never be heard of again.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-14 16:24:55 UTC in journal: #2 Comment #33214
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-14 16:23:20 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33036
Hello #1.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 10:02:14 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33035
And now it's my turn to post. And now. And now. And now.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:25:10 UTC in journal: #2 Comment #33213
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:24:43 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33034
Hello. There is nothing written in the next 28 journals. Do not comment on them. Good day.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:23:07 UTC in journal: #27 Comment #34379
As you can see in journal 18, I wrote that I've commented the first 27 journals. This is the 27th journal, and I haven't commented in it. So I lied. And it felt great.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:21:02 UTC in journal: #26 Comment #34353
I'm 12.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:20:09 UTC in journal: #25 Comment #35276
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:19:38 UTC in journal: #24 Comment #34315
Why is Ant in your avatar, TJB?
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:18:04 UTC in journal: #23 Comment #34278
potatis_invalido catches Darkie.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:17:25 UTC in journal: #22 Comment #34246
. . . wait several minutes (duh)
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:16:32 UTC in journal: #21 Comment #34216
I like the whole world
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:15:42 UTC in journal: #20 Comment #34190
You're not making any sandwich.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:14:48 UTC in journal: #19 Comment #34167
Yes, you must.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:13:45 UTC in journal: #18 Comment #34147
Only 27.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 06:11:53 UTC in journal: #17 Comment #34114
Don't worry, secret police will be here any minute.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:45:13 UTC in journal: #16 Comment #34069
You created an account just so you could write this journal?
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:45:00 UTC in journal: #15 Comment #34027
We have a problem... who should be the woman?
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:43:59 UTC in journal: #14 Comment #33991
Thank you Jesus.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:43:30 UTC in journal: #13 Comment #33957
What's that supposed to mean "what's that supposed to mean "what's that supposed to mean "what's that supposed to mean"""?
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:42:55 UTC in journal: #12 Comment #33916
S*e*en, f**k y*ah!
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:42:04 UTC in journal: #11 Comment #33871
I don't believe in monarchy.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:40:08 UTC in journal: #10 Comment #33818
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:39:51 UTC in journal: #9 Comment #33764
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:38:55 UTC in journal: #8 Comment #33720
,[:) The smiley is wearing a fez.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:36:15 UTC in journal: #6 Comment #33605
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:35:55 UTC in journal: #5 Comment #33530
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:35:22 UTC in journal: #4 Comment #33453
Not if the smoke is backwards, so first you see the smoke and then the fire starts, later.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:31:59 UTC in journal: #3 Comment #33364
About once a month.
I bet this person will never be heard of again.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:31:43 UTC in journal: #2 Comment #33212
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-13 05:31:24 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33033
It wasn't me.

... seriously.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-07 19:04:30 UTC in journal: #6763 Comment #63142
I've been using Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (a "64 bit" OS) for over a year with no compatibility problems with x86 ("32 bit" or "old") programs. Not all x64 operating systems have compatibility problems with x86 programs just because your does, if it does.

I enjoy reading your mod reviews, keep it up :)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-04 12:33:06 UTC in vault item: Combine Ether Comment #18432
"zombie should light on fire and break the planks...... did you jump up and over it somehow??" Yes, I thought that was what I was supposed to do.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-03 02:53:19 UTC in vault item: Combine Ether Comment #18417
"grab a box. from the previous room." The problem is that I can't get back into the previous room because it's blocked by planks.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-02 11:19:48 UTC in vault item: Combine Ether Comment #18412
You should change the readme.txt file, map_tetsu0_01 isn't the first map, tetsu0_28_01 is. For some reason the ladder on the boat isn't climbable. If your torch goes out you can't light it again. Is that a bug?
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-02 11:10:01 UTC in vault item: Combine Ether Comment #18410
I'm stuck here
screenshot lost
I can't keep the door open and go through it at the same time. I have no way of reaching the crates to the right.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-02 08:14:49 UTC in news: How'd you get in there, Rick? Comment #99627
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-02 05:30:09 UTC in journal: #6753 Comment #63728
The biggest mistake of my life was not to report my parents to social workers. They've always loved me (and vice versa), but for many years of my childhood, they just weren't there for me or my oldest brother. Instead, they gave all their attention to my other older brother, because he had troubles greater than ours - lack of compassion for fellow human beings, depression, suicide attempts, etc. This lead to me and my oldest brother getting serious emotional problems. I weren't interested in friends and pretended to be a fictitious character. My brother started hanging out with neo-Nazis. Eventually as I grew up, I realized it wasn't my fault my life was so bad. I guess my brother must have realized the same thing, as we're both okey now. About a year ago, my mother apoligized for not giving us the attention children/teenagers need. My father hasn't, but I'm sure he would apologize too if we talked about it. Lesson learned; don't be afraid to do something about your life.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-01 05:27:41 UTC in journal: #6747 Comment #63136
Can I make a recommendation? Half-Life 2: Jaykin' Bacon is my favourite multiplayer Half-Life (1) mod. You jump around with lots of weapons, some normal like shotguns and pistols, others a bit different like the knife with sniper scope, invisibility box or K98k, and try to kill your oponents.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-29 21:39:25 UTC in news: How'd you get in there, Rick? Comment #99599
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-19 19:59:26 UTC in journal: #32 Comment #34464
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-19 19:58:34 UTC in journal: #26 Comment #34352
Yes and he's more like from France, now. Time does that.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-19 19:58:00 UTC in journal: #25 Comment #35275
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-19 19:57:15 UTC in journal: #16 Comment #34068
You created an account just so you could write this journal?
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-19 19:57:07 UTC in journal: #15 Comment #34026
I do.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-19 19:57:00 UTC in journal: #14 Comment #33990
Thank you.