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Commented 8 years ago2016-02-02 12:12:43 UTC in journal: #8662 Comment #40514
Happy birthday Geeba-Z... wait.
Commented 8 years ago2016-01-30 08:47:58 UTC in journal: #8659 Comment #50151
What a glorious tale. I am insanely jealous. It's not often you encounter hair like that.
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Commented 8 years ago2016-01-10 03:41:43 UTC in vault item: TWHL Tower Comment #12322
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Commented 8 years ago2016-01-08 23:03:49 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #12320
Downloading for old time's sake.
Commented 8 years ago2016-01-07 16:53:03 UTC in journal: #8651 Comment #58511
I was also gonna suggest Cards against Humanity

I've not had a single game of it where I haven't been out of breathe for laughing.
Commented 8 years ago2016-01-05 15:30:33 UTC in journal: Worst game Comment #67951
If we're talking custom maps, there are literally thousands that I have played, all worthy of being the worst.

Officially, the worst maps I played in a proper release goes to Project IGI. The game that boasted "12 Square Kilometres!" of terrain in their missions. Quite an impressive size back in the day, but the gameplay was always focused around a single building or set of buildings right in the center every single misson. The rest of it was just barren terrain with absolutely nothing in it, not even a tree.
Commented 8 years ago2016-01-04 15:13:30 UTC in journal: #8648 Comment #52190
HL2 had way too many irritating enemies, specifically manhacks and antlions. They cut all the good stuff!

Episode 2 is probably the better game if I had to choose from the Source titles
Commented 8 years ago2016-01-03 21:21:52 UTC in journal: #8648 Comment #52189
I'll be honest, I don't rate HL2 anywhere near as high as I do HL1. There is no doubt that it's a better engine and the physics system is (or was) incredible. I just don't enjoy it as much as I do Half-Life 1, and beyond Ravenholm, I don't think I use the Gravity Gun very much at all.

Hell, I'd even rate Black Mesa higher than HL2. When I get into Source mapping I think I'll be playing with the BMS tools specifically.
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Commented 8 years ago2015-12-17 14:16:47 UTC in journal: #8640 Comment #51540
Welcome to the GTX 970 club. It's pretty in here.
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Commented 8 years ago2015-12-15 19:14:17 UTC in journal: #8638 Comment #40079
Crazy times
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Commented 8 years ago2015-11-30 13:29:44 UTC in journal: #8630 Comment #67027
A birthday poem for you:

Roses are bacon,
Violets are bacon,
I like bacon,
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-06 13:45:50 UTC in journal: #8622 Comment #46142
I should think so too! You've made a wise, life changing decision.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-02 12:52:22 UTC in journal: #8622 Comment #46141
Title sequence is stunning Archie. Nicely done. Anyone who doesn't like this video is obviously REALLY stupid and they smell of wee.
Commented 8 years ago2015-10-28 19:35:44 UTC in journal: #8618 Comment #58493
That's pretty slick.
Commented 8 years ago2015-10-20 11:15:20 UTC in journal: #8613 Comment #67013

You made Apartment!


Welcome back! ^_^
Commented 8 years ago2015-10-18 20:10:42 UTC in journal: #8611 Comment #44082
That's... Uhm... I... Uhm... Thank you? :P
Commented 8 years ago2015-10-18 07:54:37 UTC in journal: #8611 Comment #44081
Hahaha xD
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Commented 8 years ago2015-08-21 21:51:30 UTC in journal: #8594 Comment #67589
User posted image
User posted image
Commented 8 years ago2015-08-06 14:02:52 UTC in journal: #8589 Comment #52909
It's a fun little game, excellent for exercising your creativity.

I would recommend to increase that library of yours. :)

Also, that last one makes me thing of some shitty little kid rapper who thinks the world owes him something... I hate it and I'm glad it never existed.
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Commented 8 years ago2015-07-15 06:41:09 UTC in journal: #8577 Comment #55415
QA? I've read stories... still do in fact: Tales from the Trenches is basically about QA, and their archive contains stories submitted by testers.

That said, it's definitely a foot in the door and I wish you all the best with it. :D

Good to hear from you again.
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-22 09:10:30 UTC in journal: #8551 Comment #61218
I was going to recommend the R.A.T 3 until I checked your link... It's seriously the most comfortable mouse I've ever used, has 5 buttons including the mouse wheel, and has built in sensitivity controls (naturally)

It's not that garish red though
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-22 09:06:09 UTC in journal: #8550 Comment #51068
4 years is a disgraceful excuse for a sentence!
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-19 13:13:53 UTC in journal: #8546 Comment #40245
Holy shitting dick nipples!

Or, as they say in polite conversation, "Hi. Finish Hostage Situation"
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-19 13:11:54 UTC in news: Urby had a baby! Comment #100258
I've taken six weeks to mull this article over and conduct much research on the matter. I can now confirm that it is 100% true.

Thanks guys! :D
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-19 07:28:53 UTC in vault item: Colony 42 Comment #20885
My review from RunThinkShootLive

First off, I'd just like to say that I am so happy that this saw the light of day. JeffMOD has been a member of TWHL for as long as I can remember, is a very active mapper and jumps at the chance to bash something together in GoldSource. He has come such a long way since he started working on C42 and he himself admits that it doesn't reflect his current abilty. The mod was officially canned about a year ago I believe, but he ultiimately decided (with some persuasion from yours truly) to release what he had.

Though it's technically a pre-alpha, I will review it as a complete mod as Jeff has stated that he will no longer be working on it himself.

The first thing that I can say right off the bat is that this mod has the same issues as Toadmann's mod Azure Sheep. A lot of it takes place in corridors which lead to yet more corridors. While this was boring in Azure Sheep due to the featureless walls, Jeff's attempt to maintain the sense of place by adding multiple locked doors make progression downright frustrating at times. This could have easily been rectified by placing obsticles along the way which require the player to find a way around them, even if it just means cutting through a couple of living quarters.

It's a real shame since the sense this being an active working place is fantastic in the pre-disaster section at the start. Little notes left around for collegues, scientists attempting to get into their labs (which the player is able to resolve) and so on. Everything after that though, including the event that causes the aliens to appear, just kind of happens. I can only assume that the intention was to flesh out the story afterwards because for the most part I was utterly lost and wasn't sure what my ultimate goal was.

Overall, the mapping and lighting is rather basic, though there are occasional sections which look far more polished and detailed. It's very easy to get lost and some players may get frustrated by this. My play time was significantly drawn out during a section where I was looking for a keycard. This took place around a featureless corridor section which gave very little in the way of landmarks to guide me and prevent me from going back on myself multiple times.

I'm going to give this a maybe (3 stars), simply because anyone outside of TWHL who didn't see the mod's pregression over the years might not get as much out of the experience of actually playing it.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-25 16:52:52 UTC in journal: #8539 Comment #46097
If I had the money to spare, I would have every single one of those fallout replicas. Maybe see if he could do a gravity gun as well.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-24 07:50:17 UTC in journal: #8538 Comment #67075
Trigger_Transition solves this if it's an issue. You link it to the changelevel and then only entities within that area are carried over.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-09 20:02:54 UTC in journal: #8533 Comment #58488
Probably the only Source mod I've actually enjoyed aside from Black Mesa.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-08 10:36:25 UTC in journal: #8532 Comment #61686
I'm well aware of the witcher series. It just never interested me. The third one looks decent though.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-06 15:31:18 UTC in journal: #8531 Comment #44058
Cheers guys. Your comments all give me the warm fuzzies.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-02 06:58:08 UTC in journal: #8530 Comment #52856
I exist because the world simply wasn't awesome enough and needed someone to kick things up a few notches.

Seriously though, I don't think there is a reason or meaning to existence outside of religious beliefs. We simply are. Life is a fantastic accident.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-01 23:16:24 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #13465
@DiscoStu. Shoot better. Don't kill the ichys.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 00:00:39 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #16337
Gave it a go in regular Half-Life so as to judge the map itself, without being distracted by Brutal Half-Life's wonderful... well... brutality I guess. I assume the toxic slime room is the last area so far?

The map is OK at the moment. I guess I'm not really a fan of having to fight through huge hordes of enemies that are just standing around. The spectacle offered by Brutal Half-Life's gore would surely make this slightly more entertaining.

I prefer maps with a little story to them as well as a sense of place. Although it was difficult to convey back in 1993, Doom did still have a plot and a setting. I'm just not sure what kind of location this map is meant to be set in...

I won't properly rate it until it's finished however. :)
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 15:35:49 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #16339
Then play the first map first silly. Flashlight problem solved. :P
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 15:34:02 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #16338
You can't.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-27 15:14:47 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14338
You have a flashlight...
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-25 06:53:23 UTC in journal: #8525 Comment #61196
Woop woop woop! Awesome!
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-21 15:41:20 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14331
I know, right? It's crazy.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-17 07:10:46 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14355
Yeah, starting in a cell is overdone, but it wasn't back in '99. Well, it may have been. I didn't have the Internet back then...

Regarding the file cabinets Jeff, they currently stand at 48 units / inches which is a little shorter than the average of 52. Larger cabinets would have looked odd alongside the desks which were also built to scale (to the nearest inch), but yeah, I see where you're coming from. They are kinda diddy looking.