
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-18 16:00:38 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #9066
spins out of control? I've never ran into that issue... ok, I'll re-compile all the maps and try to re-post if BJ will host the new update.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 11:15:03 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8919
How do I display how many polys are being run by the game?
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 00:23:53 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8913
Thanks Captain P, Awsome Review! Again, I truely appreciate any input someone has.

I'm going to replace that horid elevator noise with an ambience noise that will be quiet but stay on til the bottom. And craft a new elevator. (it was the third thing I made in the hole mod, needs a upgrade)

I agree that the next area is somewhat small. A little clostiphobic. But I'm adding a new recreational room there as we speak, going to remove the staircase (its sloppy)

And, I was going to let people up into the control, but decided against it. And I guess I could alter the doorway, wasn't really thinking when I copy/pasted that area for the new level, and didn't want to go back and alter it(since I'd have to do it in both places)

And about that bar.. I couldn't get in to go down, then back up... it would lower just fine, but no matter how I triggered it again, it wouldn't raise!! I should look into that, maybe I know enough now to fix that.
And... going to delete that awful sweeper (was just messing with the rotate feature.)

I blocked off the lab from main sight for the "gee, if he made that that good and didn't show it off, I wonder what he CAN do" effect Don't worry, that place will be revisited in later chapters.

The 'odd' bunker was there to show the seriousness of security in the area. It looked even more odd when I first made it.. trust me. No one noticed the 'plane' flying way up in the air after you pass the bunker? (you have to duck and look up the out the window)

Yeah... I'm not completely done with that section of the map, was just getting the main layout of the area complete. Going to put much more interesting things there (besides the 4 humongous vents), trust me.

And no, I didn't run vis. I wasn't planning to intil I completely finished a/the map(s). sorry.

I'll get to work on all these problems immediatly!! I am SOOO Grateful, truely! I'll put all you playtesters in the credits, for sure.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 01:12:15 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8893
Alright elon....
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-04 15:01:11 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8853
I think there is something wrong with the gamma on my monitor, it doesn't look that dark on my computer, but everyone else says its too dim on theres. Guess I should increase the brightness of the lights. And this is the Pre-Demo, the last tram drop-off is the last place in the demo. Don't worry, next version will have plenty of run around in it. Even some new voice acting.

But thanks for the support and notes, I take them all very seriously! And will implement accordinly. Thanks to everyone so far.
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-17 01:48:46 UTC in vault item: Old Medkit Comment #8604
I really like the wall mounted weapons, very nice! And I think I'll send you a couple of my maps now if you don't mind
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-24 19:00:57 UTC in vault item: German Comment #5719
I'll tell you something, you did alot better than I did on my second map.. I think. Well, good job anyhow. A little more practice and you'll be doing alot better job with lighting, and arcitecture. Keep at it!