
Half-Life HL
Riverpool by Rimrook
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:09:42 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
Screenshot Thumbnail
Rimrook Rimrook
16 years ago2009-01-06 11:09:42 UTC
9 years ago2016-01-08 22:28:51 UTC
4.85 (13)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (3.95mb)

Someone actually has a download link to this so I updated.


Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:16:19 UTC Comment #11077
I'll download this. For the rmf x)
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:18:05 UTC Comment #11078
probably wasn't done uploading when you downloaded it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Also, fountain.wad wasn't included. All should be good now... unless I forgot something, there is a ton of crap in this map.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:21:32 UTC Comment #11057
It's all there. I joked. I think I'll use the water texture in some wad some day cuz it's nice. Can I apply it to a func_water brush ?

[EDIT] Oh and the moving-leaves palm is just perfect for an outdoor map.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:32:59 UTC Comment #11056
Couldt oven dev.wad ...
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:34:32 UTC Comment #15479
What the hell? The picture looks amazing and yet there aren't any "OMG" comments. :S
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:38:18 UTC Comment #15629
Yeah, there's no dev.wad
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:40:52 UTC Comment #15630
dammit... will fix it immediately.

Habboi: Cuz much better looking stuff is everywhere... like in Ep2.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:50:54 UTC Comment #15645
Why dont u use wadinclude rimrook? Then you dont need to include the wad files. And btw, rename rimroom.wad to dev.wad = win

edit2: rimook I added you to friends .. you still didnt accepted :(:(

Really amazing, but .. I dont like the fact that you suddenly get blocked because your not supposed to go there. Like with the waterfall, you can remove the clipping. And only clip around the rocks. That looks much better.

Also you can add fades to the end of both side of the map. Then when you fade is almost 100% you restart the round. Then it looks much more natural then just a transparant wall there.

The rest, custom textures/model are superb. Maby the lights are a bit to much. But it gives a good feeling :)

Also, when you spawn and you walk to the pool. Look at your left .. there is a black palm model. It looks ugly :) Move it a bit and it looks way better.

I give 4½ stars. But because that doesnt excist .. ill give 5 !
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 11:55:41 UTC Comment #17195
40+ hours doesn't pay off like it used to. :(

Raver: Add friends to what?
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 12:32:05 UTC Comment #17196
That girl's face looks weird.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 12:32:45 UTC Comment #17197
Steam friends!
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 12:35:49 UTC Comment #17198
Hey, because of you, i can't edit my post now.
Anyways, why do all the models that have transparent textures look like they have no transparency but instead, a black background. Is it because of WON hl?
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 13:22:29 UTC Comment #17199
WON HL doesn't have model transparency support.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 13:28:34 UTC Comment #17200
Yeah, it's WON. I think these are the dlls that allow transparency- be sure to back up your old dlls before trying them of course:

It doesn't look like you are using any default textures, so you could just use -nowadtextures to include all used textures in the .bsp (less work than -wadinclude)

It looks amazing, but it has issues as a map in general. For goldsource, wpoly of 2500 and epoly of 40,000 is ridiculous. It's easy to make a pretty HL1 map when you build it like it's made for HL2! But regardless, the architecture, texturing, lighting, sound ambience, etc. are wonderful. It's clear that those polies went to good use, and aren't just the result of sloppy mapping.

In terms of gameplay, the way so much of the map is clipped off is frustrating. I've had to do those a couple times myself, but when you feel like there's an invisible barrier all around the map it's just irritating.

It feels like a pretty setpiece, but not something that's really meant to be played.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 13:38:46 UTC Comment #17201
Why do you even use won ... thats so retarded ... you are living in 2009 man c'mon! Use steam, get used to it!
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 13:52:51 UTC Comment #17202
wow that looks sexy... cum
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 14:07:44 UTC Comment #17203
Raver: I use steam. But i don't have steam HL.

Oh and pretty much what everyone said.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 17:51:47 UTC Comment #17204
Wow, the detail is insane. A bit small, and I didn't like getting clipped out of areas, but nonetheless, a really great job.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-07 06:58:54 UTC Comment #17205

This looks absolutely breathtaking just from the screenie. I'm amazed at all the quality maps being produced for this little project... <downloading now>
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-09 08:15:29 UTC Comment #17212
finally, a holyshitfuck kind of comment.

I was about to slit my wrists o__O

BTW, i still map and do everything on WON-HL
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-12 16:31:03 UTC Comment #17226
It's amazing what talented mappers can do with an out-dated engine.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-12 21:02:56 UTC Comment #17228
RiverPool was discussed on this weeks edition of Podcast17:
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-19 15:15:29 UTC Comment #17240
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-19 19:14:14 UTC Comment #17241
I'd say this is your best looking map to date, bar none. It's hard to single out any single aspect, because the whole thing looks so great. It sounds great too. All the wind and birds made for a very immersive environment.
Though I REALLY liked how the trees swayed in the wind; it made the map feel alive. I don't think I've ever seen another map that did something like that.

The only complaint I have is that you clipped off the waterfall area. I wanted to get closer, but I couldn't, and many tears were shed.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-19 21:49:53 UTC Comment #17242
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-24 03:15:17 UTC Comment #17245
Ok i have time to give a proper review...

This map blew me away from the screenie and the actual map was even better than i imagined. I was really like "holy shit" and "fuck" walking through the map...simply sexelent.

++Rimrook Textures never disappoint = )
+Superb brushwork, if not a bit thick or blocky on some trims and pillars imo.
+custom sky
+Neat fake HDR if not a little overdone
++Rimrook Models. Though the sexy gir's face was a little man-ish imo! = )
++excellent use of transparent textures for the trees
++excellent use of sounds

The only other comment i can think of atm is i felt as if the map in general felt like it was scaled a little too big. I think if you shrunk everything by 1/3 or a little less it would be even better.

Oh btw i did notice some disappearing brushes in the river in places, and i think srry mentioned that the "max viewable distance" could be increased, since some stuff disappears if in a few parts of the map.

Simply superb work. 5 all the way...
* * * * *
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-25 12:56:10 UTC Comment #17248
Wow. Loved the detail and custom resources, which gave this a very fresh feel. Architecture, texturing, ambience.. All top-notch.

The only thing I think could use improvements is lighting. It's got an absolutely lovely duskish skybox, yet the area's flooded with flourescent bluish/white. Toning down the brightness and giving it a more natural warm tone would really improve the map's serene feel.

Clipping out areas is usually somewhat frustrating; I can see why you'd do it with trees, though areas like the waterfall should stay unclipped.

5* for the huge effort nonetheless (chaeng lightningz pl0x!)
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-19 18:58:36 UTC Comment #17455
Just got around to this...
Loved it! sure, you clipped off some of the most senic areas, but the brushwork and ambience was amazing. The girl was'nt as man-ish as CT would have me believe, but I think you should work on her a bit, make the porportions a bit more realistic. Great rooms entry, you could base an entire mod off of this. (Rimrook's Mansion - That would be awsome! At least consider it next time you have some free time to work.)
5 stars for effort, brushwork and ambience.
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-24 11:03:55 UTC Comment #17462
Amazing "room". 4.8/5
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-19 19:00:44 UTC Comment #17705
Beautiful map! What a pleasure to rest here after numerous killing of nasty monsters. ;)
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 16:42:12 UTC Comment #11460
Nice map.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-28 16:42:14 UTC Comment #18394
damn, its looks good! Startig downloading...NOW
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-11 14:05:27 UTC Comment #18726
Link is dead :((((
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-17 15:22:13 UTC Comment #18742
Link updated, my bad.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-21 03:21:13 UTC Comment #19137
Hmm, don't know why I didn't comment. I have a better perspective now that I just mapped a pool. I really like the idea of it being a river made into a pool. Really cool, I was checking out a pool magazine today and there was a river like pool in it. It's a great concept. The greens and blues went wonderfully with the contrasting orange sky. The water lapping sound was a great touch that I should have included in my pool. The textures were absolutely astounding especially the water and sand ones.

Very cool transition sequence from outside the area "jungle like trail" to the pool area. Wonderful surroundings. The girl was a very nice touch though her face could be a little more feminine looking and less round. I wasn't extremely fond of the building with its huge door and the statue though it does have tranquil form and compliments the theme. The pool could have possibly used one more bridge but with only one it secludes the inner side more so it may have not been necessary.

Good job dude this pool is sexy as hell! I'd say this was the best "room" done in the project and deserves some recognition! Have you considered being an architect?
Commented 12 years ago2013-01-13 06:39:09 UTC Comment #20226
link dead...
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-13 04:56:07 UTC Comment #20328
The link is dead, mate. Can you provide another one or fix it? I really want to take a look at this map. It's incredible! :o
Commented 11 years ago2013-12-16 05:11:42 UTC Comment #20359
Yup, still dead...
Commented 9 years ago2016-01-08 22:30:08 UTC Comment #12319
Updated link to someone who had it on ModDB.
Commented 9 years ago2016-01-08 23:03:49 UTC Comment #12320
Downloading for old time's sake.

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