
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-14 23:47:06 UTC in vault item: N.S.E.W. - Version 1 Comment #7271
I downloaded this map... the lighting is pretty generic, and the maze setup in the main arena is confusing. Perhaps you could place some decals stating where the CT and T spawns are?

You have 4 hallways, each with 4 rooms at the end of a hallway. Bottleneck. Maybe branch them each out.

And Rabidmonkey has a point - place some stuff in the way to duck behind or perhaps a ladder to climb up the main arena.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-14 23:44:50 UTC in vault item: Walking Camera Comment #7270
You can use cameras in CSS... there's a map called downtown_beta_one which has a monitor where the hostages are. The camera points opposite the front door in the lobby.