
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-16 10:04:01 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #13001
broken link
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:46:17 UTC in vault item: dm_aztecbeta 1.3 Comment #10758
I like the lava for lighting Idea! thanks!
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:17:34 UTC in vault item: dm_poisongarden Comment #10756
everything i want to say has been said. so Im just gonna quote hunter ;)


The moment i spawned i knew i was going to enjoy the map, simply by looking at the uber-cool textures, and the great, interesting archiecture!
The textures were AWSOME, and they suited the theme sooo well!
The sprites were great, i mean REALLY great..
The gameplay looked in some places like it would be awsome, but in others, like it wouldn't be so good.. the long tunnel which goes round the map doesn't provide any cover and you could get raped with shotgun from behind.. also, dont try to use the RPG in confined areas :)

The layout is great, nothing too difficult to figure out, but it still managed to feel like one of your maps rimrook.. doesn;t seem to have and end and that idicates that it will flow beautifully...

Now onto the little details... The room above the RPG is... for lack of better wording - SEX.. like really.. really.. really... sex...
As is the part of the tunnel that sticks out from the main structure, giving thep layer a strange nausiating feeling, and i was rather paranoid at that point, having only just spawned from falling after trying to get the RPG :P

The egon room is unbelivable.. absolutely indescribable (so i took a screenshot :) ) it is just.. well.. rimrook-style goodness...

The healing rings are awsome.. i wanna know how you made them . was it decals?


The RPG floor is.. cool, yet frustrating.. i thought i had finally got over, (having just grabbed the RPG) little did i know that the floor surrounding the raised RPG platform was also breakable.. wheeeee. splunch! (splunch is a great word)

The poison was an interesting take on a DM match... it should make gameplay interesting, with players running to healing rings after getting poisoned, hoping against hope that they wont die after heroicly going for the stronger weapons.

There were a few things i didn't like however.

First, was the ambient light.. in the first room i spawned in, there is a hole in the roof, showing off the sky.. however, there is ambient lights shining down which is far too bright...

Second, was the yellow trim along a panel type thing which travvelled along above the tunnel in one section.. it was just plain yellow...

Well, i think thats it. Once again, awsome map rimrook..
- hope you dont mind hunter!

btw the word for this is omfgtaculous. officialy.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-29 11:20:13 UTC in vault item: dm_aztecbeta 1.3 Comment #10732
:( fair enough fair enough...

lavaflowing isnt in the beta, I mentioned it in previous releases but I forgot to here. its working in the final version.

the plan for this map was to make a DMC style map so Im gonna put that down to personal prefrences but yeah the map is quite small!

finally I dont really like the rocks either, but I couldnt come up with a better rock face without dropping the framerate to 10fps. Ill try and look into that...
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-26 18:10:23 UTC in vault item: dm_aztecbeta 1.3 Comment #10700
I have one, its on my laptop and I uploaded it last version. unfortunatly my wireless broke so yeah actually it is. I did mention a screenshot was comming in the post.

yeh, the torches are placeholders so no flames of pretty prefabs. the lava dosnt flow either. sorry I didnt mention that but I was in a rush. Ill update the post in a sec. thx for the comments
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-23 13:47:31 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10648
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-21 13:50:12 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10595
One thing I like about this map was the features. theres lots of detailed entity work that makes the map fun and interesting! I like the layout and the custom health chargers. Lighting is ok, maybe a but generic but what I really didnt like was all the same old textures. the walls looked so bland! more spaceshippy stuff to emphasise the setting would be good. the landing area was nice but more stuff would be good. 4/5.