
Commented 13 years ago2011-09-19 13:44:33 UTC in journal: #7403 Comment #49296
Just heard the song, and firstly the vocalist is awesome.
The build up to the bridge sounded a bit out of place ,and the chorus sounded a bit underwhelming, and the guitars should have been panned out on the left and right instead of the center.
Commented 15 years ago2009-03-04 04:33:29 UTC in news: OMGWTFHAX Comment #99017
script kiddie hacking pack is here :
n00bs they use autoit, y not c++ or ajax
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-22 23:00:13 UTC in vault item: ka_de_streetrugby Comment #16495
Skals say:
the bomb will sink down? lol wtf, why?

it is because u use a func_illusionary and a clip brush so u cant go thru, but the bomb will

redka says:
In some cases the bomb didnt sink down and could be defused (after tested 5 mins with bots).

i made some errors cause i made it in about 30minutes,so dont expect it to be perfect!!!!
Commented 17 years ago2007-12-17 10:46:17 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa Xmas Comment #16112
Screenie looks nice, I'll try it tommorow
Commented 17 years ago2007-12-17 10:20:02 UTC in vault item: Decals & illumination (fr_terroristattackonfacility) Comment #16111
better mapping tutorials