
Commented 6 years ago2017-09-24 19:24:37 UTC in journal: #8867 Comment #46240
Happy birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-29 07:16:00 UTC in journal: #8857 Comment #61578
I don't believe you. I'm sure there is a riddle somewhere…
Joyeux anniversaire anyway!
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-30 15:06:02 UTC in journal: #8847 Comment #38825
Oh, that's sad especially when it hits you by surprise...
I hope you're doing okay!
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-28 19:37:21 UTC in journal: #8843 Comment #38813
Happy Birthday! I think Urby's image was:
User Posted Image
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-24 08:14:43 UTC in journal: #8838 Comment #51122
Yeah, but 0 to the power of 0 is 1.
EDIT: Actually still 0 because the multiplication comes last.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-23 08:51:47 UTC in journal: #8838 Comment #51121
Happy M (base 32)th birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-22 09:50:53 UTC in journal: #8833 Comment #68577
Do people still watch TV?

Apart from that, KHED is a good software indeed. I used to use it, but I prefer learning and getting experience with blender instead.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-19 10:03:01 UTC in journal: #8831 Comment #61556
I wouldn't recommend you to delete any of your work, absolutely not! Just keep them out of sight.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-19 08:42:56 UTC in journal: #8831 Comment #61555
In my view, it's mostly about motivation. Not in the way you'd expect.
The issue you're describing here is very common among people working on personal projects, me included. My opinion: I think it's because we start or join a project as soon as we're excited about it, without really much thinking behind.
Personally, and I think that's the case of most of us, I grow tired of most projects quite quickly. The excitement I had at the beginning is soon gone. If I rely only on that excitement to keep me going, I'm never going to end anything. I'm just going to start a new project, cancel it, start another one. My piece of advice? Choose one project you really like, write down somewhere what project you're working on, and work on it. Dismiss any temptation to work on another project. The pleasure of working on it will plummet sooner or later, but the fact of forcing yourself to only work on this project and not start any other project will keep you going.

Also: on some of my projects I showed off what I was doing too early, like for Shift-Two v2 (which is now more dead than ever). I got used to the pleasure of showing the progress I've made to people. But the pace of the progress can slow down or be less noticeable. Besides, feeling that I'm working on my project because I am obliged to show something to other people makes me demotivated and dislike what I'm doing. If I'm not giving up, I'm won't be doing good work.

In short, choose your projects carefully (and don't choose one because you'll like to show off what you're doing), make good, good progress before you start talking about your project to other people, and don't have too many projects.
I think it's helpful to record your progress, assiduity and TODO on paper. It's very pleasant to cross out TODO items or a day on which you worked.
EDIT: Damn, I talk too much.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-15 13:36:44 UTC in journal: #8830 Comment #52206
Wish you a wonderful 73-47 birthay!
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-20 08:52:54 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67875
I'd recommend UE4. It has the benefit of being the only modern and up-to-date engine you mentioned. And it's widely used in industry.
I don't see the point in wasting time learning any of the other technologies you mentioned. They won't give you much flexibility and freedom and are out-of-date. There's not as much effort behind them as there is for UE4, where it's probably easy to find help or tutorials.
If you have the possibility of going with the most modern option, why refuse it?
If UE4 is too hard for you, there's still Unity.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-20 08:25:07 UTC in journal: #8822 Comment #51107
That must be very disapointing...
In my case I've got the lowest possible passable grade for the coursework of my modules this year. It's very disappointing considering the fact I was expecting much more and worked so hard on it. Now I get to see fourth years celebrating their first on facebook when I know it will now be impossible for me to get one...
I really hope that you'll succeed with your new plan, whatever it is. I have the same opinion on the game industry. I'm pretty sure I'd hate to work there. However, gamedev as a hobby is great.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-14 17:35:55 UTC in journal: #8819 Comment #67649
Can we get the LOG of your compilation?
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-11 14:30:03 UTC in journal: #8816 Comment #67855
Dundee's a nice place, I like it (and I consider staying there). Quite boring though, but I actually like the fact it's calm.
It's quite cheap for the UK, but still more expensive than Poland I believe. It's not hard to find a job if you're into computing / web development, but even if you're not I don't think it's that hard either (most students I know from there have a job).
I can't remember if they accepted the TOEFL, I remember I had to pass the IELTS test to be admitted, which was quite expensive.
There is a lot of Polish students and the Polish society is quite active.
Who knows, maybe I'll see you there someday... :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-08 09:04:26 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49763
That's great, congratulations!

"When you streaming though? :P"
When YOU will stream! Don't pretend you're busy with your family or your job, you know the priorities in life. :)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-24 17:22:12 UTC in journal: #8800 Comment #67407
I guess spending 1 hour writing this reply was worth it then! :P

The legacy of the FN is the main reason why people are afraid of it. I think it's mostly clean now considering how many people she sacked, but I understand why people see it as some sort of hidden fascist force trying to look like a normal party just to get elected.
A "clean" alternative to the FN would be Debout la France. They're anti-EU as well though and his leader, Dupont-Aignan, sees De Gaulle as a God, which is never a good thing. Anyway, he made an impressive performance during the last TV show confronting all the 11 candidates which I strongly invite you to watch:
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-24 12:28:17 UTC in journal: #8800 Comment #67406
Well, that makes a lot of replies to answer to!

I don't agree with part of what you said, Dim, and Archie already explained why. I'm personally not that much concerned about terrorism. That's just an easy way to twist public opinion and justify extraordinary measures as Georges Bush did, David Cameron did (by qualifying anyone against bombarding Syria as terrorist sympathisers) and last but not least, Marine Le Pen, although not to the same extent (yet she's seen as worse as those two). The argument I often give is that +2000 people die on the roads each year. I'm far more concerned about that. I don't think immigrants are a problem because of the terrorist threat they represent, which is frankly not as high as we might like to think.

Archie, you said that the ruling class is using Islamophobia and racism to divide the people and justify foreign wars. That might be true to some extent. But all I see here are medias and politicians urging people to be open to immigration and Islam. All, including the right leader François Fillon, except the FN and Debout la France (which made less than 5% because of an unfair coverage by the media). Immigration benefit to the economy, but not always to the people. It can drive wages down¹ and fragment society with confronting cultures and religions. Those who are looking for cheap labour don't care, and "those" are big businesses. I think that's part of the reason why medias and politicians make it so hard to be against immigration. Of course, it's also because a lot of people naturally think the way you think, that immigration and multiculturalism are an opportunity and that the one opposed to it are racist. There's some truth in it.

Immigration as it is now in my country is a very important problem. Immigration and fear are probably used by dishonest people and parties to divide the people, but any idea or feeling, good or bad, can be used that way. History has shown us that immigration and multiculturalism can either be opportunities or disasters. Yet, for some reasons, people like to only remember the good part of it. Take Lenanon. The division between druze, shia and sunni Muslims and Christians is NOT a chance, but the reason why this country has been severely damaged with civil wars (it went from a Switzerland to a developing country). Any massive immigration from very different cultures poses substantial threats to the stability of a country. It might not be bad by itself, but it makes society far more vulnerable to any sort of social divide.

The French state is investing millions in "priority" areas: suburbs where immigrant population gather and that are awash with insecurity, poor education and unemployment. Occasionally, something very bad happens. For example, not so long ago, a car of policemen were attacked with Molotov cocktails by some people, including some below 18. They were left with permanent injuries. This lead to police protests nationwide. This kind of events happen very often, although not so dramatic. This sort of delinquency is often done by immigrants from those "priority" areas. It's not always because of them, but because we can't host them in acceptable conditions. Even Sweden, who was priding itself for accepting a lot of immigrants and giving them Swedish lessons is facing problems with immigrants (which in turn leads to a rise in neo-Nazism and antisemitism). There's also the fact that if you plan to accept anyone, you won't only get families fleeing wars or poverty, but criminals as well (as seen in Cologne). I'm not mentioning the racism intra-immigrants, or the fact people from some Muslim populations have anti-Christian and anti-Jew views. Example:

As for Marine Le Pen, you're telling me choosing the far-right is always the worst option by drawing comparisons with May and Trump. They have similarities, but they're really different. The question is: is she really far-right? Le Pen is described as far-right for her anti-immigration and anti-islam stance, yet she has a very socialist / left program at the complete opposite from May, Trump or Fillon. So social I wonder where she plans to find the money. She's not misogynistic. She's not accused Hollande of not being born in France as Trump did for Obama. She's not homophobic, the N2 of the FN is gay, and it's one of the reasons why some gay people are voting for her. She's also supported by some immigrants who just want security as well (she's the only major candidate who has a harsh stance on security). She supported Trump, but criticised him when he attacked Syria.

The short-term solution is Macron in my view. By allowing immigration to increase without any plan to fight insecurity and inequality , it will widen social divide even more and lead to more and more extremism in both camps as it's seen in Sweden and in Germany. Why do you think the FN gets more votes at every elections? How long do you think it's possible to keep it away from power? Besides, if she wins, she plans to have a referendum about whether or not people plan to stay in the EU. If she wins now, I'm confident people will choose to stay by a large majority, because the whole country depends on tourism. If she wins later, people would probably be extremist they might choose to leave.

I like Mélenchon as well, so I voted for him on the first round. But I disagree strongly with some of the things he said. As for Marine Le Pen, I don't like her, but I agree with most of her programme.

¹: I've heard some theories stating that it initially drives wages down but that in the long-run, everything goes back to normal. However those theories were only using examples and were not mentioning what would happen if the immigration flow was staying the same or increasing (as it is now).
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-23 19:05:45 UTC in journal: #8800 Comment #67405
Well she's not.
I was talking about Macron, and I'm positive he's going to win by a large majority. The irrational fear people have for the FN will just suffice to elect this program-free, private interest candidate. But things might change in the future, because things are going to get worse.
Very little is enough to convince people that a party or a person is racist or extremist. Standing against islamisation, insecurity or immigration is far more than enough. Even if those are issues most French people know their existence and their importance.
As a reminder, Macron said that insecurity is not that big of an issue. In a country where bullet proof glasses had to be installed in some schools. That's not just an isolated fact, insecurity is a nationwide trend.
Now as usual, most politics urge people to vote against Le Pen, which is not even described as a political opponent but as an enemy of the republic. These politicians include Fillon (you know, the career politician who stole money from tax payers and doesn't admit it) and Valls who passed the law in favour of big businesses against ordinary workers. I'd be suspicious about the real reason why they're qualifying the vote of millions of people as evil, but I'm positive it's not because of their "humanist" views.
FN voters have simply been ignored, the issues they've been confronted to snubbed by the elites with the support of the rest of the population because of their votes systematically being demonised as votes of "fear and hate". They've been prevented from expressing their voice in a so-called republic for decades, and it's going to be the case once again and a few more times.
It's because the key issues the FN plan to address are completely kept ignored by other parties that voters are obliged to cast their votes for a party with such a bad reputation.
I'm not a supporter of the FN and I did not vote for it at this round. But the FN is one of the few parties denouncing the real issues and the longer these issues are kept ignored (because Macron does not plan to address them), the larger FN voters will grow and the more extremist they will get. In the meantime, people ignoring these issues will keep voting for ANYTHING as long as it's not the FN until it's too late.
All in all, it's the usual speech: Not a hateful, fearful vote. They just don't want to vote for the people who've been ignoring (and demonising) them for decades.
I'm just stating a fact. I'm not saying the FN is a good party. But not as bad as it is always described by medias and politics and surely better than Macron. It's a seed of hope, at the very least.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 13:48:48 UTC in journal: #8799 Comment #67844
Good luck!
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-05 21:06:41 UTC in journal: #8782 Comment #48441
I find it a bit shocking to teach him Source. Goldsource FTW!
Commented 7 years ago2017-02-18 13:15:55 UTC in journal: #8778 Comment #67608
Happy black forest!
Commented 7 years ago2017-02-13 14:05:47 UTC in journal: #8777 Comment #48438
'merica. Where there is actually some stuff happening.
Commented 7 years ago2016-12-04 10:48:41 UTC in journal: #8769 Comment #68081
German and Arabic are two languages I really like. I really find them pleasant to hear, especially Arabic. I'm actually learning it!
They're two very useful languages as well.
Commented 7 years ago2016-10-19 19:15:22 UTC in journal: #8761 Comment #52947
"Even if you do have the fastest PC of the world, you would loose a lot of FPS on modern games. We live in a world of WYSIWGR (What You See Is What Gets Rendered), 360° means killing that because it would require more cameras, more cameras = more scenes to render, more scenes to render = more CPU/GPU work, more CPU/GPU work = lags."
No, I mean one camera rendered on your smartphone's screen. There are "helmets" (casque?) which allow you to use a smartphone's screen like some sort of VR devices. It allows you to attach your smartphone right before your eyes to get full immersion. But then, the smartphone would have to detect precisely enough the head's movements.
Right now, it's only for watching movies I think.
Commented 7 years ago2016-10-19 13:05:34 UTC in journal: #8761 Comment #52946
Only tried once the Occulus Rift. That was impressive, even though it made me sick in the end.
What I don't understand is why isn't it easier to be able to play 3D games with a 360° vision, optionally in 3D? It's already possible to use a smartphone to get a 360° vision, so it's technically supposed to be very simple.
A video which I found interesting on the subject:
Commented 7 years ago2016-10-04 06:14:24 UTC in journal: #8756 Comment #51095
Makes more sens indeed. :P
Commented 7 years ago2016-10-03 22:43:04 UTC in journal: #8756 Comment #51094
Repeat is when you don't get good enough grades at your exams/assignments and you have to do the same year a second time, I think.
Commented 7 years ago2016-10-02 18:53:17 UTC in journal: #8754 Comment #67966
Yeah I guess that's one way to put it.
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-26 14:52:45 UTC in journal: #8752 Comment #49732
Happy birthday, but why env_render, if that's not impolite to ask? :P
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-24 13:42:45 UTC in journal: #8751 Comment #58541
It happened to me too. I even think there were 2 dreams within my dream... But it was a while ago. Besides the fact there were dreams in it, I just remember very vague things from this dream: my house, some water, maybe an avocado... :P
That's why you always write down your dreams!
But when I was in school, I remember having once dreamt the school day I was going to have the following day, so when I woke up, I was so disappointed learning we were Wednesday and not Thursday...
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-21 22:35:52 UTC in journal: #8748 Comment #62911
You call these people idiot when you just said the same kind of things...

But besides that line, I agree with everything above.
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-20 15:23:08 UTC in journal: #8750 Comment #48680
This looks very good. How much time did it take?
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-19 23:44:09 UTC in journal: #8748 Comment #62910
I think this is utter stupidity and spoiling. It can only harm children to give them such tools so early. There's no advantage in it, unless you want to make experiments on your children, that is.

Admer, I got my first smartphone one or two years ago, and I never had any problem using it. That's not only me: Everyone my age I know, even though they're sometimes very bad at computer, know how to use a smartphone. So, justifying the fact of giving children tablets so they can learn how to use it, that's rubbish.

It's already known that smartphones and tablets lead to all sort of problems, like neck problems. If you start very young to spend much time using those tools then I guarantee you'll get a lot of them, because consequences are more serious on babies. The lack of other real activities could also lead to some other problems, like socializing, language learning, dexterity...
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-19 21:36:43 UTC in journal: #8749 Comment #46210
I'll never understand anything about the TWHL way of announcing one's birthday, if you ken what I mean.
Happy birthday!
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-30 17:01:55 UTC in journal: #8745 Comment #58537
At least we got a pic! Bike's looking a bit odd though. It looks like it's broken...
Sorry for that, I wish you a speedy recovery!
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-29 11:57:47 UTC in journal: #8742 Comment #68561
Good luck! :)
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-29 09:01:16 UTC in journal: #8741 Comment #61520
I'm impressed you can write numbers that high! I'm still struggling to go beyond 9…
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-28 01:40:40 UTC in journal: #8740 Comment #61729
"Happy 20th Valve. I hope you start making games again at some point... It's been three years since you did anything vaguely interesting for me..."
I don't know... The quality and feel of Valve's games is mainly because of its original team. But now, they're either leaving, or getting old (well, those who leave are getting old as well). I'd say Valve will or at least should continue this way and only deliver general gaming services (steam, steam os, ...).
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-24 07:45:01 UTC in journal: #8739 Comment #36315
Great, thanks! I started using monstermakers in my map a while ago! Didn't have this bug though, but I did have a lot of other problems which I'm not sure they're bugs or just caused by a bad use of these archaic entities...
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-23 23:26:55 UTC in journal: #8738 Comment #67386
Kind of... All the feelings I had when I started playing Human Revolution just came out of nowhere, to make me forget everything I hated about it.
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-23 15:28:05 UTC in journal: #8737 Comment #58531
Or the upload's taking an awful lot of time (sorry for breaking the 5 words limit).
Commented 7 years ago2016-06-24 07:45:09 UTC in journal: #8715 Comment #46196
So, not willing to be in the EU is xenophobic, short-sightened and dishonest? Like the Swiss and the Norwegians are?
I'm not British so I don't have to judge what they choose for their country and I don't have a stand on this matter. There are (valid, ot xenophobic) arguments for both side. Fact is, Scotland chose to stay in the UK and the UK chose to leave Europe. I can't stand for seeing people, especially non-British ones, almost insulting the "Leave" voters.
Commented 7 years ago2016-06-23 13:59:01 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49702
Lol I spent a lot of time writing my comment and rewriting it to try to make it somehow understandable, looks like there was still room for improvement! :P
Of course I don't know you and we are different, this is somewhat I wanted to say but I either removed it when rewriting my comment or simply took it as something implied.
Commented 7 years ago2016-06-21 23:56:01 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49701
I wish you luck and happiness with your life and what you'll be doing! However, I think you're wrong being so categorical and certain about your past and present life. You speak as if you're a new person more lucid than what you used to be before. I think that often, one's tempted to feel this way, to feel like they completely changed and can now explain the behaviour and everything about what they used to be. I believe it's a temptation to think so which leads to a wrong and subjective vision of you and your life. The idea you have of yourself, your past and future life now is affected by your current feelings, the way your want to see things and your past and present life. With time and thoughts your vision of all these things will probably change a lot.
Commented 7 years ago2016-06-09 14:42:26 UTC in journal: #8709 Comment #40533
Actually that's how I understood your post Penguinboy and I laughed! :D
Commented 7 years ago2016-05-28 21:00:17 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62869
"And people should stop being so autistic about new versions of Windows operating system regarding its security, privacy and looks, its free ffs."
And you should stop being insulting towards those people as well as autistic people. Also using insults is not a way to cover your lack of arguments.
Windows's not free (Windows 10 is only available free for a limited period of time), and if you don't care about the privacy, security and look of your OS, that's great, but I don't know why you should force people to be as indifferent as you.
I do care about my privacy, the security of my OS and lastly about the look of it. I think that people who don't are reckless and misinformed and that people like you who don't and insult those who do are being stupid and unbearable...

"the fact that I know that you need to confirm the installation in order for it to progress only suggest to me that some people have no idea on how to use their computer and would gladly waste hours and/or days posting how disgusted they are instead of spending around 10 minutes only for finding the most logical solution and getting to know their operating system more."
You're being offensive and saying stupid things again. Windows is still barely doing what we told it to do but has an aggressive and frustrating way of urging us to update Windows deserves to be criticized. Using an OS shouldn't require a PHD, nor should it be complicated. You may use your computer while being tired, focused on other things than you OS. Thus any normal person would find annoying the fact of being obliged to go into the Windows's settings in order to find how to disable the frequent reminder for Windows 10 when you never asked for it, and even more annoying the fact that the buttons are frequently swapped so you end up clicking the "Install now" button when you wanted to click on the "Cancel" button which you thought was there because it was there before.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-15 20:33:18 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62868

Concerning your second point, that's mostly wrong in my opinion: There's not only professional software. There's also games, general softwares... Windows also has its perks over Linux, including the fast boot, the Windows 8 UI (how come? you don't like it? :P )

You're right concerning Ubuntu, God I don't know why it is so praised and recommended for beginners. Although I would advise fedora. Unlike Ubuntu which has the worse ever made Desktop Environment since the ancient Greeks, fedora has a sparse and very good one and God far far far less bugs.

@Striker + @Shepard + @DiscoStu + @everyone fuck yeah
For the third point Striker, I simply don't agree with these people who praise Windows 10. It is for me a devolution. And that explains the fact I am reluctant to update Windows 8.
Let's be honest, I am not saying Windows 8 is a good OS, but it introduced what I think are genial and long awaited features: apps, and a new UI: a Start menu bigger than a thumbnail, buttons and options you can click without aiming at them for hours.
I perfectly know what I said is highly controversial, but I'll explain myself.
Apps: it's just necessary for an OS to have a unified place to look for harmless software you can install, uninstall and review easily. With the traditional system, all software are potentially harmful or not fully removable, and do not offer a cohesive experience (clicking an icon which opens an app taking all the screen is a cohesive experience I like). Now I think, as for linux, you should be able to chose the server from where you want to install apps.
Now, concerning the UI. I like it because I feel resting and home with it. I like the fact apps can only take 3 sizes and positions, it makes everything more simpler, the screen more easy to understand. I like the Internet Explorer 10 ergonomics. With everything hidden until you right click at one end of the screen. It helps so much to concentrate, and it makes me feel so much better. I like the fact the taskbar is hidden by default ( even though sometimes it doesn't want to reappear). I like the big buttons, the sparse and simple presentation of elements in apps and on the start menu. Call me clumsy, but on the classical UI, I feel like I need so much efforts to identify the button I want to click on and to click on it. Especially for the contextual menu. With Windows 8, its' far more easier with the 2 dimensional start menu.

Just to repeat myself, I don't like this OS, but I think it's the less worse Windows. There are a lot of flaws with it: obscure messages ("taking care of a few things"), duplicated options applications, lack of options with applications, the charm bar, the fact apps take ages to load and are unstable, the necessity to use a Microsoft account to use apps. I just think Windows should go further with Windows 8 and fix all those flaws.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 18:38:39 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62867
So far I thought there were some implicit limits Microsoft wouldn't dare to cross. Looks like I was wrong.
I'm now excepting them to simply force us to do what they want without prompting or informing us.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 16:48:37 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62841
That's partially right, but still, I can't take people who refuse to consider new alternatives simply because they don't feel it and are too bored to try. Of course, on the other hand, you have to give some reasons why you think this alternative would be better.