
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-07 18:16:00 UTC in vault item: cs_aztec2 Comment #2233
I also was trying to experiment with env_fade to create some lightning strikes, but I wasnt able to do it. I need to go over to VERC and see if I can find a nice tutorial to explain it to me.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-07 18:13:32 UTC in vault item: cs_aztec2 Comment #2232
Sorry bout that, wasnt aware that there was a cs_aztec already created. But cs_babylon would not be fitting as the real Babylonian empire was in the Middle East, not in a rain forest. So I'll have to think of a new name for it.

I was having some trouble with my water though Captain P, so I could not get it to actually become a real water entity to make it clear and match the waterfall. Whenever I tried to tie it to become an entity it would literally flood my entire map.

That noise you heard was supposed to be cicadas chirping but I never got around to taking them out.

The Simple Architecture was just my inexperience at mapping, and definitely could be fixed I know that. Once I actually become more experience in creating life-like architecture the maps should look more real.

But also the simple architecture goes well with the theme, as the name suggests, the people who created it were Aztec. They created real simple, blocky structures, so that could play into it.

Thanks for your comments guys