Wow, what a turnout. This was extremely hard to judge, not only due to gameplay being a factor, but also because of the awesome quality of the submissions we've received. While the first two winners were somewhat clear enough, at least 3 entries were extremely close for third place. A huge thanks to all the entrants, to the folks who helped us playtest, and finally to Chet Faliszek and Marc Laidlaw from Valve, who kindly helped us arrange the beta keys!
Sorry for the wait, and congratulations to the winners! Enjoy the CS:GO beta!
ArchieThis was very close to getting third place; purely because of how much of a blast it was to play. The layout promoted some really creative play-styles and it felt like every round I was trying something new.
Where it falls short, though, is just how much it feels like it was pinched by the time constraints. It feels empty and soulless – two words that the original cs_italy laughs in the face of. It didn't even have the soprano music.
DaubsterTetsu0 was really on to something when he designed the layout for de_lotus. It was by far the most fun entry gameplay-wise with great flow that provided some fast-paced & intense rounds. It probably took as little as two-three rounds for everyone to get the hang of the map, which was very impressive.
Sadly, the visuals were a lot weaker compared to the winning entries, and while there were some key italy elements in there (the wine cellar & market), the atmosphere that played such a big role in the original was rather bland. As Archie said, overall it feels like the time constraints caused this map fall just short of a trophy.
ArchieLike Tetsu0's Italy entry, this too felt like it was unfinished due to the time limit. It was really lacking in detail and the layout had some very odd planning as well. A whole area of the map only got footfall on about 3 rounds of the 20-minute game. There was also a serious bottlenecking issue which allowed Ts to lock down advancing CTs then get behind them to flank with ease. It was like puppies in a blender.
Many of the classic Italy areas were a lot more recognisable here than in de_lotus, but the gameplay and lack of detail really sunk this one.
DaubsterThis entry was overall more visually appealing than Tetsu0's featuring more detailed architecture and somewhat better atmosphere. The theme was captured well with plenty of variety in the building architecture and some very nice flora. My only problem was that some key italy locations such as the wine cellar ended up being overlooked. Also the skybox looked really odd with the soviet apartment blocks not fitting the environment at all. Also much like in de_lotus, the ambience was fairly weak compared to the original. The map was fairly well-lit with bright street lights creating some nice contrast in the dark dusk environment, however some variation in the light sources and their color would have really helped.
Also while it's evident that the layout was designed with the best intentions, featuring plenty of interesting flank routes, it just didn't seem to work too well in the end, with some oddly designed chokepoints turning certain areas into an imbalanced slaughterhouse.
In the end, this was really close to 3rd, but the weak ambience and the gameplay dragged it down.
ArchieFrom far away this looks like one of the coolest and best designed maps ever. Just for god's sake don't play it!
I feel terrible for saying this, because I absolutely love the cs_747 theme and the ambition it took to attempt to recreate that, but up close this just looks so blocky and plays even worse than the original map it was based on. So many questions – why can Ts reach the bombsite before CTs? Why can you snipe the opposing team from spawn? Why do doors break – and even then, only one per set of doors?
And the sound? Good grief putting up with that for a 20 minute game was the most difficult thing I had to do as a judge. I think ZombieLoffe actually went insane and murdered his entire town after playing this because of the plane sound.
DaubsterWhile I respect Captain Terror for attempting to remake one of the most architecturally complex 1.6 maps in Source, it just didn't end up working too well as a whole. The exterior brushwork of the plane is definitely impressive, but it really goes downhill as soon as you go inside of it. The same rule seems to apply to the buildings too, as there's plenty of texture alignment issues and a general lack of finer detail throughout the interiors.
However the biggest issue with this entry is the gameplay. Terrorists have a huge advantage over the CTs due to a lack of effective flank routes and the positioning of the bombsites. Ambience can also get very annoying with deafening randomly triggered jet sounds destroying your eardrums.
Still, the little gags such as the MCPOKER intro or the smoking room were a nice touch. They make it feel as if the map acknowledges its flaws and doesn't take itself too seriously because of that. Regardless of its problems, de_747 is definitely worth checking out, and Captain Terror should be commended for embarking on something as ambitious for a 2-month project.
ArchieI'm really not sure where to start with this one. It's like the environment and the actual playable map were designed by two different people, one of whom was blind. There were more peculiar design decisions in this than there were in Windows ME and the scale and ungrounded reality of the setting were just bonkers. Gameplay also really suffered, with some odd invisible walls and the ability for Ts to get behind CTs far too easily around the side of the house. Also, why were the stairs made of snow?
DaubsterThis one was essentially meant to be a cross between cs_estate and de_survivor, and while that is somewhat evident, the final result leaves a lot to be desired. The scenery is pretty nice, and there's even a crashed plane! However the survivor theme wasn't captured effectively enough with unique elements such as the ONLY CRATE IN THE MAP, the ice crystals, ravines & caves, and the frozen river ending up being overlooked. The house felt inconsistent as well with some odd texturing choices. As for gameplay, the layout is pretty much the same as in cs_estate, only without the basement flanking route, giving the terrorists a huge advantage.
Overall, a pretty strange entry, however considering it was Blitzkrieg's second released map, he is definitely improving.
ArchieThe purpose of the competition seemed to have been somewhat missed by Lajron, as rather than taking the theme of de_torn and applying it to a new map, this just seems to be a rehash of de_torn, layout and all.
It's not bad at all, although it's quite blocky and empty, but the lighting was really glitchy and the skybox is... odd.
Regardless, it was quite fun to play, but as it's not an original layout, there isn't much to be said for that.
DaubsterWe felt this deserved a special mention in the results, even though it was submitted a week behind the deadline, and thus technically wasn't included in the competition judging.
It feels a lot like a slightly simplified copy of the original de_torn with few improvements or changes. The visuals were mostly lacking with a lot of default Source content used, which failed to convey the original theme effectively. Ambience was completely overlooked as well, which is a shame considering how rich it was in the original map.
Still, Lajron deserves some credit for attempting to recreate a map as huge and complex as torn. I'd love to see him pick up the project again in the future with a better knowledge of Source mapping.