
Instant Mix5 years ago2019-07-15 13:04:15 UTC 4 comments
Hey guys, been a while since my last journal.

I'm making some pretty big life choices at the moment.. managed to get a job at a lovely lighting company in London, so will be making a pretty mental transition from lovely cushy Edinburgh life to the big smoke, and moving in with the missus as part of it. Big things.

I'll be sad to leave Scotland, it's my home and still means so much to me. Over the years, I've realised just how different the north and south really are, and can't say the move isn't without its worries. London terrifies me and no longer being in my home country makes me feel odd, especially with how volatile the political environment is. I'd move back in a heartbeat should there be a successful indyref..

On top of that, I'm not putting in anywhere near as much effort with the social groups I'm part of, and I'm really feeling it. I don't know why I don't - is it because i'm too much of an introvert or am I really addicted to the computer circuits in front of me? Completely gutting myself from social media hasn't really improved much. TWHL is part of that as well - I need to get myself a bit more involved with the discord and forums, had been planning on writing a few more tutorials but never got round to it. I'll try harder!
Instant Mix6 years ago2018-08-10 20:48:43 UTC 1 comment
Fucking hell.

3 weeks in, 1 week of minor setup getting to know management, another week of intense set up and programming, a literal day of having to do a technical rehearsal with EVERY company in (this is objectively not enough time), and then days of running shoes since.

It's really difficult to get used to because the Fringe exists in an entirely separate reality. Daily 11+ hour shifts are the norm, did a 14 yesterday and have a 12 in front of me today. I can barely get a break in between acts, because we've got such tight turnarounds that all hands are needed on deck.

It used to be worse, considerably less pay for even longer hours, but it can still do better. I'm almost entirely sure the Fringe runs on virtually slave labour, considering those working for other companies are paid accomodation and a tiny food stipend, and that's it.

If I break down my salary into the hours I've worked, I'm 100% earning less than minimum wage. But I'm fairly well off in comparison to other positions..

On a slightly nicer note, I've got to get to know most of our acts, the producers and actors are all lovely and all have to live in this slightly weird world as well. I really love a handful of our acts, but I also conversely fucking despise about three with every inch of my soul. The stereotype of performers / acts with a disgusting ego is unfortunately real at times, and just really gets you down especially given how much effort you've put in for the rest of your job.

Here's to the next few weeks
Instant Mix6 years ago2018-07-16 19:21:41 UTC 3 comments
Couple years back I wrote a journal about being the LX Op (Lighting Operator) for an amateur show at the fringe. I'm now the lighting operator in the largest (and therefore, the most demanding and also most popular ) venue for one of the largest companies at the 'Fringe. I have 3 days off from now until the start of September, have an at least 12 hour work day every day and will meet some incredible folk.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world, and bloody hope that this looks good on a CV and can finally get a bleedin' job with a proper company that does them big shows.
Instant Mix6 years ago2018-02-06 14:08:14 UTC 3 comments
Got roped into being the sound operator for an amdram show about 3 days before the dress run, I'm only doing it to save face for the society putting the show on but sorta regretting having to do a mediocre job for the next week and getting paid a sweet, phat sum of £0

At what point does one consider themself good enough at a certain thing to start charging a decent amount of money without being overbearing? I've exactly this same issue when doing posters / graphic for folk, as well as DJing. I know enough to gauge that I'm absolutely not the best at a certain field, so continuously undersell myself because I'm completely unaware of the limit of my abilities and what I'm actually worth / valued at
Instant Mix7 years ago2017-08-06 11:08:22 UTC 1 comment
Aww yeah, will be DJing in Val Thorens in January.

Since I've started DJing for the student union, I've actually found it really, really fun and have started to get into it quite a bit. Whilst I've not had the confidence to start going to other venues (not enough confidence; feel like I need to be better than I am before I feel comfortable going to other places), I've started to take it quite seriously with properly scouting for music, researching different techniques on the decks we use, etc. Basically trying to stray away from "press play". Luckily an opportunity has arrived that previous DJs I know have done - the main union DJ and myself have been asked to play for a snowsports societies' week-long shindig in Val Thorens. Unsurprisingly, the society is filled to the brim with Yahs, so we're going to be paid a hefty amount and will have access to some really nice kit. Shame that it's in 6 months time, but I'm already incredibly excited.
From a minute in is what the previous guys got up to last year in Les Arcs

Will keep you guys updated, and maybe livestream a union night or two to TWHL if anyone is interested!
Instant Mix7 years ago2017-07-22 23:48:25 UTC 17 comments

Rightmost number is 0*2^(0)
Instant Mix7 years ago2017-06-18 20:35:00 UTC 9 comments
Opened my 3rd year exam results; turns out I haven't achieved enough to continue on with my course. I can still get an ordinary degree by passing the resits in august.

Only hope now is that I can partially transfer to informatics (comp sci) and attempt to get a honours degree with them given half of my computational physics course so far has been... comp sci.

Not great news to hear. Family is supportive though.
Instant Mix7 years ago2017-03-30 17:25:29 UTC 4 comments
Give a shit about Quantum Computing?
Want to know why my Compo 34 entry is nonexistant?
Want to potentially learn something fascinating?

Well, have I got the PDF for you!
Download me here!

In all seriousness, I've spent the last semester alongside a bunch of other Computational Physicists who've been tasked with writing up a classical simulation of a quantum computer. Not only this, but we've also provided as much potential background information that you may want, including a nice introduction to quantum mech & quantum computation.

You'll probably need some knowledge of matrices and algebra ( Don't worry if you don't understand all the equations, in all honesty I don't really know them either, however can explain what they all do.)

I have password protected the document as it techically is coursework and therefore don't really want it circulating, however I trust everyone here at twhl doesn't want to ruin my life. Honestly though, if you are interested in this stuff, it's 35 pages of pure joy. The password should be obvious.
Instant Mix7 years ago2016-10-03 13:50:26 UTC 8 comments
Nice little life update for Autumn 2016:

1) Finally managed to get into 3rd year of Physics
2) Unfortunately know only 1 person in the entire year, so it'll be like 1st year all over again
3) Have been trained and have DJ'd a couple nights at my Student union, can now ~bend the truth~ that I'm a professional DJ
4) No longer part of any of the musical theatre groups because I don't want to have to repeat another year of university, but still doing publicity work for them
5) Girlfriend split up with me 3/4 of the way through summer, last few months have been some of the worst I've ever experienced. Having a constant feeling of dread / melancholy /emptiness for months at a time is absolutely horrible. Was probably for the better, but I've lost my closest friend.
Instant Mix8 years ago2016-05-03 00:45:36 UTC 2 comments
Remember my fringe journal I posted last year? Well, things have developed a wee bit since then:

Around September time I applied for a technician job at my university's student union - I luckily managed to get the job but because I was working full time at the 'ol hotel chocolat, I had done about 1 shift between getting the job and finishing our production of Guys & Dolls ( feb 2016.. so almost 6 months).

Within the last few months ,I've gone from knowing a thing or two about tech to being able to plot, mic, setup, soundcheck and live mix a band ( on some decent peices of kit), use and rig lighting fixtures and consoles, and know almost every bit of troubleshooting under the sun.
I've mostly only used Analogue sound desks (Image is a midas verona 400, big and heavy desk that needs two people to physically set up - great guy to use) - Desks that are entirely physical, that is they don't make use of microprocessors to alter the sound- but yesterday I had to learn, within the space of an hour for a live band, how to use one of the worlds most common digital desks, a Yamaha LS9. ( spoiler: wasn't easy, but managed to set it up and sound great )
Who knows where I'll be in a couple more months time! I've been told from multiple sources that EUSA (The company I work for) is fairly well known in Scotland for making some really well trained staff - I had gone to PLASA ( Lighting & Sound expo ) in Glasgow with a couple colleagues - just by wearing our work shirts, we were literally handed business cards and offered jobs then and there!

I'm currently about to apply to work at the Gilded Balloon over the Fringe, so instead of volunteering to do the lighting op for a show, I'll hopefully be one of a team to overhaul our students' union, setup and mix several acts in a day, every day, for just over a month. And get paid too!

Gilded Balloon is one of the most popular venues, alongside the Assembly Rooms and Pleasance. These three get most of the big names.
If you don't know anything about the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.. well, it's the worlds' largest arts festival.

Oh yeah, Guys & Dolls, never mentioned that. Nothing too major, just, y'know, Sky Masterson. Was good, but was completely disappointed with our tech & set; every review mentioned that. However I'll take this from a renowned harsh reviewer:
Oliver Barker’s Sky Masterson has a strong stage presence, especially when he abandons the Presleyish curled lip he overuses at first, but his singing does not match up to his acting, or to Millar’s huge voice. Nevertheless, he has just about enough pizzazz to carry off Luck, Be a Lady successfully.
....ehhhh, I'll take that as a "good actor with an improving voice". I never realised how nervewracking it is to read reviews about yourself.
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Instant Mix9 years ago2015-09-07 17:42:47 UTC 6 comments
Well, looks like I'm going to have to take a year out of uni for not passing a prerequisite course that's difficult as fuck, which means I'm going to be a year behind all of my mates, as well as having to work full time at this shitty chocolate shop.

Feel like shit
Instant Mix9 years ago2015-08-16 11:30:07 UTC 5 comments
This is going to be my view for the next fornight!
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Lighting Op for Little Shop Of Horrors @ the Edinburgh Fringe; going to be good!
Instant Mix9 years ago2015-06-05 22:30:20 UTC 3 comments
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Missed it.

Ah well, was on holiday. Here's to being here for over 10 years. Long live TWHL.
Instant Mix9 years ago2015-05-20 21:28:01 UTC 3 comments
Anyone remember when I spammed my journal with some girl from donkeys ago that I was "deeply in love with" and found out she'd been abused by her stepdad?

BBC article

Motherfucker deserved more than 4 years. Things had been very sour between us so I hadn't been keeping check but.. yeah. Things there that I didn't even know about..

It's scary to think things like this happen so scarily frequent. I found out whilst I was away at uni that one of my neighbours-ish had been arrested for doing a similar sort of thing, not to the same extreme however.

The fuck is wrong with this world
Instant Mix9 years ago2015-03-16 01:54:25 UTC 2 comments
I'm now the publicity manager for the The University of Edinburgh's Footlights. They're the musical theatre society at Edinburgh.. and they have a very good name for themselves. Their last production, Rent, had 3 4 star reviews, one five star, and managed to sell out every single one of their shows. That's pretty fucking good.
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I'm fucked. I can't even type coherent sentences.