Looks like I have to stop beings such a pirate.

As well, I'm getting to a point where things are now going to involve money, and yes, its illegal in the first place, but I don't want to be the guy who gets his reputation ruined, especially in the competition of the real world.
Geo (president dude of the GDC) is going to give the speech at the next meeting saying that if you can't take the heat, gtfo of the kitchen, and if they quit, all submitted work is forfeit, and if the quitters show the work they did as being a part of the club, he will hunt you. He was very serious, and surely the right guy for the position too.

He privately asked me to download Blender and Gimp and make something to boost the morale of those still standing after he verablly castrates everyone. He knows I could do it, and if anyone needs it, I can demo the stuff to the group.
This doesn't stop me from pirating stuff for personal use. As long as I don't use it to make any money, or use it professionally for that matter, I think I should be fine. From my understanding of Gimp, it has the basics necessary for texture painting. I've grown past a lot of the Photoshop specific junk anyway and I'm applying more skill/concept based approaches, which is applicable to any program with layers and tablet input.
I learned a lot today. If you've read this far haven't thought tl;dr I got something for ya.
I also found the glory that is Google Sketchup. Thats Ketchup is an S. It. Is. Amazing. It make environment previs and layout retardly simple, and its 3D. But not like the kind of Maya or Max 3D, this is so simple I've deamed it to be the 3D MSPaint. And its completely
FREE! I would recommend using it for planning maps carefully and showcasing the work in the forums for feedback long before you start mapping. I may write a short tutorial for this in the future if it gets picked up. There is a wealth of online download free objects and resources, as well as it can export image files in DWG and other vector types. It can render in perspective or in a orthographic view like side, top, and front. The top is perfect for seeing the exact layout of the map. I see it as a tool that can greatly help even an innexperienced mapper. Its nearly easier than MSPaint to use. If you can click and draw shapes, you'll do fine.
I have some things I have to do this weekend. I was going to touch up on 6D, but the attention on that will likely be saved until after this semester is done for me. I have a lot on my to-do list and I know I'm spread a bit thin at the moment. Bare with me, I haven't forgot about 6D, and I've set some time aside for it for the upcoming week, just not this weekend. Sad, we've made it so far and its getting pushed down.