
Trapt18 years ago2005-09-30 03:14:04 UTC 0 comments
Hello Trapt! This is your 1500th login.

Trapt18 years ago2005-09-04 22:27:36 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 1400th login.

Trapt18 years ago2005-08-18 07:18:37 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 1337th login. 9o()|) s7|_|p/-/!

Trapt18 years ago2005-07-06 03:22:30 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 1200th login.

Expect an example map for the Source Compo to come soon too. It's boring and generic, but I had to make it in a short amount of time. I hope no one else makes anything near the average standard of the example map. I'm expecting big things people, you have TWO MONTHS!

Rabid, doodle and I also tested it. I'm pleased to say that the layout works very well.

That's all for now.
Trapt18 years ago2005-07-04 23:17:06 UTC 0 comments
Source compo is now on. Get mapping!
Trapt19 years ago2005-05-26 23:03:27 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 1100th login.

Trapt19 years ago2005-04-24 23:24:05 UTC 0 comments
I've been here for a year and one day. :o
Trapt19 years ago2005-04-20 00:38:45 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 1000th login. Teh Master!

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I'm also closing in on one year here. :) !
Trapt19 years ago2005-03-29 02:46:36 UTC 0 comments
Good luck Mr. Rose. :)

I'm trying to get on the Dystopia testing team, and can hopefully get a map in once I know how the game works and flows.

All will be revealed tomorrow, when I bug noip for a spot. :P
Trapt19 years ago2005-03-15 00:26:57 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 900th login.

Trapt19 years ago2005-02-04 15:28:38 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 800th login.

Trapt19 years ago2005-01-17 03:13:33 UTC 0 comments
Not to mention arrogant.
Trapt19 years ago2004-12-08 19:50:31 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 700th login.

Trapt19 years ago2004-10-31 23:46:52 UTC 0 comments
I have made the decision that if Rabid leaves, so will I. The reason I love this site is because of its fantastic community. But since the community has been ripped to shreds by certain fucking assholes, I might as well spend my time at the SnarkPit.

If things do however calm down before HL2 comes out, then I will consider coming back. But the way things are going now, I don't think Anonymous will be able to develop any kind of maturity over the next fortnight.

So I suppose this is a premature goodbye.

I will, of course, miss those people who do contribute to the community. I will still pop in IRC, only because of the fact that IRC doesn't have fucking tards in it, and it is a nice friendly area for people to catch up.

I'm hoping people will have a long hard thing about what they actually contribute to, here at TWHL. Have a good fucking long think about it, because I think a lot of people need to.

Now I have had enough of this fucking bullshit going on, and I hope that people can support my decision, and make up their own mind about whether they really want to be here any more.

-A REALLY fucking pissed off Trapt.
Trapt19 years ago2004-10-30 05:38:26 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 600th login.


Now for something completely different. Graveyard map is now about to get updated, as soon as I finish writing this journal entry.