
Rimrook12 years ago2012-06-09 21:44:29 UTC 13 comments
For those wondering where the LLC name journal went, I ate it. Will be back shortly.

Also, this is just grand. Get your desk ready.

For months I've been battling a virus that posed as a social network thing and has downloaded itself to my laptop. Every so often is comes back and I can't get rid of it forever. Turns out its a program from gateway that's perfectly legit, and it now that my asshole has loosened up around it. I checked it out and seems to be a nice little app for keeping tabs on my youtube, facebook, and twitter. In fact, lately I've been looking for an app exactly like this.

Commence head-desking now.
Rimrook12 years ago2012-05-31 20:32:50 UTC 4 comments
User posted image
I've been around the block... <.<
Rimrook12 years ago2012-05-09 16:31:50 UTC 2 comments
Found this, and for those who haven't yet, go to google translate and copy-paste these letters into the FROM section.

pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk

change the FROM language to GERMAN and press the audio button in the bottom right of the box so the text is read.

Rimrook12 years ago2012-05-03 12:41:15 UTC 8 comments
I'm getting a cat!
User posted image
His name is Nahmbo, I'll be picking him up at the end of the month.

Rimrook12 years ago2012-04-25 14:01:44 UTC 4 comments

I like to give a shout out to the admins of TWHL. Always being there when shit hits the fan. Especially PenguinBoy who has devoted quite an effort to maintain and develop this site into a place for mapping and friendship.

Rimrook12 years ago2012-04-18 20:06:52 UTC 13 comments
User posted image
Gateway nv75217u
AMD Quad Core Processor A8-3500M
AMD Radeon HD 6620g, 512 MB Graphics Memory
640 GB HDD
Blu-Ray Disc Drive
1.3 MP HD Webcam
17.3" 16:9 HD+ LED LCD display
HDMI Compatible

I have some mapping to make up for.
Rimrook12 years ago2012-03-30 03:57:00 UTC 12 comments
Rimrook12 years ago2012-03-07 21:50:55 UTC 9 comments
I just got this from a Gamebanana Admin.

Hi Gents,
Congrats on your winning entries! It was a great turn out and it was difficult to get the places right. Sorry for the delay - my folks were in town for 3 weeks so I wasn't able to get much work done.
Anyway, here are the prizes - let me know if you'd like the cash via Paypal or I can get you games via STEAM.
Corvalho: $70 cash + Ripe3
cR45h: $50 cash + Ripe2
ColonelBD: $25 cash + Ripe1
Rimrook: $25 cash + Ripe1
OdoyleRules: $15 cash
Youpala: $15 cash
yumyumshisha: $10 cash
Doktor Haus: $10 cash
Boba Fett: $5 cash

ColonelBD and I tied for fourth. Considering that my entry was the ONLY goldsource entry, and all others were for TF2 or some other current-gen or source game. That just puts a smile on my face. There were quite a few source entrants that were good but didn't place.

This is the winner right here.
User posted image
And the GB Page for it here.
Rimrook12 years ago2012-02-21 13:24:27 UTC 7 comments
Going in for my tooth extraction at 10 am today. Don't know what to expect... Details later.
Rimrook12 years ago2012-01-22 19:08:41 UTC 1 comment
As Lyssa and I were visiting the bookstore for some Steven King stuff, I noticed the Romance novel section. I made a rather astute observation and decided to conduct the following experiment.

Thesis: Does the content of the cover really tell you about the contents of the book, can a romance novel be judged by its cover?

Process: Thumb through and read parts of the books until satisfied with content therein.

Book 1 - Cover showed a man and a woman couple.
Apparently Ms. Rowe went to her sister's wedding, and predictably enough finds a strappingly beefy Scottish man names Brian visiting as he was a relative of the groom. They kick it off, but reluctantly he had a wife in his home country he didn't much care for. He cheats on his wife until she flies to the USA and confronts the woman, but later she finds a new lover of her own and everyone is relatively happy.

Book 2 - Cover shown an elegant woman only.
After thumbing through, the lovely miss Thomlins in a 1700 Britain was trapped in an arranged marriage. She found herself coming into a fond attraction with the bar maid at the local tavern. Conclusively they had a sweet and romantic undressing and canoodling before Thomlins whacks her groom-to-be with a candlestick at the altar and runs off into the countryside with her lesbian lover.

Book 3 - Cover of a cowboy only (there were lots of these anyhow).
Regrettably Riley was on a ranch and found an attraction by the name of Stoker (really?) also working on the ranch. Shortly enough, the two end up having snoo snoo where Riley was worried about it falling out. Nuff read.

Book 4 - Cover of a pleasant town in a valley.
Who knoooooows.

Yes. Romance novels CAN be judged by its cover with a distinct and disturbing accuracy that is simply uncanny. Further funding for this experiment has be cut due to risk of resonance cascade.
Rimrook12 years ago2012-01-12 01:40:31 UTC 13 comments
Went to the tattoo place and got a tattoo.
User posted image
User posted image
Fuck that shit I'm never gonna get a tattoo.

Seriously though the guy who did them is inhumanly talented.
Rimrook12 years ago2012-01-06 03:24:09 UTC 6 comments
Made this for lulz just to delve into the realm of TAS Emulation. Wasn't easy, took forever for this measly 7 minute video. I give mad props to those guys who do much larger projects. It's really a pain in the ass, and certain not that easy.
Rimrook12 years ago2012-01-01 16:22:09 UTC 6 comments
Happy new etc and so on at nauseam WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!?

I thought "Scotch" and "Archie" were the same dude!
Rimrook12 years ago2011-12-25 01:52:23 UTC 4 comments
I got penguin onesies!
User posted image
Who's the penguin boy now!?
Rimrook12 years ago2011-12-20 04:46:08 UTC 8 comments
Finished a draft of the Planet X soundtrack.

I'm really on the ropes about publicly posting the download link here. Quite frankly I can't exactly trust some of the users around here.

Post a comment below if you want to listen. Also keep in mind that this stuff is highly secretive and don't take it personally if you don't get a link. Also, please do not redistribute. This is just a draft so some of the tracks will likely change.