
CStricke_TopGun21 years ago2003-06-06 20:00:00 UTC 7 comments
i am god
JALF-AIFE21 years ago2003-06-04 20:00:00 UTC 7 comments
Hello, My name is Jacob and i cant be botherd to right about myself because there is nothing good to say about me.

Any whay ive got more important things to do, like make Half-Life levels.
(Half-Life and all of its mods is the best game and if you dissagree with me go kill yourself ya fool!)

Ive been makeing levels for a pretty long time now and the best i have made is this wrestle ring with about 100 scientests all around the sides and when you enter the ring flames fly out of the turn buckel and solders get droped down by a hellicopter and you...........ohh who cares?
maby ill send it in one day.

I am 14 years old and i live in Australia (sydny)
(pretty crappy place to live aint it!)
Im the only one in my class who would know how to turn on his computer let alone make a level.

I am leaving now because i hate typing these stupid things.
Boondock_Saint21 years ago2003-06-03 20:00:00 UTC 20 comments
The Creeper21 years ago2003-06-02 20:00:00 UTC 16 comments
Collecting Coca-Cola cans and mapping are my favourite hobbies. Please tell me if you actually read this, because I never read anyone else's. :)
riptide21 years ago2003-06-01 20:00:00 UTC 9 comments
Love to play cs , surf , wanna try making cs maps :)
mrOrlando21 years ago2003-05-31 20:00:00 UTC 8 comments
I like mapping in HL
im 17 years
im from germany
-=ThunderHawk=-21 years ago2003-05-30 20:00:00 UTC 14 comments
I love Half-Life games. Especially Counter-Strike

With great beauty and fame comes little wisdom
Saribous21 years ago2003-05-28 20:00:00 UTC 13 comments
Under full moons waxing lyrically
Death's poetry floods the soul
Like the freezing seed of a demon freed
To curse the stars with vertigo
And in their dance, in trance I've prised wide
Slick rifts twixt obsidian thighs
Hymeneal gates to darker sides
A glimpse of plinths where Midian lies
blu chze21 years ago2003-05-26 20:00:00 UTC 18 comments
bit of a newbie to the map making scene, self taught and work on maps in spare time after school etc
Steinin21 years ago2003-05-26 20:00:00 UTC 16 comments
Age: 17
Favourite editor besides Radiant:
Duke3d Build

A guy with too much fantasy for his own good. Helping out anyone who needs help. Likes Futurama, Hates spammers.
What else?

Using Radiant. [Yll?tys, Yll?tys ;)]
Mapping for JA at the moment.
Shouldn't really be mapping
because I have an important exam coming up within 1 week.
tntcornflakes21 years ago2003-05-24 20:00:00 UTC 5 comments
I live in Cape Town, South Africa and I collect Coca-Cola cans as a hobby. I like mapping for CS.
nazgul81021 years ago2003-05-21 20:00:00 UTC 13 comments
Like mapping
Like LAN partys
nico21 years ago2003-05-20 20:00:00 UTC 7 comments
i'm workin' on it...
Zoan21 years ago2003-05-19 20:00:00 UTC 8 comments
hey, my name is aaron, and im 15. One day i hope i can start my own videoshop (videostore if ure in america), and thats it... oh yeah, i mainly make shit maps!
Crono21 years ago2003-05-19 20:00:00 UTC 5 comments
just a rookie, gettin' into it.