
Instant Mix19 years ago2005-06-07 08:30:54 UTC 0 comments
Well, um er.........i'm not sure to say this but i'm 9yrs..........10 on the 23rd of DR.Mapper.......ooerr :zonked:
Instant Mix19 years ago2005-06-07 08:14:03 UTC 0 comments
BANG! carsh Arggh!... Oh, Holy....CREPE! I just crapped on my map, uh...DEleted!screams-Ah,well i am making a prison(crap) But i'll soon make a ACE level, Also, If you are reading, ELON YARIV, Stay online for the grat TWHL...................Damn I should be a Moderator..Also -laughs In P.7 My teacher said that you say modem .. Mod-em!!!! I said it was MODE-m But she said it w3as wrong!God....They are so DAMN crap at learning....For f**k sake, stop stealing my crisps, damn sisters :zonked:
Instant Mix19 years ago2005-05-29 07:05:12 UTC 4 comments
Phew! i just Registered! remember my levels are crappier than yours so i WILL lose any competitions just working on a map which iz strange (got the idea from OPPOSING FORCE) With a sewage machine and a laser Proccesor (Crap!) well seeya