
async19 years ago2005-05-13 18:43:40 UTC 0 comments
Ungh. Im a bastard sometimes. But sometimes you gotta just say it like it is. Ive had a nice romp throught the forums flaming anything and everything, and I feel much better now. I do like to think Im doing it for a reason though. Some of the so called 'completed maps' are rediculous. Seriously. I could shit a better map out of my ears than some of the submissions. Granted, im by no means a good mapper, but c'mon. Put some effort in you slacking fat wasters.

So it was good to browse back for a while till I realised how stupid and completely inept people were. Ah well. People can only get better, right? right? I fucking hope so.

No doubt you've all seen the rather lovely steam update. If I could create maps like the source inferno I would shag Margret Thatcher up the arse. That is some rather lovely eye candy (Inferno, not saggy maggy). All those moaners that say its laggy can bugger off as well. Upgrade your piece of shit PC, or in the very least sort all the crap out that you no doubt have on that lumpering heap of steel.

Ah ranting. What fun. If you actually want a fucker of an arguement with me, or generally want to suck up and brown nose, feel free to add me on msn: . Im seriously a nice guy. If you dont fancy a bit of banter, eat shit and die.
async19 years ago2004-07-09 04:03:28 UTC 0 comments
Just uploaded my contest entry.
C'mon the tesla coil!
async19 years ago2004-07-08 06:22:43 UTC 0 comments
right, now Ive got all my damn exams out the way, Ive got a whole 3 months to do some serious mapping! w00t!