
Boxtop1718 years ago2006-08-14 22:09:30 UTC 0 comments
Well, I've decided to take up mapping again, and now more than ever I realize how much of a bitch mapping is. Origionally I wanted to do a nice cave with a little tram and a big tree in the middle, but creating the cliff walls was frusteratin, so now I'm going to finish that remake of Mappy I planned on doing but never got around to.

I'm starting from scratch this time, since the origional layout was boring and it didn't flow as well as I hoped it would.

Mappy 2 is going to take shape whether I like it or not, no matter how hard it gets. Eat my vertex manipulation, bitches!
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-11-24 14:51:26 UTC 0 comments
So far, my map looks like crap. I have the beginning hallway done as well as some form of reception area. Unfortunatly, the textures I used on the reception desk = crap, so I have to dig around for some new ones. I already have 450+ faces, so I don't know whether or not that's good. Hopefully the office area won't send r-speeds to hell.
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-11-11 13:53:16 UTC 0 comments
Well, I've finally gotten started on my second map, "Mappy 2," an obvious remake of Mappy. This time around I'll have a lot more architecture and smaller rooms, plus more humor. I'm shying away from making maps with a purpose until I get a better grasp on this whole mapping thing. Hopefully Mappy 2 will look better, even though all I have now is the beginning hallway.
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-10-30 13:12:09 UTC 0 comments
I can't decide what to do for my first minimod. I have all these ideas but I don't know which ones to choose. Maybe the Hax0r idea...or the spacestation. I'm saving the Escape from Purple Mesa one for another day.
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-10-28 18:50:15 UTC 0 comments
Posted my first map. Yay. Have a look-see.
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-10-17 15:07:39 UTC 0 comments
I plan to make my first map soon, called "Boxtop's Spacestation." Poetic, I know. The basic plot is that you're a guy who works on a Spacestation and is getting ready for a specimen extraction mission on a planet below (not Xen, although Xen wildlife will be there since I can't model for beans.) I'm to add some funny bits here and there (i.e. a couple scis watching Tellitubbies and some others playing Yu-Gi-Oh).

Unfortunatly, I'm completely stuck on the layout after Level B of the Station. It would be a chore for the player to waltz all the way from Level C to Level A, so I might have to add an elemavator. Of course, then I wouldn't be able to add the funny. Small steps, I guess.

EDIT: Whoohoo, bizatches! I got my microphone to work, thanks to the miracle of construction paper and the laws of sound!
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-10-10 09:00:34 UTC 0 comments
"Hello Boxtop17! This is your 100th login!" Whee. Let's all dance or something.

User posted image

Sorry, couldn't resist. :lol:
Boxtop1719 years ago2005-09-27 20:31:02 UTC 0 comments
Wewt! Just put up the theme song for my future mod:

Now if Hammer would stop pissing me off, maybe I could actually get started on that mod...
Boxtop1719 years ago2005-09-26 15:16:10 UTC 0 comments
Well, another day, another dollar. Just found this site several days ago and have been using the map tuts to actually make something of myself. I almost feel confident to get started on my new mod: "Stupid HL: Escape From Purple Mesa", about a crazy guy who goes to a crazy government facility with crazy stuff. Hope to get the community in on it too. Could really use their help.

Just a heads up.