
Mr.Yoso17 years ago2006-12-02 06:10:10 UTC 0 comments
Wow, who could have thought making a mod without inspiration can be so hard!?
( I haven't made a single map for it yet ! :aggrieved: )

Although I already have a plot and idea, I can't seem to have the energy to finish even a single map... I guess it's back to the drawing board for me . :(
Mr.Yoso17 years ago2006-07-31 00:53:14 UTC 0 comments
Got some extra time on my hands to update my journal :D !

My mod will take A VERY LONG time to complete eversince I got new games. I did though was able to create custom textures and skins for it aswell as new ideas.

I hope I can complete the first map this month :confused: .
Mr.Yoso18 years ago2006-05-18 23:40:00 UTC 0 comments
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