
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-12-21 18:20:33 UTC 0 comments
liek zOMG:
User posted image

Oh, and I ordered my new computer 5 minutes ago :P . It'll be here after Christmas tho... Damn you Jesus!
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-10-05 11:51:14 UTC 0 comments
500th Log-in yeahhhh :cool:
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-09-03 15:00:24 UTC 0 comments
I'm currently in the process of making a race map for GMOD. This will be the first in a series of circuit-style race maps, but I also plan to add a few drag-strips on the one I'm currently making. Here's a pic of what i have so far. I know its not much, but i started it 20 minutes ago. :D

They're really not maps that I plan to make largely public - just a bit of racing with my friends and anybody else here who wishes to join us.
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-08-26 10:19:00 UTC 0 comments
400th login :cool:

This is fun!
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-08-05 21:04:36 UTC 0 comments
I've decided on a new mapping idea for a HL2DM level. The players will fight in and around a giant missile silo, and, IF I can get it to work :| , you will be able to launch the missile and kill everyone outside, similar to runoff.

I'm going to google some pictures for Norad, hopefuly the F.B.I. wont jump up my ass or anything :roll: .

Hello RotatorSplint! This is your 300th login. Woohoo!
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-08-02 19:47:28 UTC 0 comments
Well I was planning on getting a brand new, top-notch computer for around $1.2k, but my parents objected...

Needless to say, I'm very disapointed right now... I have to wait until Christmass... and even then, I still have to chip-in half the cost.

What ever it takes :|
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-07-24 16:50:54 UTC 0 comments
200th login. Whoo! :cool:
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-07-21 19:44:30 UTC 0 comments
Working on my Subway train map is progressing with fantastic results! I've coppied the original train and reset all the needed parrameters inorder to make the 2nd car it's own (i.e. renaming the train, resetting parents, etc.) This is my 1st map, and I want to put as much effort into it as i can!

Some screen shots of the interior and exterior of the train:

I plan to have 4 trains in total, 4 cars per train... 16 cars in total! Each individual car has 8 side doors to allow passengers to enter/exit, and 2 end doors to allow movement to other cars. that's 160 doors to parent to the cars!! Not to mention the windows parented to these doors, windows on the train itself, AND the prop dynamics, such as the poles you would normaly find in a subway train.

I've got the occasional custom texture... yes, made with Paint. Most of them are things like law and safety notices, like "Keep appendages away from vents" or "You are required by law to give up this seat to the Elderly or Disabled".

I have a very long road of work ahead of me, but seeing the improvement keeps driving me on!

Ill continue to post my progress over time.
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-07-03 14:11:07 UTC 0 comments
99th log-in! whoo :cool:
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-06-28 16:03:21 UTC 0 comments
i like my avatar :sarcastic: .
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-06-26 12:46:32 UTC 0 comments
i have NOTHING to do for the rest of the summer except read my summer-reading books, so im kickin back n takin it EZ :cool:
RotatorSplint18 years ago2006-06-23 09:00:28 UTC 0 comments
It may surprise you all that I play my trumpet for weddings :P
I actually have one to play at tomorrow (saturday) and I'm nervous :roll: still, im gettin paied $100 :nuts: