
Prototstar15 years ago2008-12-28 21:18:42 UTC 2 comments
You don't often see a real snowman sitting in front of yard during a hot sunny day, do you?

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I was biking and accidentally came across my group of friends playing around with snow they brought over from Big Bear.
Prototstar15 years ago2008-12-28 04:44:23 UTC 0 comments
Sorry I didn't wish you all Merry Christmas on the 24th. :( Hope you all had a nice celebration though.

My dad is still giving me shit, constantly giving me hell and telling me to 'be better than everyone out there' which I alway think, is an impossible goal for anyone...

Winter break is pretty boring most of the time, my family doesn't celebrate any holiday since it seem unnecessary. There aren't much for me to do beside sleep, eat, watch TV or go on PC. However I thought that I should change that habit this year and decided to be much more active. I would bike around my entire town for an hour or try to ride to another nearby town.

Breakdancing is pretty cool. I picked up on it just about almost a week ago. Been practicing on it from half an hour up to four hours with few minutes brake. It's pretty fun. I was able to finally able to drop and do baby freeze in an instant and flexes my legs around. Still trying to work on handglide, Cwalk, 3 steps, and 6 steps.

Won't be long until school open again around mid-January. Hopefully I'll be in good shape by then. :)

Good luck with the New Year Eve, fellows!
Prototstar15 years ago2008-12-09 11:45:35 UTC 9 comments
I'm bored and tired. Almost 6:40AM and woke up at 5:45AM because I had a nightmare that our ex-member from Operation Black Mesa (See Unforseen Consequences new article on our Moddb profile) posted a download URL containing our shitty alpha build. I rarely dream of stuff like this unless something bad will happen during the day.
Been trying to learn how to manually make SSBump and Blending Textures to work neatly in the last weekend. This is the time I wish Valve would release some useful information or software for it already.

I'm planning to release the source files for my Vacant map so other mappers can modify it and have it properly optimized and compile for play at long as they credit me. Sick of people PM'ing me and having it sitting on my HDD make me feel guilty for not getting around to releasing it.
Prototstar15 years ago2008-11-16 06:52:37 UTC 5 comments
I want to start off on my journal with ranting about how annoying cat really is as a pet.

It started with a stray cat wandered on to our property- I assumed, by accident. It was at night, about an hour after 9PST. Gray and white 'camo' cat, female. My family didn't think much of it and thought the little cat would be gone in several days. Apparently we were wrong. So little by little we provide food and shelter and my dad decided to keep it. The result from taming this cat went from cute little gentle feline to annoying-getting-on-everybody-nerve pet.. Honestly, I can't stand it god damn 'meow' every two minutes. It's too repetitive and noisy and get on my freaking nerve. This cat is an attention whore or should I dare say, majority of the felines are. It would jump and take up half of my chair and refuse to sleep on my lap thus making me sit on edge of my chair which feel uncomfortable. She enjoys rubbing against my arm and bother the crap out of me. Really, when can cat ever get enough attention? Doesn't seem enough from what I've already experienced. It spilled my cup of instant noodle, ice cold water, and nearly knock over my playstation 3, my dad's cup full of pens... Well, you get the point. Oh and I forgot to mention it like to claw my computer chair. I'm worried my seven years old computer chair will become torn and unusable. My chihuahua, Sandy, a year old female, isn't like that. She would sleep on my lap and doesn't jump on furniture and knock shit over the place. Doesn't bark unless she hear sounds she doesn't recognizes. Oh and her claws aren't sharp as hell.

God I wish I can drench the cat in gasoline and set her on fire. Can't. Stand. It.

Go dog.

End of rant, hope you're happy. I have a shit load more to say but I figured it would be meaningless to post my full rant about cat.

I happened to release a website template scripted from HTML and CSS. Called Resentiment after a HL1 project I was going to work on.

I'm planning to release two packs of textures for Goldsource Engine.
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And a new map project I'm working on for Sven Coop. Layout is all done, just need to throw in map details, custom textures, and finish the script. It's more of a rescue the VIP.
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I also reads Trapt's journal that had quote of the Steam troll. God I can't believe a person so pathetic hang around Valve community forum. If he think L4D is a sexist and racist game, then he should consider boycotting every Valve games. Half Life doesn't have female character. Counter strike have neither black, woman, or asian. Team Fortress doesn't have black or woman character. His reasons are bullshit. His mind is bullshit. He sound like... oh, Jack Thompson!

Clearly, Valve is implying that females lack the survival skills to withstand a zombie apocalypse with the same tenacity as males such that males have a chance three times better than females in terms of survival.

Bullshit, go play Half Life 2 Episode 2 and Episode 3.

Is Valve implying that women lack the upper body strength to hold anything but a pistol?

Go play Half Life, Half Life 2 Episode 3 and Episode 2. Alyx was kicking ass with sniper rifle, shotgun, and her custom pistol.

Furthermore, none of the characters depicted are of Hispanic, Indian, or East-Asian decent, indicating that Valve believes that members of these races are "unfit" to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Get real, you're trying to say Valve should include 10 more characters to cover the races so it doesn't look discriminating and to make them 'fit'? How about you do it yourself buddy?

Secondly, the characters portrayed in the "teaser" video are not even close to being ideal role models for a young child.

Hey pal, this game is made for mature audience that can tolerate contents. How many games are there that have characters that are not an ideal role models for young child? A ton of them. Also it is the parent responsibility to teach their child the right and wrong, as well as common sense. Not the game.

Even worse is that he delivers this message immediately after firing a shotgun held with only one arm, which is an incredibly unsafe practice.

Welcome to the virtual world. This is a game jackass, and don't you realize that it's part of Francis's character?

When Louis, the African American man, sees the hoard of infected coming, he can only use an expletive known as "the S word" to express his anxiety. Is Valve further playing on racial stereotypes and depicting African Americans as unsophisticated members of society who lack the linguistic ability to express their feelings without using swearwords? Even disregarding the racial implications of his utterance, the word in and of itself is incredibly offensive. And let me tell you, I was even more shocked to find that the word was not uttered one time, not even twice, but three times in rapid succession. I certainly do not want my son exposed to this language, nor be taught to use it in such a brazen manner

Are you trying to imply what Louis does is uncommon and because he is black? I've seen many people swear when they're spooked, being chased, in a state of danger, in pain, or whatever terrible condition. Swearing in game is uncommon. Deal with it. Your son will be exposed to such language anyway in the real world. Oh and let me tell you a story; Once upon a time I was playing hockey at school with my friends. My fellow mate accidentally slammed my middle finger with his stick and I end up screaming 'AH MY FUCKING FINGER!" because it very painful and it felt like someone hammered my finger joint.

And learn how to spell the word "for" without using a numeral.
Before correcting a large famous company, try and learn the internet first. Oh and they can spell 'for.'

Edit: I've had a bad day hence all the negative entry. =\
Prototstar15 years ago2008-11-10 04:27:26 UTC 5 comments
I'm now hosted on Svencoop 4 fansite. :)

I'll begin using it to place my works there whether it's released, wips, or abandoned. Free web templates, scripts, maps, models, arts, photos, and possibly blogging.

Anyhow, I released a small textures pack for Goldsource Engine this time.
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And I also made a website template which can be use for setting up a mod website. It'll be available on Tuesday at my new hosted forums.

Working on new textures for Source Engine as well. :)
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In short, I'm drowning myself in my own works.
Prototstar15 years ago2008-10-20 01:53:03 UTC 3 comments
I got CoH: OF about a week ago and have enjoyed it since. I despite the game for dragging me away from my projects. I modded my CoH to obtain large pop. capacity so I can mass defense against 4 Expert AIs. :D

I submitted this screenshot for Interloper 'Dream' Map Battle Idea was to display gnomes and their haven. Now it would be great if I could give them different emotion and posing which I can't because I'm not modeler. :(
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Prototstar15 years ago2008-07-29 05:37:59 UTC 4 comments
I can't stress how much I enjoys listening to classic rock music.


I don't know what to say.


I'm afraid I have wasted enough of your time...

oh! Wait!

Look down further.

You're about to see something amazing...

Ah! A mighty doodle I made...
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Wait, I got more.

Scroll down a be deeper.

And deeper.

And deeper..



That's right, faster...

Oh wait, you're getting there!

Oh no! Here it cum!
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An epic doodle me and my friend made while in a public chatroom. We freaked everyone out. I feel proud. It's a picture of a box with monster and tentacles coming out. Shit eating baby with half of his head cut clean off being stabbed by someone and that weird pink creature is running away.

To make up for your wasted time, here are WIP of my map I'm currently working on. It's 80% done. :) I hope you guys know where this came from.

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Anyway, one last thing:

Today I hate Steam. Can't stress it enough.
Prototstar15 years ago2008-07-21 16:31:29 UTC 5 comments
I'm not sure if any of you ever play Runescape once but I used to be a huge fan of that game when I was a kid and I still play it once in a while just to chat with friends. Now, wouldn't it be cool if players are given guns instead of swords? What about Havok physic rather than animated death sequences? Oh oh, how about all those funky awesome shaders with HDR and bloom? rather than those boring pixel bland world? There have been couple of Runescape levels release for Half Life but I'm not sure about Half Life 2. Anyway, I present you the screenshot of Doric's place, where you met that ugly little dwarf in his lonely shack and his anvils.

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I thought it would be great to bring certain Runescape location to Source just to have players go crazy on it. Anyway, enough of chitchat about Runescape.

I don't recall how many kill streaks I got a couple days ago but I'm assuming it was 23 or 27 kill streaks with my sniper class. Godlike :D. What I wish CoD4 would have is dismemberment and gore. Lot of them. It's boring to see blood popped out behind their head when you headshot them with .50 Cal. Honestly, a .50 Cal Barret sniper rifle would blow their head in to pieces or tear their arms off. When I see stuff like that it give me adrenaline and make the game much more reason to play. Now I feel like you're thinking I'm a psycho or somewhere along those line.

So yeah.. Playing CoD4 on my PS3 is really fun. If anyone wanna play with me, then add 'prototstar'. :)

Oh, and about Operation Black Mesa, website is finally up. We're still in the progress of updating our forums.
Prototstar15 years ago2008-07-09 01:28:27 UTC 6 comments
I had a dentist appointment today. It was a total waste of time and gasoline. I went for a scheduled check up. Everything was fine. I wants my 2 hours life back. NOW.

Guess what? OBM media release is finally out today.

Following the last update from January 30th, 2008, the Operation Black Mesa Team has finally published a media release with houndeye, shocktrooper, concept arts, and many more.

The team is short on members so we're seeking new applicants. If you have the skills we're looking for then don't hesitate to apply today at our forums.

Go over to our forums for the entire view on the media release. The screens are relatively large however. :)

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Prototstar15 years ago2008-07-03 02:49:33 UTC 0 comments
Second journal entry! Whooah....

Operation Black Mesa media release is coming soon! Check the Moddb regularly for it. Sadly I'll miss it because I got a dentist appointment for checkup.

I joined Zombie Mod Source on FPSB a week ago as a level designer. My first ZMS map is close to it first beta and will hopefully be included in the first beta of ZMS. For those who don't know, ZMS is more of like a CSS zombie mod made as a seperate mod for Half Life 2 Deathmatch.

I wanna complain about how fast the school is starting but I don't have anything interesting to say at the moment. Maybe next entry.

Anyone know when Armored Core 4: For Answer going to come out to US?
Prototstar15 years ago2008-06-24 18:43:59 UTC 6 comments
HEy yay, my first journal entry. I didn't notice the journal entry feature on this site until now. :S I'm not sure whether the blog entry support HTML or BBCode. Would be great if it support a preview option, wouldn't it?

It's summer over here down in southern California and the heat is cooling off this week. That's a plus because in the past few days the temperature has been averaging around mid 90 to over 105 farhenheit. I could hardly work outside around the yard without loosing focus and feeling nuasea. At the moment I'm typing this I am also having my 27th glass of ice cold water.

Anyway, I've got a huge load of works waiting for me to finish. That includes working on Pit Worm's Nest for Source, releasing beta version of Catalysm map for Garry's Mod, working on a new texture set for public, finishing map for the Interloper Map Battle #25, finishing restaurant menus for my mom, work on websites, and cut our lawn.

I'm also learning to map in UnrealED 3. I'm quite amazed by how easy and quick it is to design a level compared to Valve Hammer Editor. I love the 'carving out' the room idea. No need to worry about aligning primitives to seal the room...

One awfully long blog by me. Yes, that's my habit. :)