Big, big, big, big problem.
To graduate from my high school, seniors need to complete a culminating exhibition on the topic of their choice. So, because I already know something about it, I took the easy way out and did multiplayer design for the Source engine.
Problem is, there's a ton of damn paperwork and I can't even start the project because I don't have a mentor. (Someone who basically checks off that my goals are good goals at the beginning and at the end checks off that I met them.) It's incredibly easy for them but I haven't managed to find a single person who can so this for me, it's maddening seeings how i only have barely over a month left to finish this project.
Do any of you know someone I could talk to? They have to be at least 21 and have something to do with game design. I'm knee-deep in crap right now, and I need all the help I can get.