
Squirll19 years ago2004-11-08 14:11:12 UTC 0 comments
looks like i may end mapping. ben like a year since i last came here.
ive gone into java programming and smithing.ive just played my first cs game in months.
Squirll20 years ago2004-06-09 16:40:11 UTC 0 comments
ive benn gone for...a long time.
im loseing intrest not only in mapping but in half life and many other things. i assume i just need a while.
Ive gotten more intto guittar and medevil weaponry/armor.
Squirll20 years ago2004-05-20 18:02:08 UTC 0 comments
great news. i found a really great wicken shop near me in port jervis.
i spoke with the shopkeeper and she is actually willing to display and sell my work!!!!
for a decent 4in1 shirt i can probabally make a $250 profit.
Squirll20 years ago2004-04-28 09:52:31 UTC 0 comments
upon playing cs i mett an interesting fellow by the name of Tech.
he had an interesting entitity that i dont know the name of. the ent allowed you to copy and move objects and basicly build things in game!

tooday i met him again in sven co op on his server and he was doing the same thing, he woulddent give the ent to anybody or say what it was. However, since i mentioned i could map he said he would give it to me. no he cant map.

apparently a friend of his started a mod but never finished it, and he wants me to finish it. i cant mod yet. hell i cant even map well. ill find out more tonight.
Squirll20 years ago2004-04-23 16:05:13 UTC 0 comments
this is a day. yep.
nothin much....
im hungry.
Squirll20 years ago2004-03-24 06:38:44 UTC 0 comments
Iv gained more allies. the attack will comence soon. After we breach the gate we will be invinceble! we...oh fck wrong journal. ummm

I did stuff on hl tooday. nothing else.
Squirll20 years ago2004-03-22 06:03:51 UTC 0 comments
Ive reached an all time high, or low.
For 3 days now evry time i left a cs game i was in first.
There wer 8 games in total, ive mostly benn playing my new copy of Final Fantasy 11 online.
Squirll20 years ago2004-03-15 06:29:33 UTC 0 comments
wow this journal is kinda useless.
as i belive i have shouted i got sushi, it was good.
Squirll20 years ago2004-03-11 14:18:18 UTC 0 comments
hmm hi journal.