
hazardous!19 years ago2005-05-13 13:02:23 UTC 0 comments
Didn't do anything here for quite a while.
Well, after all, a new avatar. :)
hazardous!19 years ago2004-11-13 14:50:15 UTC 0 comments
1000000000b Logins!

Took me a while, as school keeps me very busy at the time.
Hopefully not too busy for the current compo.
Folks, send your stuff in!
hazardous!20 years ago2004-07-24 13:52:00 UTC 0 comments
I'm afraid it's official now. TWHL is dead.
All the good people are leaving.
I was just about to become a member of the family and now it's over.
Maybe there's is a way to save at least something.
We'll see.
hazardous!20 years ago2004-07-22 09:05:42 UTC 0 comments
100000000b Logins!!!
And I'm having more trouble with my PC than ever before.
After finally getting back my mainboard after 2 months of abstinence, the soundchip of it doesn't work.
And the two PCI soundcards, I tried out, don't have working Win2K drivers.
hazardous!20 years ago2004-06-21 04:31:18 UTC 1 comment
Hehe 2^7 loggins.
Or: 10000000b loggins.
hazardous!20 years ago2004-06-20 12:14:03 UTC 0 comments
Hehehe. Only four days till summer holidays. Then I'm gonna drop thousands of maps on the vault.
Muharhar. :nuts:
And of course I will participate in ever single compo I can find.
Right now I got two running. BrattyLord's 'escape'-compo and the 'build a machine'-compo here.
Stay tuned!
hazardous!20 years ago2004-06-12 11:57:11 UTC 0 comments
Wheeeeeeee! :) :) :)
Finally I got an Internet connection at home.
From now on, I can get on your nerves all the time. :D
me <-- is soo happy!
hazardous!20 years ago2004-06-08 23:54:45 UTC 0 comments
My life sux! School result drop beyond everything one could imagine and my f**king mainboard crashed 3 weeks ago. Mapping on a 400Mhz and 64MB RAM machine is soo ... terrible.
'Oh no, not I! I will survive!' as Gloria Gaynor'd sing.